
In all these years, Joey never wanted to look for his own parents. In the orphanage, she was young. Later, she understood the emotion and experienced the hurt of being abandoned. In her heart, she had only resentment and hatred for her irresponsible parents.

Years later, Joey's resentment faded. She told herself that if she was alone, and there were so many orphans, she was not special. Her parents should not care.

No matter what reason they abandoned themselves, Joey just put it all away and didn't think about it.

Therefore, she never thought that one day she would get something that might be her own parents.

When Joey got the necklace in his hand, his mood became complicated.

She has known for a long time that the greatness of maternal love and the greatness of parents' love for their children is the most ridiculous for her. This is true of biological parents, and so are adoptive parents. Since they abandoned themselves at the beginning, why did they leave clues and let themselves fall into this torment.

It's good to give up completely when it's time to give up. Since I chose to be irresponsible, why should I find them out?

Is it for a home with parents? Or a reason to be abandoned?

For Joey, maybe before Lu Jingyun, she would care a little. However, now, she no longer needs the so-called parents' love. The only thing she has and needs is Lu Jingyun's love, a warm home for herself and Lu Jingyun.

Besides, it doesn't matter to Joey.

"Husband, I don't want to find them."

Joey nest in Lu Jingyun's arms, holding him tightly, seems to want to draw his only support from his arms.

Her fear, her resentment, only in his arms, will disappear, will feel that he is not alone.

"Then don't look, Yi. It's OK. You and me."

Lu Jingyun stroked her face with a big hand, relieved her uneasiness by skin contact, and looked at the contradiction in her eyes. Even if she said so, what he saw was joy's complicated suffering.

"I don't believe them."

Joey, after all, said his doubts. She didn't believe the biological parents, so she didn't want to get more sad information from them because she could find them. She preferred to think that she never knew and never thought about them.

Lu Jingyun looks at Joey with heartache, calm and indifferent expression, but his heart is badly scarred.

He bowed his head and kissed her lips, as if he were kissing her with scars on her heart. With extremely devout and gentle kisses, he hoped to appease her and make her no longer heartache and heartache.

"I, baby, don't be sad."

Lu Jingyun kisses, while comforting said, and gradually, in his kiss, taste salty tears.

I don't know when, Joey's eyes overflow with crystal clear tears, silent, sliding down the cheek, into their gently glued kisses.

"Darling, don't cry..."

Lu Jingyun is more distressed to comfort Joey, gently kiss to her tears.

However, the tears can not stop. He can only pat Joey on the back, let her vent her accumulated so many years of grievances and pain.


Joey's silent tears, gradually because of more and more aggrieved and sad, and sob out, voice more aggrieved, listen to Lu Jingyun heartache.

"Yi, Yi, don't be sad. I'm heartbroken when you cry..."

Lu Jingyun picked up Joey's whole body, anxious to comfort her, so that she did not cry, so heartbreaking.

Finally, he can only kiss her on the cheek, lips, bit by bit, let her feel his company and presence, forget those unhappy past.

When Joey gradually stops crying and calms down, Joey grabs Lu Jingyun's hand and raises her sad red face, which makes people feel pity and heartache.

"Husband, I have you enough."

"Yes, you have me. Silly Yi, I will always be with you

Joyono's response, her heart, there is a gap, but, that's not important. As long as Lu Jingyun is there, he can already afford it all.

After all, Joey dropped the necklace. She doesn't want to see or let this necklace destroy her very satisfied and happy life.

Lu Jingyun didn't say anything. He respected Joey's wishes. In fact, he couldn't find him, as long as Joey said a word. But he just wanted Joey to help her when she was really willing to let go. Now, it's not the time.

Joey, who came back from leave, continued to work normally. The panic and sadness of the day before had passed quickly. Life is still going on, she has no reason not to live a good life of their own.

Several colleagues simply asked her about her. Joey only said that there was no big deal and had been solved, so she continued to work.Ellie gave her a lot of work, and Joey didn't get a little rest until lunch.

"Ellie is so inhumane. You're not lazy. Why do you have to put all this work on you?"

Sally complained for Joey, but only in a low voice and did not dare to be bold.

Joey said with an indifferent smile, "this is my job. It's OK to work hard for a day."

"You, are you submissive? Otherwise, you can send something to Ellie

Joey thought about it, but he didn't want to. However, this kind of thing may be unavoidable.

"I'll think about it again."

"Yes." Sally did not force her eyes to patrol the second floor of the restaurant. "I heard a piece of news that Casey from the public relations department told me. She heard from her boss that our big boss in America is going back home. However, I don't know if I will come here in Jiangcheng. "

"Back home?" Joey was surprised and asked, "is the big boss Chinese?"

"No, Joey, you've been here for so long. Don't you know that although Tianhe was established in the United States, the boss is Chinese? You are so It's not up to the standard. "

Joey grinned awkwardly and took a sip of soup to cover up his ignorance.

"I said, no wonder these people seem to be busy these days." Alice said. "I'll tell you why David is so honest recently. I'm afraid something will happen."

"According to me, even if our boss comes back, he may not come to Jiangcheng. Companies in Kyoto are the focus. "

"That's not necessarily. Since the boss is back, he must make a comprehensive inspection." There's something about Alice Joey, you don't know, our boss is the top diamond king. Every time he comes back, he can make all the women in the branch company set off a big wave. You know that. "

Joey chuckled and nodded Understand, understand... "

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