
"Tut, there is no information these days. Are you all in bed? At this time, it's still good. Xiao Zuo, report to mom. How do you feel? What's the afterthought? Is there any room for improvement in such matters between you in the future? "

Jiao Xiaozuo's mother sometimes talks in such a way. Jiao Xiaozuo is naturally used to it. But now that Jiao's mother says this, it's really hard to hear it.

Jiao Xiaozuo thought that she must be able to report to her mother before, but after experiencing her own experience, she seems to suddenly realize that she is reserved in a certain aspect of her life. This kind of thing, such a private thing, can you really report to her mother when they are most intimate?

That must not work, at least not now. She is a little embarrassed.

"Mom, you care too much. You might as well take time with dad to find out whether there is room for improvement. "

"Stinky girl, don't you let me know?"

"Of course not. This kind of thing is so -- "

Jiao Xiaozuo was embarrassed, and seemed to be unable to say it. He said," anyway, I can't share it with you. "

"Hum, Xiao Zuo, you are really a woman! After being moistened by men, they become shy

Mrs. Jiao was on the phone. She didn't get angry because she was rejected. Instead, she summed up.

Jiao Xiaozuo was silent, "OK. I want to tell you that my flight the day after tomorrow should be five or six. Tell Dad to prepare my favorite dishes for the evening. "

"The day after tomorrow? Why come back in such a hurry? You have to be more gentle with that boy first. I tell you, for a man, it's not good to let him hold on after he has opened meat

"The day after tomorrow will be the new year. If dad knows I don't go back, he can't rush to the capital city? "

Mrs. Jiao thought, "OK. Come back, then. After the new year, if you want to panic, go back, anyway, back and forth the plane is also convenient. "

“……” Jiao Xiaozuo did not answer, "I'll hang up first."

Hang up the phone, Jiao Xiaozuo stare at the phone for a while, then smile.

And Lu Xiangyue turned his head and looked at Jiao Xiaozuo, "what are you laughing at?"

"My mom said it's not good for a man to hold back after eating meat."

The future mother-in-law to speak so straight, really good?

Of course, in fact, the future mother-in-law is too right. He knows that he will certainly miss this girl, and his mind and body will think about it.

"Then you will leave today."

"No, it's all reserved. We must be at home on New Year's Eve. But if you think that if you miss me, we will not book tickets several times before the year and see more often? "

This is OK.

Lu Xiangyue thinks that after she goes back, he can fly to her house to find her again. The time is short, and he can't spend much time back and forth. Of course, the big brother will come back when the Chinese New Year is coming, and the business of the company will be left to the elder brother.

Anyway, at the end of the year, he did not attend. He thought that at the end of each year, the focus was not on the children, but on the father and mother.

"Well, when I come to you."

Jiao Xiaozuo giggled, "I can also go to the capital to find you again."

Two people so numb dialogue, did not notice outside the door and eavesdrop on Joey and Lu ruoxing.

The mother and daughter looked at each other with a smile, which was even more treacherous, but when they heard that there was no movement in it, Joey knocked on the door.

"Xiang Yue, you and Xiao Zuo come down to have dinner."

"Auntie, I'm here."

Jiao Xiaozuo immediately pushed away Lu Xiangyue, who had been glued to her and pressed her under her. When she heard Joey knock on the door, she quickly pushed him away, jumped out of bed and went downstairs.

He sat up and looked at Lu Yuefeng's clothes, and then he looked at Lu Yuefeng's room.

Joey felt as if he had destroyed the atmosphere again, and his smile was a little guilty.

"Ha ha, little moon, go down and eat."

"Well, I'll come later."

Lu Xiangyue in front of the beloved woman, all kinds of faces, but in front of ordinary people, even relatives face to face, he will not have such a numb side.

Sultry men, mostly like this.

"Little moon, in fact, my mother wants to say, you, when you make love with Xiaozuo, take it easy. Don't you know that?"

Joey reminds his son as someone who's been there.

This kind of thing, do many women do not necessarily like, will be tired.

Lu Xiangyue's mouth was almost unobstructed. "Mom, dad should have been impatient. Let's hurry down."

"Oh, yes, go down and eat."

As soon as Joey hears her husband's name, she goes down quickly. However, Lu ruoxing is still behind, as if she is close to Lu Xiangyue.

"Second brother, tell me, tell me, what do you feel after your little left sister has done it?"Lu Xiangyue glanced at her sister with a dangerous look in her eyes, "are you interested?"

