Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 361: Terror Of A SpaceDemon 1

Chapter 361: Terror Of A SpaceDemon 1

“HAHAHAHAHAHA, The Very first true space demon, hahaha…” Atherston laughed out loud like a madman before immediately his eyes turned frigging cold all of a second.

“You’re a vastly ignorant kid. What you have become will cause your end. And now that you have ripped off my bloodline, then there’s no need to bring in those familial words, is there? After all, they only traditionally work when the bloodline is one isn’t it?”

“Completely fine by me…” Quinn replied not at all giving it a thought as the silence in the place reached a deafening level. Before finally, Atherston pointed at Quinn.

“Kill him…” He ordered coldly as the two middle-aged men slowly walked forward from behind him.

“Tch, just as expected of a bastard coward…” Quinn said clicking his tongue as Atherston’s eyes furrowed.

He could have simply taken a simple step forward and ended Quinn himself but he didn’t.


Because he was scared. Scared of Quinn’s confidence. When talking his eyes held no respect at all, but sometimes, boldness might just be just a sign of a greater fear within. But when he looked deep into Quinn’s eyes. There was no fear at all.

How could one not feel fear when standing before a figure who has reached the peak of humanity?

The last thing Atherston wants to do is get close to a suicidal space demon. So, he asked the two clansmen to go first. He wanted to see just what this crazy son of his was hiding. But it seems he caught the façade and ruthlessly mocked him again for it.

“You lack respect and every word that comes out of your mouth is all shitty and disrespectful. How can the truth come out of a mouth like yours…” One of the middle-aged men asked as Quinn slowly removed his gaze from Atherston and extremely slowly, his gaze locked onto the figure who just spoke.

Immediately, Eron felt his blood suddenly turn cold within him and for a single second, all forms of blood flow within his body suddenly stopped. An incredible cold surrounded his heart as his mouth dropped to the ground and he simply stood rigged to where he was.

“You don’t understand at all. And you never will…” Quinn said out loud, but what shocked Eron was the fact that one of the words rang out from the front and the other.

“Eh.” And right in front of him was a Quinn whose blue eyes flashing with red locked directly on him.

“Your blood flow, your heartbeat. Your pulse rises and descent. Your Voidspace Mana flow. I can feel everything. Everything, with a much greater clarity than I can see the lines on my palms.” Quinn whispered softly as his hands stretched forward and landed on Roel’s shoulder.

“Go to hell…” Eron roared out as he raised in other hand into a punch, his hands brimming with a powerful blue aura that fractured space around it but in the next second, Quinn’s nail dug into his shoulders and immediately the blue light covering his entire arm dispersed as he threw out the punch due to the momentum and it landed on Quinn’s unprotected chest.


What followed was the sound of bones being crushed and getting inhumanely twisted apart as Eron’s eyes widened looking at his hand.

It was like he punched the thickest moutain in the world!

And raising his head he could see Quinn looking at him with a bored expression.

“You… What the hell are you!?”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. You lack a brain. Have you forgotten a fact? No matter the technique or move, mana must first revolve through the entire body. And If I can sense how even a single mote of mana in your body revolves. Then simply tweaking a single one away from the balance will collapse the flow and render your move useless…” Quinn said with a deadpan expression and this time, it was Atherston himself who gasped in shock.

“Are you slowly comprehending that fact? The fact that…” Quinn said as he leaned his mouth to Eron’s ears.

“I am your natural predator…”




The sound of something tearing through the flesh echoed out as Quinn’s hands violently tore through Eron’s ribcage and his hand came out of his back.

Blood spilled out of the man’s mouth uncontrollably as his shocked eyes looked into those deadpan expressions.

“Goodbye…” That was the last word it heard as Quinn’s hands ripped out from his chest and the man slowly fell unceremoniously from the air as he landed on the ground and was reduced to paste due to falling from such an incredible height.

Instantly, A Peak Cosmic Rank Stage Being Was Killed Without Any Form of resistance at all, and by a middle Cosmic Rank no less…

“That is impossible…” Commander Leviron roared out in disbelief as he looked at Quinn in the air who was holding an object within his palms. An object pumping within his grasp. Even Commander Sigrid’s eyes widened in pure horrific shock as he looked at Quinn standing in the air before his eyebrows deeply furrowed.

‘He was able to stop his mana flow and cancel the revolution. It should be normally impossible for even a Peak Cosmic Rank stage to stop the mana flow of an Early Meteor rank stage. Yet Quinn who was a middle meteor rank stage can do that to a peak meteor rank stage

‘Could it really be, that the reason why the Voidspace family wanted all the Space Demons dead was because they were their natural predator? If so, we can’t afford to lose him…’ Commander Sigrid said as he immediately brought out his communication device as he rapidly tapped on it as quickly as he could.

Looking at the heart within his grasp, Quinn released it as he dropped down toward the dead body of Eron.

And slowly he turned his gaze to the second man, who kept looking between the dead body of the man and Quinn himself…

“You’re next…”

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