Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 327: Calm Before The Storm...

Chapter 327: Calm Before The Storm…

In the EIA Headquarters…

The gigantic room was filled with hundreds and hundreds of EIA officials all working on their various computers. At the topmost front of the computer laid an extra gigantic computer covering the entire forward section and on the screen was a map with a blinking red dot that was continuously moving around the place, albeit slower as time went by.

Suddenly the door to the room creaked open and a white-haired figure entered the room. Once the EIA officials sighted the man, they all immediately stood up as the words rang out in unison.

“We have seen the higherup…”

“Oh please. Keep up with the hard work…” Commander Sigrid said waving all of them off as they continued on their work while he walked towards the man standing in front of the gigantic screen.

“Commander…” the middle-aged man with luscious dark hair and a spectacle in his eyes greeted bowing his head a little but immediately rose back up when he felt the hand squeeze his shoulder and gently tap on it.

Both men then turned to face the gigantic screen or most importantly the red dot blinking repeatedly in and out.

“How far have you gone with the tracking…” Commander Sigrid said, expectation mixed in with heaviness in his voice.

“We first noticed a stable location which was in an ever-changing motion. We believe this was where the Mutant Organization was located. But sometime now, the location of the tracker changed and we tracked down where it was. It was just an aboriginal planet beyond the scope of Earth. The location remained constant for two weeks but just a few hours back, it returned to the initial position which we think is where the Mutant Organization was.

We hypothesize that he went on the first mission of the Mutant Organization and it took two weeks and now he’s once again back in the Mutant Organization base. If we were only sure the Mutant Organization was truly in that location for around a probability rate of 60%, now we can be sure it truly was the main base of the mutant organization by 90%…” Officer Konrow gave the entire summary of what happened in the duration of the tracking.

“That is really great, Konrow.” Commander Sigrid said amazement flashing in his eyes, the summary might make everything look overly simple but he knew well what it takes to track down a person throughout an indefinite expanse of space such as the infinite galaxy.

“We’ve tracked down the approximate location of the Mutant Organization. We were able to do this by finally understanding how the galaxy revolver works and we are now able to get its approximate location to around a probability of 90% surety for the next hour. We’re safe to move now, commander…” Officer Konrow said as a glint flashed in Commander Sigrid’s eyes.

“Good, Konrow. Good. The EIA will be relying on you to find out the Mutant organization base. Keep up the good work…” Commander Sigrid said as Officer Konrow gave a respectful bow and Commander Sigrid exited the lab.

Arriving back at the balcony, he took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly before his hands reached towards the device in his pocket.

Bringing it out in one fluid motion, he played around with the interface before raising the device to his eras…

“Sigrid, the council of the board has been gathered for the past three hours waiting for this call. So, what do you say…”



30 minutes later…

Outside the EIA, thousands of gigantic spaceships, each of weird shapes and sizes were orderly arranged in space all filled to the brim with EIA combatants armed to the teeth.

Standing in space itself were two people. One was commander Sigrid and the other was another commander who Zeras would have immediately recognized to be commander Leviron.

“What are their total numbers and how much damage can they do in the span of a few seconds…” Commander Sigrid asked looking at the sea of spaceships below him.

“There is a total of 10,000 Cosmic Rank each with destructive abilities and also all equipped with Techno-upsilon grade armory. The Elite rankings soldiers have been carefully mixed among them, the lowest at a stage above the Rising Star rank. The entire fleet has been divided based on a total of ten categorizations and those of the Combat operation departments take a total of 60% followed by the interdimensional department that takes a total of 30% and other necessary departments taking the rest…”

“Do you think this is enough to destroy the Mutant Organization in the span of a few seconds…” Officer Sigrid asked with frigid cold eyes.

“I think this is an overkill, Sigrid. If the mutant organization wants to fight dirty on the ground or in the air, we are thrice as prepared. We have been waiting for this day for so long. This time, the EIA is going all out at this operation…” Commander Leviron said, a cold glint also flashing in his eyes.

“Have you also calculated impossible scenarios…” Commander Sigrid asked with heaviness in his voice.

“We have, According to our estimates, if we lost this entire fleet, then the EIA has lost a total of 70% of its firepower…” Commander Leviron said eyes staring at the fleet beneath his feet.

“It would be worth it so far that the abomination of a group was wiped out. How many of the monstrous genius were deployed for this mission…”

“A total of three, we have deployed the uncaring angel, the smiling Buddha, and the limitless transformation clown.”

“Good. What about the slaughter goddess…” Commander Sigrid asked as Leviron’s eyes furrowed to points.

“Moneca is a loose screw. This mission will rise to a hundred and fifty percent rate of success but you know well what happens when Moneca loses it. There will be no winner in this war once that happens.” Commander Leviron said gravely.

“Then I’ll be joining in this operation…”

“WHAT!!!!” Cracks spread forth beneath Commander Leviron’s feet as space creaked and exploded like shards of glass but soon stopped before reaching the spaceship below

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