

Joey was immediately shocked, followed by a quick fury.

"This is a clear planting. Can't you see it? In the hotel security department before, they could testify that there was nothing in my bag. But now that I have found the bracelet, it is clear that I was deliberately framed. "

"We can't make a conclusion about whether it was planted. After all, Miss Bao didn't touch her just now

"So, is it certain that I stole it?"

"You admit you stole it?"

"I don't have one." Joey retorted in a loud voice.

"Ms. joy, we know all about it. Think about it first, and be lenient if you confess. "

With that, the officer went out with the record, leaving Joey alone in the room, as if to give her a chance to think.


Joey didn't know how he would be dealt with, but he didn't feel settled, which made him afraid and uneasy.

In this self suffering, after a while, another police officer came in.

Joey waited for their words to let him go, but he didn't want to. The man was asking questions from the beginning.

"Name, gender, age..."

Joey was a little confused, but he answered again and again.

The police officer still asked her the same question as the man just asked, and asked Joey to make a description and explanation. Joey also cooperated to finish.

"Comrade police, the policeman has already asked me these questions and made a record. My answer in Dui is very clear. What do you mean? Let me go without proof. "

By now, it's really stupid for Joey not to understand. They're wasting themselves. They haven't given a glass of water, and they're still locked up in this way. They're not going to make a move. But they're wasting time and preparing to use fatigue bombing?

This means, she saw television also know, but did not think that things are now happening to themselves, joy is unspeakable pain and anger.

Joey, who was infuriated, knew that she could not get out of her temper. Since they had already chosen Luo Qingqing's side, it was probably the so-called uncle Qian's role in Luo Qingqing's mouth.

"Comrade police, no matter how many times you ask me, I still say that. I don't have Luo Qingqing's bracelet. As police officers, you should know how to handle affairs according to law. I'm wronged. It's not good for you to lock me up like this again. Unless I die here, I'm going out. I believe that the society is just and the law is just. "

Joey said all this, looking at the face of the police officer opposite slightly changed, looking at Joey's eyes slightly flashing, and finally said: "we will not wrong a good man, nor will we let a prisoner go. Ms. joy, are you sure you don't have Ms. Luo Qingqing's bracelet? "

"I'm sure I didn't take it."

"Well, if that's the case, we'll clean you up."

With that, the man stood up. Joey was not sure if they were going to do the same trick in a while, but he couldn't go there and stay without news. Maybe now Lu Jingyun is waiting for her.

"Police comrade, can you return the phone to me? I want to tell my husband about me. "

"Just a moment."

Joey continued to wait, but this time the call still didn't wait, and no one came in for a long time.

Anxious and angry, Joey could only get up and walk around the room, finally knocking on the door, hoping someone would come.

However, no one paid attention to her.

Joey really wanted to curse, but in such a closed room, it was no use as long as they had no one to take care of her.

Finally, she can only sad lying on the table, voice is a little hoarse, tired and afraid, she can not help crying.

In the heart silently called Lu Jingyun, all kinds of grievances finally can not hold up to reveal, constantly sobbing, more and more crying. In the quiet little room, Joey's cry was very sad and lonely.

I don't know how long he cried. When Joey was sobbing, he felt a little sleepy. The door of the room was suddenly opened. Before Joey looked up, he was suddenly carried into a very familiar and safe embrace.

"Yi Yi..."

"Honey, are you here? Wuwu... "

Joey just cried again, immediately hugged Lu Jingyun and let his grievances and grievances of the night be vented. With Lu Jingyun's arrival, just his arms, Joey felt incomparably at ease. No matter what things she faced, she would no longer feel helpless and afraid.

"Yi, are you ok? Is there something wrong? Is there any injury? "

Lu Jingyun asked her anxiously and anxiously. Looking at Joey's crying appearance, she was deeply distressed. She was even more eager to kill the person who had treated Joey so much. The baby in his heart that he was holding in the palm of his hand was actually treated by these people.Joey just sobs and shakes her head, but doesn't speak clearly. Lu Jingyun slaps her on the back and pacifies her, and her eyes are fierce.

"Well I It's OK. "

Joey cried for a while, then stopped crying slightly, intermittent voice, voice has been very dumb.

Lu Jingyun listened to her voice, but also heartache, and directly carried her out of the small room.

Outside, several policemen were standing there. Joey did not see Luo Qingqing. Maybe she had already left and left herself to the police.

"Shall we go? Husband

"Well, I'll take you home."

Lu Jingyun's dim eyes swept over the policemen, and he quickly left the police station with Joey in his arms.

In the taxi, Joey was always held tightly by Lu Jingyun, holding Lu Jingyun's Lapel with both hands. It seemed that he lacked a sense of security, and he did not dare to let go of him.

Lu Jingyun always comforts her, kisses her forehead, lips, and caresses her body with her big hand, so as to pacify her shaking and uneasy mood.

Until she got home, Joey was put on the bed. Lu Jingyun held her in her arms and whispered, "Yi, it's OK. We're home. You're safe. I'll be with you. "

Joy raised her eyes and looked into Lu Jingyun's deep dark eyes, which made people feel stable in the dark eyes, which made her almost greasy into water.

Joey, who had calmed down, asked in her hoarse voice.

"Honey, how do you know I'm in the police station?"

"I called you, and they answered and told me."

In fact, what Joey doesn't know is that after her mobile phone was broken last time, Lu Jingyun took the opportunity to install positioning on her mobile phone. He did call Joey tonight, but no one answered. Several times of dialing, no one answered, Lu Jingyun immediately felt that it was wrong. After starting the positioning, he knew that Joey was in the police station.

Lu Jingyun immediately rushed over and asked about Joey. No one told him the truth, but he couldn't bear to get angry and put pressure on him with his real strength. They were afraid to let him take Joey away.

"Drink some water first. Does your throat hurt?"

Lu Jingyun got out of bed and brought her a cup of warm water. She drank up all her cups and prepared another one.

"I haven't drunk water since I was in the police station."

Joey can't help complaining.

Lu Jingyun frowned. Not only did he shut people up privately, but he even abused Joey in this way. His heart became fiercer and fiercer, and he wrote down another stroke.

"Honey, you suffer." Lu Jingyun kisses Joey and comforts her lips in a low voice. He can imagine that she was helpless and deliberately embarrassed at that time. She was alone, especially in the face of deliberate embarrassment. If he did not find her, how many difficulties would she have to bear?

Lu Jingyun thought of this, his whole body was angry and stiff, and Joey felt his strangeness.

"Husband, don't be angry. I'm back. "

"Well, you're hoarse. Don't talk. Take a rest. "

Even if Lu Jingyun has more anger to vent, it is not now. Joey has been tired all night and his throat is so hurt. All he has to do is to comfort Joey to have a good rest and sleep, and not to worry about it any more.


Joey closed his eyes obediently and was hugged in his arms by Lu Jingyun. Smelling his breath and listening to his powerful heartbeat, Joey finally relaxed his nervous tension and fell asleep slowly.

The safest harbor for Joey is Lu Jingyun's home. With him, she has more courage to face any unknown danger.

All night, Joey slept soundly, but Lu Jingyun didn't sleep at all.

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