
This hateful man is missing again. Isn't he hurt? Are you discharged? Another mission? Are you going to die?

Lu ruoxing is so angry and worried that he suddenly lies down on the bed and makes a dull sound.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Zhuqi?"

"No As soon as Zhu Qi smiles, she knows what's wrong with the girl. "Listen to you in the daytime. Is your boyfriend a soldier? What, the fight? "

"Hum!" I can't find anyone to fight with now.

"Ha ha I don't have a boyfriend, I don't know why you quarrel with him. But can you tell me? I can't give you any advice, or you just nag, when you vent your anger. "

"Alas -" Lu ruoxing sat up, holding the quilt, in the same posture as Zhu Qi, "in fact, he often goes out to do tasks, and sometimes he can't find anyone. He didn't hear from him for a long time before, and I was worried about getting angry. As a result, we haven't made up with each other this time, and he hasn't heard from him again. "

That is to say, in fact, there is no quarrel, that is, there is no opportunity to quarrel and communicate.

Zhu Qi laughs, "his occupation also decided him to be involuntarily. Since you chose him at the beginning, you will not be separated because he is so involuntarily, right? Are you just worried about him? "

Lu ruoxing Dudu mouth, "Zhuqi, you really think thoroughly."

"Ha ha I'm a spectator. Would you like to call? "

"All right."

Lu ruoxing said that he had a large number of adults. Maybe he was not on a mission, but he didn't hear the voice of his mobile phone for a while.

The phone was dialed and turned off.

"Oh - shut down." Lu ruoxing has no spirit. It seems that she is on a mission again. "Well, it's good to get used to it, Zhuqi. Go to bed. This time I'm out for fun. I'll have a good time tomorrow

"Good night."

Nevertheless, Lu ruoxing is not worried.

The next day, several of them loaded their valuables, and the rest stayed in the hotel. They took a walk around the city and went to some famous places, but they didn't feel as good as they thought.

Zhu Tao means that the scenery in the city is very similar. This station is just a warm-up. After that, we went to a lot of remote places. But that kind of scenery is the real beauty. I hope they are ready.

They only stay in this city for one day. They take the train in the evening and plan to sleep for one night. They will arrive at another famous tourist city.

There are a lot of people in the railway station. Lu ruoxing is the first time to take the train. In the rows of chairs and people, all kinds of sounds and smells make Lu ruoxing really not adapt to it.

Konana complained that she knew she should take a plane, but she thought it was Zhu Tao's decision. She quickly fawned and said that it was good to meet different people and meet different people by train.

Wang Wenjuan and Xiao Zhengyan have been sitting together. It seems that they have been interested in getting together these days.

Lu ruoxing was a little sleepy. She leaned against Zhu Qi's shoulder and squinted before she got on the train at 11 o'clock in the evening.

The light of the railway station was not very bright, and the noise in her ears was noisy. She also had a poor sleep. Suddenly, she felt that the light which was not too bright in front of her was dim again, as if blocked by something.

Zhu Qi lenglengleng looked at the tall man in front of her, her eyes tightly locked in the side of Lu ruoxing.

Zhu Qi looked at the tall man in front of her. In her sharp eyes, she added a little more tenderness to Lu ruoxing who was beside her.

This man, although only a simple T-shirt trousers, but can not cover his body's resolute straight military breath.

With a smile on her lips, she poked Lu ruoxing, who was lying on her body.

"Wake up, Ruo Xing."

Lu ruoxing vaguely raised his head. Before he could react, he felt his head suddenly pressed to the other side, leaning against a hard shoulder.

"Go back to sleep."

How can Lu ruoxing go on sleeping?

Feeling the big hand on her head, she angrily pulled it off and looked up at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her. She was surprised and surprised.

But she was pursed, not very happy expression.

"Why did you come?"

Jiao Tianyou saw that the little girl didn't look surprised at all, and he was slightly lost. But looking at her is still so beautiful, big eyes flash, bright red lips toot, let has not seen for a long time Jiao Tianyou heart rise a heat flow. Jiao Tianyou covered Lu ruoxing's delicate face with a big hand of thin cocoon.

"What do you say?" Not for this wayward little girl, he saved up his holiday of this year, followed the little girl.

Lu ruoxing tugged at the corner of his mouth. He was about to say something when several people saw the appearance of Jiao Tianyou and asked him curiously.

"Ruo Xing, is this your boyfriend? Is he here for youJiao Tianyou said hello to several other people, "how are you? I'm Jiao Tianyou, ruoxing's boyfriend. Thank you for taking care of her

"It's nothing. I've been traveling together." Zhu Tao replied politely with a smile to Jiao Tianyou. His arrival was also welcomed by several other people.

Wang Wenjuan looks at Jiao Tianyou's eyes with some interest, while Xiao Zhengyan is somewhat gloomy. Kong Nana still pays attention to Zhu Tao and obviously doesn't like Jiao Tianyou's kind of hard man.

