Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 344: Might Of Three Devilish Children 3

Chapter 344: Might Of Three Devilish Children 3

Might Of the Three Devilish Children 3

Hundreds of skyscrapers smashing downward toward a person. Even the most powerful gene awakeners would have their heart grow cold at the side but the same couldn’t be said for Zordan who immediately, got into a battle stance before slashing five times into the air,


Like a knife through butter, the skyscrapers were immediately sliced to pieces, and immediately, Zordan slashed forward once again, and instantly, the skyscrapers were reduced to rubbles, as they rained down from above like a waterfall.

And immediately, Rihanna rose higher into the air, before pointing at the ground which Zordan was standing on. Immediately, the space in front of her fingers rippled as Zordan’s face changed and he hurriedly disappeared from where he stood. A split second later, a gigantic abyss appeared on the ground he formerly stood on.


The top of the skyscraper shook crazily as Zordan landed on it crouched as he looked at the place he was formerly standing on with furrowed eyebrows.

“Spatial manipulation?” He mused before his eyes turned to look at Rihanna who was once again pointing his hands towards him…






For the next few seconds, the entire skyscraper and floor were immediately torn apart into large dust crumbs while the floor was immediately reduced to a gigantic abyss on the ground.

Around the area, a dark figure flashed around with a horrifying speed of Mach 12, tearing sand barriers 12 times with a single step.

Zordan kept running around the place with all his speed. He had been completely trapped and didn’t have a single second to even slash his Katana. Slashing his katana if it’ll be any use would take a split second, but if he dared wait for a single second, then he’d be immediately ripped apart.

“Tch, really a monstrous genius…” Zordan said with a smirk before suddenly he pointed the tip of his sword towards Rihanna.

“Death sword book, fifth form, Omnipotence tear…” Zordan whispered and immediately, Rihanna stopped pointing and instead raised her hand to her forward and grabbed onto the air.



Immediately the space around her fist was shattered into pieces revealing the strange phantom of a katana edge just an inch from her head.


Immediately she exerted strength in her fingers as the sword immediately cracked to pieces and instantly, a figure appeared just an inch behind, his right eye oozing with an intense dark, while his right hand lay on his sword sheath, ready to deliver another earth-shattering attack.

But Rihanna didn’t even bother turning back as she simply swerved her right hand to the side and Zordan who was behind her had his face changed as he felt the control on his own body immediately disappear and immediately he was sent smashing to the side with speed.


“Death Sword Book, fourth form, Soul severing slash…” He whispered gently before slashing forward with horrifying speed towards Rihanna, his Katana back in their sheath a second later.




Hundreds of skyscrapers immediately had a hole blown through them as Zordan’s body smashed into them disappearing into the distance with speed.


Instantly, Zordan’s sword also flashed forward with intense speed towards Rihanna, who just like before simply threw out a simple punch at the side but was shocked and speechless when the sword completely ignored her punch and immediately slashed at her.

Her eyes looked at her body she didn’t have any sign of injury but in the next second, she dropped onto the ground unceremoniously before…


Blood burst out of her mouth as horrific red veins wriggled in her pupils and she clenched her teeth tightly. The pain wasn’t on her body but directly on her soul itself. Immediately, she flared out her soul power as the red veins in her hands disappeared and she stood upright, already having cured the wound.

Looking up at the sky, she saw remnants of darkness and a gigantic sword mark in the sky that opened to the sky.

“Tch, he escaped. Good Choice…” She mused to herself before walking towards the powersharrer who was currently sitting on the ground.

Arriving just an inch from him, Rihanna slowly stretched out her hands towards his forehead, and the space rippled and her hands appeared at the opposite side of the barrier.

Rihanna looked at her hand which was on the other side and couldn’t but raise her eyebrows.

“A barrier with the ability of Spatial Transference. Interesting…” She muttered to herself as she took her hands away from the barrier and slowly walked backward…

Getting in a running position, an intense pink aura burst out from her body before suddenly, it tightly coated her body forming some sort of strange pink barrier on her entire body.

Instantly cracks enveloped in strange pink light began appearing underneath her feet and instantly, she burst out with speed, disappearing from where she stood after a single step and appearing twenty meters behind Elador.

Looking at the body of the powersharrer, slowly his body collapsed onto the ground as blood oozed out his neck like a tap quickly drowning his entire body.

Rihanna stopped as pink gas puffed out of her mouth and nose, her chest heaving up and down crazily.

Raising her hands she looked at the head in her grasp a mocking smirk on her face looking at the pure horror in his eyes.

“How strong is the spatial transference set up by an early cosmic rank idiot,” Rihanna whispered as he flung the head to the side and jumped up onto one of the skyscrapers.

“With him dead, they should be arriving soon…” She thought to herself, as she reclined on the walls and slept off.

But instantly, her eyes opened wide as she felt a middle-aged man slowly walk towards her from above.

“Coammander Sigird..” Rihanna asked standing to her feet but couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the white haired figure on Commander Sigrid’s shoulder.

“And who the hell is that?”

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