Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 340: The EIA Brutal Way: Mass Virus Infestation

Chapter 340: The EIA Brutal Way: Mass Virus Infestation

“Hmmm, what’s that…” The question was asked by a Mutant organization official in the underground city as flying cars and those working on legs all stopped and looked at the gigantic clouds of dark where hundreds of such strange dark organisms all buzzed together as if they were some Insects.

The drill poking through the sky was still releasing those strange ‘bees’ endlessly and in less than three minutes, a group of twenty of those large bees was formed once they all descended out of the drill, it immediately went out of the place before the hole in the sky was once again closed back.

Just as how it was in the last few minutes, except now there was a group of bees right in the sky all just buzzing and never moving but when people began to shrug and leave the scene thinking it was probably some environmental testing of the mutant organization.

All the ‘bees’ suddenly descended at the same time, and began buzzing around the group in the street. Their mere size was already enough to send some people screaming, but what really clinched it was when the strange organisms entered into their bodies through their nostrils and their mouths and they all dropped on the ground like flies. The bees came out of their body once they dropped and their victims began spasming.

“Some smart people immediately took a fire extinguisher puffing it around the group of bees which literally worked as all the bees rose into the air before heading deeper into the city but now looking around the city were people laying on the streets.

A kind old lady quickly walked towards one of the victims on the ground as he turned her upwards.

“Are you ok?” She asked the young lady on the ground, but her eyes furrowed together when she saw the strange veins streaking all over the lady’s face and in the next second, her eyes suddenly snapped open, a brilliant crimson blood light in her eyes…

“Are you…” She asked unsure of her words due to the sudden change but her eyes widened in shock and before she could even scream out.



A pair of extremely cold fangs pierced into her neck as her eyes widened to saucer before her entire throat was ripped open as she landed on the ground with a thumb, blood crazily out of her neck like a broken tap…

“I.. ah..” Incomprehensible words from her throat as her fingers twitched continuously before slowly, she went limp and remained unmoving on the ground.




The screams were unending and incredibly sudden as the figures on the ground slowly began rising and attacking the people.

Blood splashed through the streets belonging to those who had now been infected and helpless victims on the street who all had their throats ripped open.

But more chilling was the fact that once the infected drank the blood of their victims, they would begin shifting. Their first difference which was their beaming eyes, became redder while from their hands horrible steel-like claws tore out from them…

Not only did they grow sharper claws which could literally tear apart steel with a simple swipe, but their madness reached a maddening level as they began entering through the buildings and ripping away lives. And with every life ripped, they grow stronger and stronger…

3o minutes later and the entire area was deprived of a single uninfected soul, the streets were quickly covered in a small blood river.

And the ‘bees’ didn’t stop for a single second as they kept spreading through the entire city like wildfire….


In the tallest structure within the underground city…

The gigantic room was filled with the same higher-ups of the mutant organization who were all currently looking at the gigantic scene which demonstrated the EIA in fierce battle…

But what they were battling this time wasn’t some strange mutant beast but actually a strange flying beast with strange tentacles around his body.

One of the images showed that of a particular EIA official fighting with one such creature with a sword in his hand but as he slashed it wasn’t as if the creature never existed as the blade simply passed through it like it was nothing but air.

And immediately the creature’s tentacles wrapped on the head of the official and instantly drilled into his brain and eyes and mouth as he was lifted off his feet and suddenly, a strange white ball was sucked out of his entire body and he was thrown onto the ground with a thump.

Without wasting any single second, the strange creatures swallowed the ball of white that was taken from the man and it was swallowed in a single second.

Instantly, the creature became even more bigger as its sharp tentacles grew even longer and sharper and it instantly moved towards another soldier, killing him instantly before moving to another…

“The Soul Devouring Insect should deal them quite the damage for now…” One of the Mutant Organization higher-ups said with a confident smile on his face and drawing nods of approval from the others but their faces immediately changed as the alarm rang out ceaselessly in the room.

“Immediately the holographic depicting in the war changed replaced by another where the figure of a man dressed in an official mutant organization suit…

“SIRS, we have a problem…” The man said, his clothes already wet due to sweat.

“Calm your heart and tell us what the problem is…” The mutant organization higher-ups all said at the same time.

“Forgive my disrespect sirs, but I think it’ll be good if you can see it yourself…” The man said as the images on the holographic changed and revealed the image of people being ripped apart in the streets by strange gigantic scaled beasts walking on all their fours with crimson red eyes.

Some of such beasts still retained their human feature and it was very clear to see it was humans who morphed into such strange beasts…

“Wait, wait, wait, Isn’t that the failed experimentation of the pale sucker beasts?”

“If it is, then it is a single word…”

“We’re fucked!!”

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