
Back in the capital, Jiao Xiaozuo and Lu Xiangyue go straight to Lu's home, and then they receive a big red envelope from Joey. They are very happy.

However, when he saw Lu Xiangyue's elder brother Lu Yiyang, he was still stunned for a long time and was pulled away by Lu Xiangyue with jealousy.

"Jiao Xiaozuo, am I handsome or big brother handsome?"

Lu Xiangyue pinches Jiao Xiaozuo's chin and asks her to look at herself and answer his questions.

"Ah, they are all handsome!"

She did not notice the danger at all.

"Who is more handsome?"

“……” Jiao Xiaozuo thought for a long time, watching his hesitation make Lu Xiangyue's face even more ugly.

She immediately replied, "of course, Lu Xiangyue, you are more handsome! You look much better than your big brother. Really, no one in my eyes is more handsome than you

The little girl's intuition saved her life.

Lu Xiang yueleng snorted and rubbed Jiao Xiaozuo's cheek with his fingers. His eyes were a little dangerous.

"Did you look silly at him just now?"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Jiao Xiaozuo giggled, "I'm not surprised! Your brother looks very similar. Ha ha... "

"Is it? Not because he's handsome? Are you excited? "

"No, no, absolutely not." Jiao Xiaozuo immediately shook his head and denied, "Lu Xiangyue, your brother is handsome, but I'm not a person who likes the new and dislikes the old. You can't look at me like that. "

Jiao Xiaozuo's serious refutation and explanation made Lu Xiangyue more satisfied, and finally eased his face.

Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue, is not Jiao's cheek pinched? If you met my elder brother first, would you pursue him first

"No way."

Jiao Xiaozuo immediately shook his head, "Lu Xiangyue, I met you first! It's not like if. Do you think I'll empathize

With these words, Jiao Xiaozuo is a little unhappy. She is doubted by Lu Xiangyue. Of course, she is also uncomfortable.

As if I like his heart, at any time because of a more handsome person and the same.

Lu Xiangyue looked at her angry expression and was stunned. He also found that his assumption was not good. He was too jealous.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Zuo. I shouldn't have doubted you."

Lu Xiangyue immediately hugged Jiao Xiaozuo and apologized in her ear in a low voice, "it's my fault. I'm careful. Don't be angry, OK?"

Jiao small left flat mouth corner, "Lu Xiangyue, do you have no confidence in yourself? Or don't trust me? "

“……” Lu Xiangyue is speechless. The girl is really sharp.

"Hum," Jiao Xiaozuo broke away from Lu Xiangyue's arms and pushed him away. "Don't be so close to me."

Lu Xiangyue, who knew that he had made a mistake, didn't let Jiao Xiaozuo escape, but kept up.

"Xiaozuo, I'm wrong --"

"hum, I'm angry. I don't care about you. "

Jiao Xiaozuo or to avoid, will directly out of Lu Xiangyue's room, but not out, was Lu Xiangyue pulled back, directly pressed on his bed.

"Lu Xiangyue, let me go."


Lu Xiangyue kisses Jiao Xiaozuo's lips, blocking her protest between her lips. Her big hand presses her struggling arm, and her legs press her leg. Jiao Xiaozuo is unable to move and accepts his fierce deep kiss.

However, in the end, it was Lu Xiangyue's kiss. After Jiao Xiaozuo was deeply kissed, Jiao Xiaozuo did not resist any more and devoted himself to Lu Xiangyue's kiss.

After a long time, Lu Xiangyue changed from a deep kiss to a light peck, and the reluctant point kiss made a deep and seductive voice between Jiao Xiaozuo's ears and neck.

"Xiao Zuo, don't be angry, eh?"

Jiao Xiaozuo was so kissed that he was confused for a while. After waking up, he remembered that he was still pressed on the bed by this man.

However, the voice of his apology is very nice and magnetic at the moment. What's wrong with Jiao Xiaozuo?

"Lu Xiangyue, I'll beat you if I do this again in the future."

She thought it was easier to do it directly.

Lu Xiangyue chuckled and pecked at the small left lip. His eyes were bright, "OK, I'll never fight back."

