Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 353: Zeras, The King Of Bootlickers...

Chapter 353: Zeras, The King Of Bootlickers…

[Hmm I never thought of it like that…]

“That is because you never left the EIA. We were within so we saw no problem until we were out of it. It’s just like gravity. One wouldn’t even know it exists until one tries to exit it by jumping off from the ground. Only then would its effect be noticed.

Now that I have no organization with me, it is just like how I started in the first place. Just me and the system…” Zeras mused with a smile on his face. Now he wasn’t even sure whether the decision he made that time was even a good one.

“My second advantage is that, three years from now. I’ll be labeled dead to the entire world…” Zeras said, a glint flashing in his eyes.

“Three years now, the world would presume me dead. The. EIA, The nine families, the Celestria family. It is just like the case with Adrian. The EIA thought he was dead and that gave him time to build an organization that could rival it. Sometimes being termed dead, might have its advantages. It is also one of the tools that I have under my belt right now. One that I would never have if this event had ever happened…” Zeras said with a smile.

[Why does the system feel like the host is crafting something evil?]

“Evil? That is an understatement. This time, I’ll blow up with a big bang. Just because I get crippled doesn’t me it is already my end. No! This is just the beginning. And my goals remain the same, the only exception is that this time, I’ll be striking from the shadows, and all my enemies will have no idea I even exist…” Zeras said as a devilish grin lined his lips so much, that they reached up to his ears and his dark eyes turned even a shade darker…

“Hey, system,” Zeras said as his expression turned soft and his evil eyes became puppy eyes.


“You know well there was a time, I was helpless. Thrown away into the abyss, my body paralyzed and life slowly seeping out of it. Do you know there was such a time?” Zeras asked as he waited for the next three seconds before the notification panel appeared.


“And when I was dying. An inch from stepping into my grave. An inch from being eternally doomed. A light bloomed in front of me. An angel of my life. He came and he rescued me. He saved me from eternal doom and pitch darkness that threatened to devour me. He was the savior of my life. Do you know who that was?” Zeras asked with a melancholic expression.

[Hmph, I don’t know….] The system replied as Zeras grinned evilly to himself although he made sure to keep his melancholic face.

“The savior of my puny, worthless life. The angel from the highest heavens. That person was none other than your system. You the mightiest system carrying the mightiest bloodline in the entire limitless galaxy.

[You’re an idiot. The Chaos devourer system is the only system in the first place and it is the mightiest bloodline in all of Takamagahara. Not just your puny infinite galaxy…] The system shot back at him as Zera’s face dropped.

“Forgive my insolence. After all, how can my puny mind understand your mightiness…” Zeras bootlicked even more.

[Well, that’s a good point…]

“All jokes apart. You really saved me system. I truly would have been dead since the first time I was in that abyss in that lab. It’s only because of you that I am alive. And I understand I really have been stupid. I thought I was the talented one. I had a gene that could infinitely level up. I thought I was better than you and often ignored your advice. Ignoring the advice of a mighty one that has lived for countless eons. Now I really wonder if my decisions have been wise or stupid…

[Stop sugarcoating it. You know well you are stupid…] The system replied as Zera’s eyes quivered repeatedly.

“How can I refuse? And now I am sinking into the abyss once again. The entire world has once again turned its back on me. I have fallen from the highest positions and now sinking downwards. Only three more years to live and a strength that is not even worthy of mentioning. Even the EIA, which I have fervently obeyed and had always bossed him around couldn’t save me at all. Nobody could save me. None, except a single person. A person who is the most mighty in all of the entire Takamaghara. A being whose strength is beyond comprehension. A being who before, not just the earth but the entire world is not worth mentioning. Do you know who that is?”

[Hmph, I don’t know.]

“It is none other than you, system. You’re the mightiest of all existence, aren’t you?

“Of course, I am]

“You’re the most powerful, the strongest, the boundless. Aren’t you?”

[Hmph, of course I am,]

“Is there something in the entirety of all existence that you can’t do?”

[Of course, there isn’t]

“Is there a problem in the entirety of all existence that is even worth mentioning before you…”

[Of course, there isn’t]

“So is a simple mana core loss even something worth mentioning before your presence.”

[hmph, of course, it’s not…]

“So please, I beseech your mightiness. Please overlook my idiocy and stupidity. You’re the only one who can help me. So please, please help this puny one…” Zeras said as he got on both knees and kowtowed repeatedly.



“I beg you…”


“Pretty please…”


“I’m begging you. You’re the only one who can solve this problem of mine…”


“Or is it that you can’t solve my problem?”

[Tch, of course not.]

“Then help me. This time, I promise to be a good host, huh? And forgetting that, how could a host bonded to your mightiness be a cripple. It is a shame that will forever stain your mighty robes. So please…”

[Hmmm. Ahh, fine! You twisted my wings. I’ll help you…]

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