Lu ruoxing looked at his eyes and immediately restrained his curiosity.

"Hehe hehe No, I'm not interested. You heard me wrong. I didn't say anything just now

With that, he ran straight away.

Oh, my God, how could she forget that her second brother is actually the most frightening one?

In this respect, the second brother is more like his father. Although the elder brother is more like his father in facial features, the elder brother looks more sunny. However, in terms of the expressionless marking, the second brother will only be more powerful.

At least when he looks at the soup on the table, he will not find out the good ingredients in the soup. If he doesn't know the ingredients in the soup, he won't be worried.

Of course, even if I don't know, Lu Xiangyue probably knows what Joey's special soup is for.

"Little moon, you quickly drink soup, soup inside nutrition can be more."

Joey stares at Jiao Xiaozuo. She has a good drink, but her son doesn't seem to touch the soup.

"My father didn't have such nutritious soup."

Lu Xiangyue asked with a smile.

Joey seemed to cough. "Well, what didn't your father drink? These are not uncommon. You should drink it as soon as possible. It's made by my mother specially for you. It's full of tonic

Lu Xiangyue pushed the bowl and said, "Dad, come on, this is my mother's wish."

Lu Jingyun takes a glance at the soup. He doesn't put it in his heart. He continues to eat himself. It seems that Lu Xiangyue's actions are not seen by him at all.

"Little moon, what are you doing. He drank it himself. "

Joey yelled at Lu Xiangyue, and felt guilty when his son stared at him.

"Mom, I don't think I need this soup."

Lu Xiangyue has clearly refused.

Joy's disappointment was in Jiao Xiaoxiao's left eye, but she didn't notice Lu ruoxing's smile.

"Lu Xiangyue, my aunt cooked it for you. You are stupid. Why don't you drink it? Auntie, he doesn't drink, I drink! "

As he said this, Jiao Xiaozuo took up the bowl and thumped --

"Oh, don't drink it!"

"Poof --"

the voice of stopping, the voice of uncontrollable laughter, and Lu Xiangyue directly took Jiao Xiaozuo's bowl, although she had already poured a few mouthfuls.

"What's the matter? This soup is delicious

"Ha ha ha..."

Lu ruoxing can't help laughing, but Lu Xiangyue stares back. She shrinks her neck again to show her innocence.

"Ha ha Well, Xiaozuo, this soup is separate from Xiangyue's, and Xiangyue's soup is not suitable for you to drink. "

"It's all tonic soup, auntie. It's OK. You are so kind to us, of course, I can't live up to your kindness. "

“……” Joey laughs awkwardly and doesn't talk anymore. At this time, it's better to give it to your son.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiangyue drank the remaining half of the bowl. In Joey's surprised eyes, he still ate quietly.

Jiao Xiaozuo didn't notice anything wrong. Of course, he was very comfortable eating.

After that, Joey didn't say anything more about the meal. She just buried herself in the meal, although she didn't really care about the taste of the meal.

When Lu Xiangyue and Jiao Xiaozuo have a lunch break, Jiao Xiaozuo leans in Lu Xiangyue's arms and is careless.

"Lu Xiangyue, my aunt is really good at making soup. It seems that your soup is better than mine

"Do you know what soup that is?"

Lu Xiangyue closed his eyes and seemed to answer calmly.

"What soup?"

Lu Xiangyue said a few words in Jiao Xiaozuo's ear. Then Jiao Xiaozuo quickly sat up, and then looked at the landing Xiang Yue, and then looked again.

Lu Xiangyue directly blocked her eyes with his hand and said with a smile, "don't look, look again, you will really have a reaction."

Jiao Xiaozuo laughs and pulls down Lu Xiangyue's hand to his eyes.

"You don't have to make it up."

Men like women to praise themselves, especially their ability in that respect.

Jiao Xiaozuo believes in his ability and Lu Xiangyue is very happy.

A force, Jiao Xiaozuo pulled to himself, Lu Xiangyue kiss her forehead, breath slightly hot, "little girl, do I have to be worthy of your praise of me?"

“…… No

Jiao Xiaozuo refused directly. She didn't want him to react directly.

Even if he doesn't have to rest, she does.

Lu Xiangyue actually knows that Jiao Xiaozuo is the first time after all. He has been presumptuous for two days. At least he has to give the girl time to recuperate.

Finally still restrained, pat Jiao small left head, "OK, quiet sleep.""Oh

Jiao Xiaozuo quietly by landing to the moon, his hand is not consciously grasp his hand, quickly fell asleep.

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