Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 279: The Four Devilish Children

Chapter 279: The Four Devilish Children

The dour roared out loudly, its entire body brimming with an impossible physical strength that caused space to quiver madly with every single movement.

Clenching its hands into a fist, space exploded beneath its grasp as it constricted the epitome of ruinous strength in those palms and unleashed it upward.

Yet when that single finger emerged, everything went deadly silent. It was like something that should never be. The finger of the ancient fingers.

Beneath that finger, all existence was unworthy. The devil was so small I’m in front of the ginormous golden finger, it was like an ant trying to defy the heaven.

When both attack, it was like the entire world would be bent to the attack, as Space visibly shattered like glass in front of Zera’s eyes.

Being the one closest to the attack, the destructive shockwave was enough to rip him apart, but he was able to stand fine due to the blue barrier that covered his entire figure and also that of Dracula. He was eagerly awaiting the brilliant struggle for dominance between the devil phantom and the ancient god finger, but there wasn’t much suspense at all.

The devil’s arms shattered into pieces at the slightest contact, and the finger landed on its head, immediately tearing through its entire body without much resistance.


The ground shook when the finger landed, but it disappeared after that, leaving a ten-meter abyss on the ground.

The finger disappeared and also the runic gate, and the devil’s runic gate also disappeared.

Zeras finally put his hands down, removing his gaze from the abyss and to his hands. The Power of the Ancient God Finger, it was well within the boundary of Middle Cosmic rank stage, who knows what would happen if he had used it against the devil.

He tore himself away from that line of thought as the starlight on his forehead disappeared, and the same with the scales on his body. It all strangely disappeared beyond his limit. Perhaps it needed a cool down from using the ability.

Finally, he turned his gaze to the unconscious Dracula who breathed his last after the devil got destroyed.

Stretching his hands towards his forehead l, white mist rose from us forehead and entered into Zera’s body but he was surprised by Dracula’s life essence, it was strangely purer and…

[Energy +80]

It was also double that present in others.

Checking his body, he found a total of 1020 Golden Tickets from him which was a crazy amount of Golden Tickets and Zeras kept it with him. With the 800 Golden Tickets he possesses and Dracula’s 1020, he now had a total of 1820.

With Dracula being the top five among the participants, then there was no doubt he would he is able to gain admission with the number of Golden Tickets with him? So right now, he could simply go into hiding until the time passed, and they were accessed.

“Huh?” Far away, Zeras could sense four powerful presences heading towards his way.

“Hmm, could it be the remaining 4 devil children?” Zeras mused.

It would have been a good time to say Hi, but he didn’t wait for a single second more as he quietly slipped away from the scene.

10 minutes later after Zera’s left…

Four figures appeared around the edge of the ten-meter deep hole, their eyes narrowed as they looked at the gigantic abyss.

“Dracula used his ultimate ability and still ended up dying? Amitabh…” One of the young man, a lean guy standing at a height of 2 meters, said. He was dressed in a monk Rob and two beads were hung in his neck, one was black and the other white.

“Tch, you damn monk. Shut up and let Seer try to find the trace…” A girl, lean and with her blue hair tied in two long roles behind her, said screamed to the monk as he pointed at the one on the ground who was pressing his hand on the ground as if trying to find something.

Slowly, he stood up on the ground, standing at a height of 1.7 meters, he was the shortest and also the youngest among the four.

“I can’t find the trace, the remnants power is too high and blurring the past…” The young man said, his completely white pupils that were brimming with light suddenly dimming.

And Silence reigned in the place as they all turned towards a tree where a golden-haired young man could be seen, a cigarette in hiss hands.

The intense aura of an uncaring personality oozed from him as he kept smoking as if he were just another wanderer around the place.

Yet, the eyes of the other four gleamed in respect as they looked at him.

“So what do you think, Asmodeus…” The young man kept smoking his cigarette and after a minute, he finally stood up Ashe turned to look at the group.

“Does it matter? I’m only here in the name of verifying if Dracula really died. But he was such a good boy, constantly striving hard to rank up in the rankings. The person who killed him is still alive, he can run pretty fast, though?

Dracula was a hardworking young man, if he proved to be the opposite of Dracula, then I had just lost a potential rival, and he would have to pay for that…” Suddenly, the young man stopped as his hand started searching around his body chaotically.

“Tch, I’ve exhausted my cigar. Oi, anyway if you have a cigar?” The young man said, directing his golden eyes at them.



“I wish I had…”


“Tch, then you’re all useless. I have to find a Cigar before I run mad once again…” The young man said, jumping down from the tree before disappearing among the tree.

“Always uncaring as usual…”

“And every one who doesn’t have a smoke is useless…”

“But even though he’s a lazy bum, his strength as the number one is undoubted.

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