"Brother Jiao, how many years have you been a soldier? What rank is it now? "

Wang Wenjuan seems to only care about this, and Jiao Tianyou did not directly answer, "not many years."

Then he turned to Lu ruoxing, pinched her palm, whispered in her ear and said, "are you still angry? You little heartless girl, I have been waiting for you. Why, so cruel? "

Lu ruoxing was approached by him, some shy cheeks slightly red, earned money, but he pinched his chin and faced his burning black eyes.

"Well, let me go!"

Lu ruoxing felt his breath close in front of his eyes and brushed his cheek. His smiling lips bent slightly, and he wanted to be close to himself. His wanton eyes were wandering on his face and finally fell on her lips.

Jiao Tianyou is sure that his body is hotter and his eyes are darker. Seeing the little girl's embarrassed appearance, he thinks that this is not a good place.

After letting go of Lu ruoxing, he is still holding a little girl's shoulder and pulling her into her arms.

"Don't move around. You can get on the bus later. Squint for a while."

Lu ruoxing can't avoid his arms, but his small face leaning on his shoulder also quietly bends the corners of his mouth.

With Jiao Tianyou's T-shirt on his fingers, he asked in a low voice, "how do you know I'm sitting here? When did you catch up? "

Jiao Tianyou chuckled, "military secrets, no comment."

Lu ruoxing skimmed the corners of her mouth, "what's the mystery?"

"It's not pretending to be mysterious. I can tell you about it later. Not now." Jiao Tianyou touches the soft long hair of the little girl.

"How many days will you stay?"

"When will you go back, when will I go back with you?"

"Do you have time?"

"I will certainly spare no effort to catch up with my little daughter-in-law."

"Your daughter-in-law is in the military hospital. Where is your daughter-in-law here? " Lu ruoxing looks up. It's obvious that the child has a grudge.

Jiao Tianyou smiles, covering Lu ruoxing's head, directly breaks it over, kisses her forehead, ruffian says, "are you not?"

Lu ruoxing's face suddenly rose red, and she saw that people around her were looking at them, and her face became more and more red.

"I'll go to the bathroom."

Immediately get up, head down the aisle, toward the corner of the bathroom.

But Jiao Tianyou's eyes flash a smile, and then get up, chase the past.

It's not that he clings to people, but the railway station people are so complicated that he still has some worries about the little girl.

Wang Wenjuan saw two people leave, immediately sat next to Zhu Qi, "Zhu Qi, are you familiar with Lu ruoxing? Her boyfriend looks very young. Should he be a platoon leader? "

"I don't know. I'm not interested in this."

Wang Wenjuan is a little disappointed. Kong Nana has been disdaining Wang Wenjuan's temperament these days, and she began to pester Xiao Zhengyan. Later, if there is nothing, she still flatters Zhu Tao. Now when she sees Lu ruoxing's boyfriend coming, she has a bad idea again?

Although konana is a little jealous that Lu ruoxing is more beautiful than herself and can always be liked by boys, Lu ruoxing has more rules than Wang Wenjuan.

"Wang Wenjuan, even if he is a company commander or commander-in-chief, it has nothing to do with you. If you want to dig a corner, you have to see what your level is. "

Wang Wenjuan's face turned blue. "Konana, what do you mean? I'll ask casually, what's the matter? It's not your boyfriend. What's your rush? I think it's you who have any other thoughts about others? "

"That big soldier, I'll take a fancy to him?" Konnana disdained cold hum, looked at Zhu Tao, but he just looked up and closed his eyes, as if he did not care about their dispute.

Wang Wenjuan also knew kongna's mind and couldn't help but sneer, "then you've got a crush on someone else and see if they can take a fancy to you."

Konana's blocked face is not good-looking, but did not fight back against Wang Wenjuan.

She didn't have nothing to say. In the past, if someone had offended her, she would have to go up and tear the little bitch's mouth.

But now can't, can't in front of Zhu Tao show such a rude side, hum, wait, now bear it, in the future have this little bitch good-looking.

Wang Wenjuan thought that she had won. She laughed and sat back to her original position. She looked at Xiao Zhengyan and said with a smile, "brother Xiao, it's really amazing that you can enter such a good company after graduation. In fact, it is much better than a big head soldier. "Xiao Zhengyan reluctantly smiles, not because of Wang Wenjuan's compliment and happy.

Wang Wenjuan didn't say anything after that, brushing messages and chatting with her mobile phone.

Lu ruoxing comes out of the toilet with a strong smell. Jiao Tianyou is leaning against the wall outside, with a plastic bag in his hand, which contains a bucket of noodles and several fruits.

Seeing Lu ruoxing, Jiao Tianyou holds the little girl's hand and walks forward.

"You won't wait for me, will you? I'm not so stupid. I can still lose it when I'm so old? "

I'm not so stupid

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