Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 284: Stopped At The Last Minute

Chapter 284: Stopped At The Last Minute

“Thank you…” The young man said as he lighted the cigarette, before throwing the lighter back to the man.

“PUFFFF…” White gas puffed out of his mouth as the young man closed his eyes as if relishing the taste of the cigarette.

After taking five puffs, he finally opened his eyes as he brought out his golden Tickets and card, the holographic changing as a new name appeared on the number one ranking.

[Name: Asmodeus Demogorgon]

[Number of Golden Tickets: 2000]

[Status: Half Mutant]

[Ranking Position: 1]

“That is Asmodeus, the first devil child and the number one genius of the Mighty Demogorgon family. There is only one thing known about him, and that is his addiction to smoking. It was said if he didn’t smoke from a day, the entire world would go up in flames…”

“I heard that he is a dual personality, and he carries the Devil himself within him. And his second self would reveal itself when he got angry or didn’t smoke for too long…” Another participant said as they watched the young man take back his card and moved to the back of the place, smoking away without paying anyone any attention.

“Really an interesting person…” Zeras muttered. Looking at the instructors, he noticed even they treated the young man with respect and even after what he just did, they weren’t at all offended and acted like nothing happened.

This was either the testament to his power or to his untouchable background. As for the belief that he had the devil within him, he didn’t believe that at all.

“Now I believe everyone knows his or her ranking. You might be wondering what use the ranking is, and I’ll be explaining that to you.

Firstly, with higher ranking, comes access to even higher genome that you would be able to fuse with. That means those in the higher rankings would be given ability to higher mutation serum, which also corresponds to higher strength.”

“Secondly, as you might already know, the path of Mutation Cultivation is widely different compared to the path of Mana Cultivation.

Mana Cultivation deals with the ability to absorb the natural Mana from the environment, while the Path of Mutation is mainly two aspects. The first is fusing with the body parts of a stronger beast, which would lead to gaining the abilities and features of such beasts.

The second is that, unlike Mana Cultivation, which uses Mana as the source of energy. The Mutation Path uses Nuclear Radiation as its source of energy.”

‘Nuclear Radiation!!? So that’s what they are oozing from their body?’ Zeras mused as he looked at the Envoys, who all had the surrounding air quivering repeatedly.

Zeras could tell it was due to their energy signature and the amount of energy constricted in their body, and that energy wasn’t Mana. But never would he have guessed it was actually Nuclear Radiation.

And now that he gave it a good thoughts, isn’t Nuclear Radiation the major cause of undesired mutation, but it seems the Mutation Path had found a way around this and turned it into some sort of cultivation path.

The first genome you all will be fusing it will be offered to you for free once we get back to the organization. Every ine of you will fuse with the signature genome of the Mutant Organization, which is the Basic Roaring Heart genome, Which will cause your body to mutate, and you will grow stronger, r, breaking through the body of your mortal self.

Then after sometime when you have fully recovered from the mutation, you will be an able to fuse with your next genome.

You have to note that, the word I mentioned “sometime” can be up to three days, a week, or even an entire month before you will be able to fuse with your next genome.

The time will be judges based on how much Nuclear radiation you will be able to absorb during this period. And your rankings will determine your access to radiation.

Therefore, some people will be able to recover faster than others and fuse with their next gene faster than others.

That said, there are also some among you that have already fused with your first gene. That is why you are labelled half mutants. Compared to you Non-mutants, the half mutants already took their first step on the Mutation Path and therefore their cultivation and recovery speed will be farther than you.

That is just to tell you, .there are some who are already far from the starting line before you even began the race.

The Path Of Mutation, unlike the Path Of Mana Cultivation, is the hardest path of Cultivation but is also undoubtedly the strongest path.

There will be hundreds of obstacles on the way, but if you’re able to pull through, then you can rest assured of the rewards.”

“More about the Cultivation Paths will be explained to you when you arrive in the Organization, and also more about the rankings will be understood? So you don’t have anything to worry about.

That said, let’s get going…” The man explained lengthily before stretching his hands forward and a large dark door reaching up to three meters appeared.

You all go in, based on the lowest to the highest ranking…” The Envoy commanded as they all filed in one by one, disappearing into the door.

Zeras looked at the door, his heart thumping louder in his chest, but he reigned it in. He knew well he was slowly reaching forwards towards his mission.

His true purpose of being here in the first place wasn’t to embark on the Mutation Path of Cultivation like everyone here.

It was to infiltrate the Mutant Organization and he was inching towards that goal little by little.

Slowly the crowd diminished and when it was Zeras turn to enter the door, he was suddenly held back by a cold hand…

“You wait” The voice ordered as Zeras looked behind and saw he was held down by the Envoy.

“Asmodeus, you can go…” The man said as the last person in the suddenly walked into the portal and left alone was Zeras and the five envoy!

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