Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 335: Adrian: A Mana Core Devourer!

Chapter 335: Adrian: A Mana Core Devourer!

Raising both hands into the sky, Zeras closed his eyes as he unleashed the last skill present within his arsenal.

He knew well his best bet was to simply use his ultimate transformation which was his very peak of power, but he also knew well with the amount of energy left within him, he wouldn’t be able to activate even a single transformation and if he did, he would only be able to last for probably ten seconds in it, something he knew well Adrian would tear asunder within a fraction of that time.

Now left within his arsenal was the last remnant of the ability left with him. His Chaotic Mana. It was something which at its full potential could rend even stars asunder but he knew well he hadn’t reached that stage yet. But at least he could try.

Therefore, Zeras raised his hands upwards as he began revolving his chaotic Mana around him, in doing so, he painted the emotion of suffering, destruction and rage within his mind but this time, his emotion of rage was different. He knew well this was his graveyard, so he infused the burning rage within that to his chaotic mana before directing it all within the ball.

‘Take everything, even my life, take it all….’ Zeras thought in his head and immediately, his body began shrivelling as all the veins present in Zera’s body showed up all over his skin.


Adrain’s eyes shone with curiosity as he looked at the strange object that suddenly bloomed to life right at the top of Zera’s hand.

It was a small dark chaotic ball that gently burned with a strange dark flame, but he still thought nothing of it as the ball didn’t trigger his warning sense.

But suddenly, the ball began growing and growing and growing and growing while at the same time, Zeras began shrivelling up.

The air around the place blew chaotically, a mini storm of some sort forming around the place, resulting in the clothes of both fighters flapping widely due to the strange astral phenomenon.

Right now, the ball of Chaos that Zeras formed was big enough to contain a car and yet it wasn’t stopping, it was only growing larger as Adrian watched how Zeras kept getting shrivelled up.

“He is giving up all his life essence and natural energy to form that ball. It won’t stop growing until all his life essence has been completely sucked up. Then he would die immediately and the ball would be enough to send me half a step to hell…” Adrian mused to himself and instantly he decided.





Cracks began spreading beneath his feet and instantly he faded away from where he stood appearing a few centimetres before Zeras who at the same time opened his completely grey eyes.

“I’ll be going first…” Zeras mused to Adrian with a wild grin and a split second later, he flung the ball forward towards Adrian whose forward motion came to a stop he immediately tapped his toes on the ground trying to retreat but still he was too slow and he got devoured by the gigantic ball of energy.

Immediately Zeras flung the ball outwards, and he was sent flying back like a ragdoll, rolling on the and a few times before slowly inching to a stop, remaining emotionless.


A colossal roar echoed out from within the chaos ball, followed by the release of an apocalyptic power that shook the entire space.

Inside the chaos ball…

It was like a raging sea storm trying to drown a 0.5-meter boat.

Horrific red veins appeared all over Adrian’s body as his entire body continued shrivelling up strangely and blood poured out uncontrollably from all his five senses.

“5th gene, open. Hands of a thousand demons!” Adrian roared out loud in rage and immediately two more arms tore out from his upper and lower armpit, this one twice bigger than his regular arm and filled with strange horrific runes.


A devastating roar surged out from his mouth as Adrian began pounding at the ball. The longer he took in the ball, the more he realized an unbelievable truth.

His Life Essence Was Getting Sucked Out.




After punching repeatedly like a madman, cracks spread across the place and immediately Adrian’s hand reached out from the crack as he violently pulled at it. Immediately, the cracks gave way as the edge of the chaos ball was split open asunder and Adrian immediately tried to use that as an exit when suddenly


The ball exploded in on itself, and Adrian unfortunately was still trying to jump out of the ball, making him bear the full brunt of the power.

A mushroom of energy rose into the air, reaching up to the clouds. Space shattered like glasses shooting out in all directions, and immediately the entire world seemed to have been halted in that instance as an ear-shattering shockwave rippled out with horrific power, the entire land for 10 kilometres reduced to bare earth.

1 minutes later…

The shockwaves finally resided and on the ground was an endless abyss formed from the explosion. Silence reigned for the next three minutes when suddenly a bloodied hand appeared at the edge of the abyss and a frail figure with scanty red hair slowly pulled himself up.

The figure was none other than Adrian. Except right now he looked like Adrian a thousand years later.

“Tch, what a hassle…” Adrian thought to himself as his eyes looked around the place and he sighted the emotionless figure of Zeras in the sand. A step at a time and with a vein popping on his head, he began working towards it and soon arrived in front of him.

“Oh? He is a morpher?” Adrian thought with a strange expression as he looked at the young man and noticed, his face had changed a lot. This was probably his real face.

“Hmph, damn EIA,” Adrian muttered before suddenly he looked past Zera’s face and his eyes locked into the area just below Zera’s navel.

And instantly

“6th gene, open. Claws Of The Mana Core Devourer…” He said with a smirk and his right hand morphed into strange claw brimming with devilish red runes and instantly his hands ripped into Zeras’s navel whose eyes snapped open as he gasped before Adrian forcefully pulled out an object from Zera’s navel.

“ARRRRRRRRGH” A groan of pain escaped Zeras lips as his eyes became littered with red veins that twisted and turned like snakes.

But Adrian didn’t pay that a single attention and instead looked at the object in his grasp, a golden-coloured ball mixed in with remnants of dark.

And that was none other than Zeras’s Mana Core!

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