Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 356: Vornek, The Gluttonous Dragon

Chapter 356: Vornek, The Gluttonous Dragon




The sound of an alarm clock ringing echoed throughout the gigantic well-furnished bedroom where a strange beast could be seen, loud thunderous snow and puffs of white hair escaping its nose every time it yawned,

The beast’s entire body reached a shocking size and length of almost three meters and its entire body was coated in beautiful golden scales that shone beautifully like stars in the night sky.

His face held home to a gigantic snort filled with rows and rows of sharp teeth and a small golden-colored nose at its tip.

The sound of the ringing alarm clock stirred the gigantic beast on the bed, and slowly, without, opening its eyes, its hands rose upwards as one of its golden-colored claws moved out and tapped on the stop button, effectively stopping the ringing throughout the entire room.


Its gigantic maw opened wide revealing an unending blackhole as the beast yawned loudly before opening its golden-coloured eyes.

“AHH, another glorious morning,” It spoke as it tried to stand up to its feet only for its head to slam on the ceiling of the roof as the gigantic beast its head back down while robbing his claws on them.

” Tch, who was that god-forsaken architect who built this damn room.

The beast roared out in protest and in the next second, a bright golden halo erupted from within its body, quickly covering its entire figure but in the next minute, it dispersed just as quickly as it came and strangely the gigantic beast was no more. Now in its place was a muscular young man reaching a height of 1.9 meters with very long golden hair and eyes.

If Zeras had seen him, he would have immediately identified him to be none other than Vornek.

Slowly he stood up from the bed, his legs still shaky revealing his intense want for sleep but he forced himself as he tried heading for the bathroom.

There wasn’t a single thing that Vornek liked about the EIA, and the thing he hated the most was it having to wake up early rules.

The dragons don’t wake up early. Once they go into a slumber, they can spend two months to a year in slumber before once again waking up while the older dragons sometimes even go into slumber for more than ten years.

But here in the EIA, poor him was forced to always wake up at early in the morning just like the humans.

“Well, it’s not for long anyway…” Vornek muttered to himself and with his back crouched and his eyes holding huge eyebags beneath them, he reluctantly dragged himself away from the bed as he headed directly to the bathroom.

30 minutes later…

A Young man with long golden hair and eyes could be seen standing in front of the mirror. Clothed in the dark red uniform of the EIA, he was no different from other EIA New cadets in the EIA.

The feeling of the cloth on him never changes at all. It looked just as usual, stupid and strange. He didn’t get what the humans were even covering. He had always preferred to stay in his dragon form in all and every situation. But due to the damn protocol, he had to always wear the uniform which automatically forced him to always remain in his human form.

Done with the dressing part for the day, the next thing was the most important and maybe the single thing he loved about the EIA.

Moving out of the bedroom, in a small corner just beside it was a dining room and immediately, Vornek swagged towards it, a small skip to his steps as he arrived before the fridge, which would really be better than a gigantic wardrobe and brought out a well-covered gigantic tray reaching up to 0.5 meters in length and breath.

Without even a single grunt, he carried the entire plate with a single hand before shutting back the fridge and then he headed for the chair as he placed the tray on the table and took his seat.

The spoon and fork and the mug of water were already placed where they ought to be. Everything had been arranged by him the previous night. Being the only thing in the world worth his preparation for the other day.

After all, the fastest way for a dragon to cultivate was to simply eat more. So, taking his food eating seriously was the same as cultivating hard.

In one swift motion, the cover was removed and flung to the wall, followed by the scent of beautiful aroma filling the entire room as Vornek’s mouth watered. On the late was a gigantic slap of meet, visibly the laps of some gigantic creature. It was steaming hot and all around it were different spicing materials that made Vornek give the most beautiful smile to the world.

This was why he loved the EIA. This is simply legendary cooking. Something that couldn’t be found back in his home world.

And without wasting a single more time, he immediately began skilfully wielding his fork and knife with such a familiarity level it would have put the inventors of the mode of feasting to shame.

A minute later.

“BLUUUUUUUURGH” A satisfying beldge escaped his mouth that strangely widened to his ears as Vornek collapsed onto his chair breathing in and out as if he had just gone through a battle with a celestial being.

“Ahhh, this is the definition of true enjoyment.” He said to himself, shutting his eyes to appreciate the blissful moment when suddenly…



His watch suddenly rang loudly as his golden eyes snapped open in shock and he looked at the content of the notification.

[Personal Notification]

[Commander Leviron: Hey glutton. Come meet me in the EIA, Headquarters on the 17th floor. Right now! Your Pal has a message for you…”

“Hmmm, what is that shameless old foggy up to again this time….” Vornek mused loudly but still he was already up on his feet in the next second as he immediately moved towards the exit.

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