"Hum," Jiao Xiaozuo snorted coldly. Lu Xiangyue had already let go of her wrist, but she took the neck of Xiangyue's landing and deliberately said, "in fact, your brothers are very handsome. Not the same handsome, but compared with Uncle Lu, it's still a little worse. "

Lu Xiangyue picks eyebrows. Well, he doesn't dare to be angry. He knows that the girl is intentional.

"Anyway, you are mine now. If you are more handsome than Apollo, you can only be my man. In your life, you'll have to accept it. "

Jiao Xiaozuo ha ha ha's smile, "handsome boy so many, I am not greedy. If I catch you, it's enough. I won't lose. "

"Just know."Lu Xiangyue wants to pull Jiao Xiaozuo to get up, but Jiao Xiaozuo grabs him down again. When she looks at her smile of some thieves, her eyes are very obvious, and Lu Xiangyue has a hook in his mouth.

"Lu Xiangyue, we haven't slept together for a long time."

But Lu Xiangyue distorts her meaning, "haven't we been sleeping together all the time? It's just that I took you back to your room in the morning

"I didn't mean that. What I said was that we were intimate -- "

Lu Xiangyue raised her eyebrows and nodded her lips that had been kissed." why? Do you want it? "

"Hum, you don't want me? Who can't help it every night? "

“…… Not afraid to let my parents know? "

"In my family, you are afraid of my parents. If you go to your house, are you still afraid of your parents? Anyway, I think it's normal for us to do this kind of thing

Jiao Xiaozuo is not afraid of the future father-in-law and mother-in-law. In fact, when she was in the Jiao family, she just listened to Lu Xiangyue. When she arrived here, Jiao Xiaozuo felt that Lu Xiangyue was not afraid. So what could be hesitant about?

"Did you lock the door?"

Jiao Xiaozuo first asked Lu Xiangyue.


"What are you waiting for?" Jiao Xiao left simply pushed Lu Xiangyue to the bed.


Lu Xiangyue feels someone knocking at the door, but Jiao Xiaozuo in his arms sleeps. He can only get out of bed gently, put on his clothes and open the door.

"Second brother --"

Lu ruoxing saw that although Lu Xiangyue was wearing T-shirt and trousers, he was barefoot and his hair was messy. Obviously, he certainly was not sitting in the room chatting with his little left sister.

What's more, they didn't go downstairs after supper, and my mother told them not to disturb them.

In fact, they all know that it is normal for the couple to do something shameful.

"What's the matter?" Lu Xiangyue blocked Lu ruoxing's move to look inside with her probe and asked.

"Hey, my mother asked me to tell you and my little sister Zuo that we have left food for you in the kitchen. If you're hungry, just heat up. "

"I see. Anything else? "

Lu ruoxing seems not to want to go so fast, "second brother, you look so handsome."

“…… What else? "

"What about little sister Zuo? You Hey, it's been a long time

But Lu Xiangyue pinched Lu ruoxing's ear and carried her out. "Ah ah ah ah, pain, second brother --"

"young, do you know a lot? Shall I report your curiosity to my parents? "

"No, don't be so stingy. Besides, we have talked about these in our physiology class. I'm not a child. I'm almost an adult. How can I not know this kind of thing? "

" you also say that you are about to become an adult, that is, not yet an adult. When you're an adult

Throwing the door, Lu Xiangyue directly cuts off Lu ruoxing's curiosity, and returns to bed, holding Jiao Xiaozuo.

Feeling the embrace of the people around him, Jiao Xiaozuo unconsciously leaned over, found a comfortable place, and continued to sleep.

Outside, Lu ruoxing flattened his mouth, "hum, bullying me is young. I'm going to run away from home. "

Lu ruoxing, who has been running away from home for many times, finally turns around to chat with elder brother.


Jiao Xiaozuo woke up from hunger in the middle of the night and turned over, and Lu Xiangyue beside him was awakened.

Turning on the bedside lamp, Lu Xiangyue felt Jiao Xiaozuo's head, "awake?"

Jiao Xiaozuo nodded, "I'm hungry."

"Ha ha Wait, I'll get you something to eat. "

Lu Xiangyue put on his clothes and went out to prepare hot food.

Jiao Xiaozuo lay on the bed for a while. After thinking about it, he pulled on Lu Xiangyue's big coat, put on his trousers, and ran downstairs.

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