Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 287: The Mutant Organization

Chapter 287: The Mutant Organization

It was just like the EIA. The hundreds of towering structures reaching into the sky itself. Hundreds of various disciples and envoys filling around through the entire place.

The various transportation devices moving through the place could be perhaps the only more advanced thing about the place compared to the EIA.

One could see various students walking around with shoes which had flames beneath their feet and soaring through the air. Flying cars blitzing with speed through the air.

The EIA is against this due to its strict protocol to keep everything civilized, but the Mutant Organization just doesn’t give a fuck. It would have been strange if a Dark Organization us trying to keep order.

And Zeras also noticed something weird and that was the colour, majority of the structures were dark in colour, like pitch dark with not a single speck of white. Unlike the EIA where majority of the structures are painted white.

There were new students who were already walking around in the place, discussing the genes they would be fusing with and all that, but he didn’t pay much attention as he looked at the technological device In his hands whose screen now and a number of interfaces.

And among the Zeras clicked on the dorm room, and immediately an arrow appeared, and he began moving towards it.

Some Skywalkers blazed dangerously past him on the way as Zeras turned to look at the pupils who were dressed in a pitch-black uniform and looking at their badges, they had a two stars on it.

They flicked their tongues out at him mockingly before blasting off into the air.

“TCH, the second years. They’re like some stupid, egoless idiots that can be found everywhere…” Zeras muttered with disgust as ignored their tantrums and soon arrived before the large gate which said, male dormitory.

“Immediately, he sensed a strange presence in the air. It was similar to how one could notice the presence of Mana once one enters into the EIA dormitories, but here it wasn’t Mana but…

“Nuclear Energy…” Zeras mused before continuing forward, and it was even the same operation as the EIA. As he moved forward, the more the concentration of the Nuclear Radiation increased.

And right at the forefront of the dormitory, he could see a small bungalow, with words, 2nd at its top.

Just at the ultimate forefront was another bungalow, with the word, 1st at its top, and after t was a gigantic piece of mechanical equipment which looked like some sort of large transformer and the Nuclear Radiation was rippling forth from it in a crazy amount.

‘So that is the Nuclear Radiation Arc generator? It is even bigger than the EIA’s Mana generator..’ Zeras thought in awe before entering into his dorm room.

Beside the door, there was a key card and Zeras dragged the card in his hands on it as it made a beep sound.


The black door rumbled open, and he entered into it, faced with a pretty large and luxurious living room. Lofty ceilings, chandeliers, antique mirrors depicting strange Legendary beasts, large rugs, wall mirrors, lush curtains. It was a hundred times more luxurious than his room in the EIA.

But even more shocking was the crazy concentration of the Nuclear Radiation, and Zeras could even feel it prickling against his skin.

“This is too much for a student’s dorm room. Just where do they get all the money? Do they charge entrance fees?” Zeras wondered as he first jumped on the sofa, and a moan almost escaped his lips.

“I would die a happy man, if I can sleep in this Sofa for life…” Zeras mused out loudly with a sickening grin before heading towards one of the doors in the other side.

There was the bathroom, .infused with a jacuzzi, a shower, and a gigantic glass mirror all tied with a strange dark tile that glimmered with light.

Compared to the EIA, it was ten times better. Moving out, he entered into the last room and it was a bedroom.

A massive bedroom fitted with an eye-catching bed that contained a space enough to fit, at least five men sleeping side by side, an empty wardrobe, a rug, beautiful white colored lighting lamp that illuminated the place.

It was perfect in every sense of the word, so perfect he was beginning to have his doubts.

How could the Mutant Organization be able to afford this, something even the EIA can’t? Perhaps, the EIA might have underestimated the Mutant Organization, .and that too by a lot, unless the EIA knew and just kept it from him.

Fuck it, is there something they weren’t keeping from him. They didn’t even tell him of the so-called plan that the Mutant Organization is even up to. Saying it’s some galaxy wide ladida bla bla bla.

But did Zeras care? Hell No. The only thing he was concerned about was simply completing the mission and getting out. He already had a bunch of things sitting on his throat already, there was no need to pile it up the more.

Currently, his mission could have been said to be half complete, since he had infiltrated the Mutant Organization just as they asked.

He was sure they would have been tracking his information right now, making Zeras bring out his watch as he wore it in his hands. Now all he needed was to wait for.the reply.

For now, he would simply play along and a student of the Mutant Organization.

His card device suddenly beeped as he looked up at the notification on it.

|New Notification|

|A file has been sent to you by the system, do you wish to open|

<Yes> <No>

And he clicked on the “Yes” button.

|File is being loaded|


|Loading Complete|

|Elite Student Files and Laws Of the Mutant Organization…|

“Oh? They have laws?” Zeras asked in shock as he clicked open on the file and began reading its contents…

|- Grade of Students…

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