
Joey looked at Lu Jingyun and said with a smile, "it seems that the two images of our husband and wife are really very good."

Lu Jingyun dotes on her forehead. "A match made in heaven is a good match."

"Shall we agree?"

"What do you say?" It's entirely up to Joey.

Joey thought about it and said, "I'm very proud, but I can't bear to let others see my husband so handsome."

"Ha ha ha ha..." Lu Jingyun was obviously pleased, laughing, breaking off Joey's face and kissing heavily Honey, I don't want to be seen by so many beautiful people

"Well, we'll turn it down."

Joey quickly rejected the other party, even if the wedding dress shop gave a discount, another persuasion, they did not agree.

Now that he's got the picture, Joey uses it everywhere he can. Computer desktop, head portrait, background, Lu Jingyun's mobile phone desktop, everywhere are photos of the two of them.

After setting it up, Joey couldn't help but enjoy it.

"Some other day we'll wash them into small ones and put them in our wallet."

Lu Jingyun has no opinion about this. Looking at his life full of joy's beautiful smile, he can only feel satisfied and comfortable.

"Well, I don't know if my mobile phone has been repaired. I'll go to have a look at it before work tomorrow and get these photos as soon as possible."

Joey was depressed when he thought of his cell phone which had been hurt innocently.


Suddenly, a new email came from the computer. Joey looked at it and handed it to Lu Jingyun.

"Your mail?"

Lu Jingyun took over the computer and opened it. It turned out to be an email full of English.

Joey just glanced and asked curiously, "who sent it? Why is it all in English? "

"Well, a friend who has not been in touch for a long time. He's in America. "

"Oh." Joey didn't ask any more questions. She felt that this kind of friend who had not seen for a long time sent an email in English. She felt that it was not a special close friend. Even in foreign countries, even in foreign countries, it's really a bit forgetful.

Such a person, even if it is contact, certainly not really want to contact it. Is he showing that he's in America?

And someone who sent the email was shot innocently again.

Joy's such a mental activity, Lu Jingyun did not know, he quickly returned to the mail, and then hugged Joey.

"My friend is from Kyoto, but he went to America a few years ago. He is also very busy, we only rely on email to contact a few times

Joey thought to herself, look, there's not much contact. It's definitely not a good relationship.

"Yes." Joey nodded to show understanding and didn't talk to this so-called friend more. After watching TV for a while, they went to bed early.

When Joey arrived at the company the next day, he found out that he had arrived very early in the company. Today, he was the last one to arrive.

When she got to the right time, and then looked at the colorful smiling faces of female colleagues who were even more dazzling than yesterday, she just wanted to understand that it was not that she came late, but that they were too excited to come too early.

She picked her eyebrows calmly. Before she could start work, Joey was informed that iris, the demon girl, was invited.

Joey's heart pounded. There was no movement yesterday. Is this waiting for her here today?

A little dejected, Joey marched heavily to the witch's office amid the expressions of sympathy and schadenfreude.

Joey had a long mental building at the door before he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.


A simple word, but with iris's straightforward and decisive style. Joey thought, will he be so soon decided out of the company?

Pushing the door in, Joey is surprised that there are still two people in the room, Ellie and Shirley.

Iris didn't care about Joey's appearance at all, and continued to command their work. She spoke with her unique, though not loud, but obviously sharp tone.

Joey was silent and didn't dare to interrupt iris. He stood aside carefully and waited for them to finish.

After waiting for nearly ten minutes, iris let Ellie and Shirley leave, and her malicious smile before leaving makes Joey more nervous.

She didn't dare to breathe, waiting for iris to speak.

Just looking at iris has been immersed in the work in front of him, as if he didn't see Joey. It only makes Joey feel that this is intentional, which is basically tormenting himself mentally.

Just when Joey felt that he wanted to make a voice, the female devil in front of her suddenly raised her head. When she saw Joey, she was slightly surprised, as if she didn't understand how Joey appeared here.

But soon, she recovered her expression, or continued to bow her head busy, but finally spoke."Joey is right, just came to the company less than a month, beat so many top students into the company's domestic second-class undergraduate level."

Joey listened. The obvious irony in her words made her feel guilty.

"I don't care who's behind you to let you in. But now that you're in the company, use all your brains. The company is not a place for idle people. If it is not done well, I can let you leave. "

It's a warning. Joey is wringing her fingers nervously. She thinks she should argue. She has no backstage. She doesn't come in through the back door.


"Well, that's all I'll say. Go out. "

Joey opened her mouth, and it was obvious that the witch was warning herself about yesterday's incident and expressed her disdain for herself.

She told her that there was no way to save her image, and finally, she just left in dismay.

When Joey returned to her seat, Sally immediately ran over. Before asking, she patted Joey sympathetically on the shoulder as soon as she saw the depressed expression of being hit.

"Don't be discouraged, sister. I believe you can make it. "

Joey sighed. "I've made it."

In fact, is not just a few words, she does not care, good work is OK.

"That's good." Sally smiles to show her support for Joey. It's just that her expression turns into gossip and curiosity in the next second In other words, what did the demon head say to you? Because of yesterday

Joey gave Sally a sharp puff at her jumping forehead and said, "she just said, if I don't do well, let me go."

"Well I guess so. " Sally didn't think she was surprised. Her curiosity was gone Don't be nervous. She said that to a lot of people. "

Joey asked curiously, "after that, how many people really get out of here?"

Sally's expression was stiff, pulled the corner of her mouth and said, "eighty percent of the people who really leave."


Joey says his future is in jeopardy!

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