
"Joey, what are you doing? Are you ready to prepare the information? "

Although Ellie is as fierce as ever, she has changed a lot. The two groups of eyes on her chest that could hardly be covered looked like they were going to jump out. The tight skirt made her very strong and her figure protruded. Joey couldn't move her eyes, let alone men.

"Yes, Ellie, I'm ready."

Joey thought that maybe at this time, she had enough time to concentrate on her work.

"Then you come with me." Ellie glanced at Joey, looked at her ordinary dress, and softened her tone a little Others, stay honest and do your job

Joey said something about her. Why didn't Ellie look for her today?

Joey, with a stack of information in his hand, follows Ellie, enters the elevator, and On the top floor.

As Elle's face became more and more charming, Joey realized that no wonder she had come to her own. Joey is the safest of all the women who are looking at her.

"Rachel, this is what iris asked me to bring. Is it convenient now? I'll send it in. "

Joey followed. The woman named Rachel saw them coming and said with a cool smile, "the information is here. I'll send it in a minute."

Ellie's expression was a little stiff, but she didn't give up.

"Rachel, there are some very important things that iris explained here. The classification is quite complicated. I think I'd better send it in myself, or I can't afford it if it's messed up

Rachel gives Allie a cold look and looks at Joey behind her. "Let her send it in."

"Me?" Joey was speechless.

Ellie's cheek gave a sharp puff and bit her teeth. As soon as she was about to say something, the door of the meeting room suddenly opened, and the three of them stood nervously at once.

It's iris. Looking at Joey with the information, a sharp eye sweeps past.

"Come in."

Then she turns around, and when Joey's in a daze, Rachel gives her a push.

"Come on in!"

Joey just reflexively walked into the mysterious conference room with the materials.

Joey, holding the information, is curious, but at this moment she is stunned. She just lowers her head nervously and follows iris step by step.

However, Joey so stupidly followed iris to her seat. After sitting down, she still stood beside her with the information, and didn't know what to do.

Iris's sharp and beautiful face suddenly frowned at Joey, and his voice quickly cooled.

"Pass the information to everyone in this room."

"Ah?" Joey was stabbed a little confused, then quickly wake up, face red, quickly bow to distribute information.

I've been scolding myself for being so insensitive in my mind. In front of so many supervisors, will I be fired?

The more nervous she was thinking, the more trembling joy was. Finally, she was so unlucky.

"Bang Ah... "

All the time, iris was interrupted, and all of a sudden, all the information was sent out to Joey.

Joey's soul is not in her body for a moment. It seems that she didn't break the water cup in front of the biggest boss in front of her, nor did she cause the boss's distress. Everyone's focus is not on herself. She is just like watching a busy outsider, watching a clumsy woman ruin the meeting at such an important time and see her do something wrong to accept general manager Yan The consequences of punishment.

It was just a moment, and Joey didn't know what would happen next.


A exclamation called the frightened Joey back to consciousness and pulled her into this embarrassing and helpless situation. Joey's only thought was that it was over. She would lose her job again.

"It's OK."

Joey heard the big boss's voice, low and majestic, as if calm.

"Clean up, we'll go on."

Joey hung his head and didn't dare to look at people until he was pushed out of the meeting room.

After Joey was pushed out, no one cared about her. No one said anything about her behavior just now. She could only muddle down the stairs and go back to her office.


Although Ellie is a little jealous that Joey can go in and see the big boss, she is not embarrassed about her image and identity. Just a little curious and asked, "what's going on inside?"

"Ah It's good. "

Joey replied blankly.

"Good?" Allie frowned and shook her head to see that there was nothing wrong with her. She might as well inquire about it by herself. Maybe she will have a chance to meet the big boss.After Ellie left, Sally and Alice immediately gathered around and asked Joey if she had gone to see the boss?

"See you?"

"Isn't it handsome?"

"Isn't it charming?"

"Is it..."

"I don't know!" Some of Joey's eyes are not in a state, as if what just happened has not been digested. After looking at Sally and Alice's disappointed expression, he spoke slowly. "I've swept my glass on the boss. Then I was pushed out of the room. "

With that, there was a strange silence.

Joey sighed a long time, and then his face quickly seemed to have accumulated countless dark clouds.

"Am I dead? Will mine not be used for work tomorrow? I just came to the company less than a month, can I still get the wages of these days? Is it time for me to find another job online as soon as possible? By the way, big boss, I don't have to pay for that dress, right? Even if I have to pay for it, I can't afford it! This is really tragic. I thought that the fortune would turn around in the future. I didn't expect that I would be so lucky. My salary of 4000 yuan could not reach me... "

After a series of questions from Joey, Sally and Alice didn't respond for a long time. They were obviously scared. She thought that she was asking for nothing. She thought that she was going to be fired. She didn't have to ask, so she couldn't help talking to her husband and comforting herself?


"You cow

When Sally and Alice came back to their senses, they had such a fantastic reaction.

"Yes." Joey knew that their remarks were ironic and sympathized with himself, thinking that he was still gloating at the wonderful scenes of these women fighting for a big boss in the morning, but he didn't expect that he would get retribution in the afternoon.

"In fact I don't think it's that serious. " Alice was a little uncertain and said, "you didn't mean to."

"Who knows what big boss thinks? Maybe he's in a bad mood today. I'm in a bad mood. " Joey's ready to go. " Don't worry about it. Anyway, I feel that I've been lucky for this job. I really want to leave. I have no regrets. "

"Don't be discouraged. Look at it again." Sally sympathetically said: "big boss is not the kind of person who fired people because of a small matter."

"Do you know him?" Don't worry, Joey. I'm still here. As soon as you come, you will be at ease. "

When they saw that Joey had calmed down, they didn't worry much.

"Well, Joey, you're lucky. We'd love to have a close contact with the boss, but why is it your turn?" Sally is a little envious and jealous Tell me, what the big boss is like? "

Joey seemed to be thinking about how to describe it. He frowned and thought for a long time before he opened his mouth.

"Actually, I No attention. "

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