Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 190: The Strange Princess Syccheleria

Chapter 190: The Strange Princess Syccheleria

Immediately, a figure appeared in from of Mitra, and those abyssal dark eyes stared into hers, causing her to stand dazedly where she was unable to move a single inch, but the same couldn’t be said for Selena.

Like a snake preparing for its assault, Selena’s hand immediately sneaked out towards Zera’s neck as if she was already expecting his move, while Zera’s hands also stretched out at the same time to the map.


A figure was immediately sent skidding backward like a launched missile as Zera’s leg dug deep gorges in the ground before finally skidding to a stop.

Slowly standing up from his crouched position, he swiped his hand over his neck feeling the drop of blood that appeared due to a straight line cut present on it.

“You’re pretty strong. I look forward to us having a real battle in the future…” Zeras said as he slowly turned back and entered into the forest.

“And also, thanks for the map…” The lazy voice rang out as Mitra looked at her hands seeing it was empty.

“Huh, how did he?” She asked shocked not even aware how he took the map from her without her knowledge.

“Tch, bastard…” Selena’s eyes flashed in hatred as she prepared to chase after Zeras.

“Don’t bother…” The melodic voice rang out calming down the hatred as Selena looked behind her to look at Syccheleria.

“We still have a map with us. There’s no need for so much trouble, besides don’t we have a cultivation ruin to check out? We don’t have all day…” The princess’s voice rang out as she slowly moved forward, her silky white gown following behind her as the remaining three immediately followed behind her.

— — —

Zeras walked through the forest as he took a glance at the map in his hands, before jumping onto the branch of a tree.

He was well aware of his loss in the exchange but it truly couldn’t count as a loss as he got what he wanted.

Surely he could have already sneaked into the group and simply snatched off the map, quickly avoiding the drama but there was a reason why he went through all the drama in the first place.

There was a particular person in the place that gave him a deep chill and a massive intuition of danger. Of course, Selena was strong, almost cutting off his neck in a single exchange but the real deal Zeras could sense was the white-haired princess who had her eyes closed during the entire exchange.

Her silence and aura gave him chills and he was hoping to see what she was capable of during the small drama but she remained quiet throughout.

And when he resorted to force, she remained quiet and never for once interfered or showed signs of doing so. The calmness she displayed just kept him on his edge and Zeras chose to retreat in the end. To him that was his loss.

“Definitely a strange one…” He muttered with eyebrows furrowed but he soon pushed it outside as he focused on the map in his hands looking at the different area that was marked Zeras licked his lips as he saw the sight of different treasures and ruins labelled on the map and even his point of reference.

Immediately he switched on his watch as he accessed the list of artifacts the EIA asked him to get in exchange for other words and he quickly marked the location of the treasures of the place before jumping down the tree to move to the closest one and begin his mission.

Everything has been going surprisingly smoothly for him and Zera couldn’t help but raise his guard even more.

“I wonder how Quinn is doing though…” Zeras muttered quickly disappearing among the trees.

— — —

Deep within an empty part of the void, a silver-haired young man stood, a blindfold wrapped around his eyes he stood in the void facing a particular direction where two figures could be seen slowly approaching.

Finally reaching 15 meters from him, both figures stopped and their true features were finally revealed, revealing them to be Raze and Nexus.

“You truly came…” Nexus said as he looked at the blindfolded

young man in front of him with surprise and also excitement.

“I believe we have an unfinished business, don’t we?…” Quinn said raising his hands to his blindfold as he slowly took it off and his eyes opened causing a piercing blue light to emerge that pierced through the void in front of him illuminating it in a blue flash of light.

“Also, I don’t mind if you both come together. After all, you won’t watch at the side if the other is slowly dying, would you?” Quinn said as he dragged his sleeves upwards and a sinister smile also appeared on Raze and Nexus’s faces.

Immediately a brilliant light flared powerfully from Raze and Nexus’s bodies, as they let go of their full cultivation revealing them to both be at the Middle Meteor rank stage.

“I won’t go easy on you brother…” Nexus said, intense battle intent t flashing in his blue eyes.

“Me too…” Raze said staring dead straight at Quinn.

“I’m not your brother and you two will also be dying here…” Quinn replied as a crazy amount of bloodlust radiated from his figure causing the face of the two brothers to immediately change.

The Killin Intent was incredibly thick, so much so that it cast a phantom of a bloody river behind Quinn whose blue pupils started gaining a deep shade of red at its edges.

Immediately, it was like a true star was being born as Quinn let loose its aura greatly distorting the air and spreading out white lines that looked like cracks around him.

“I’ll make you both suffer a pain you’ll never imagine could exist…” Quinn said through gritted teeth and he faded away the next moment.

Immediately Nexus’s face changed as he also flared out his aura, which was actually not a single bit inferior to that of Quinn.


A devastating explosion rocked the entire space as a figure was sent flying into the distance.

Finally stabilizing himself, Nexus’s eyes widened in pure shock as he looked at his left shoulder which was dripping with blood.

His entire left arm has been torn off in a single move!

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