
As soon as Joey saw Lu Jingyun's appearance, he immediately seemed to have a spiritual prop. He tightly grasped Lu Jingyun's hand, while holding the mobile phone, while expressing flustered.

"Call from home. Let's go back."

He was about to pull Lu Jingyun to the door, but was stopped by Lu Jingyun.

"Put on your coat and bag. Don't panic. I'll check out and call a taxi. I'll wait for you downstairs. "Coltan"

with Lu Jingyun's appeasement, Joey slowly regained his sanity and watched Lu Jingyun leave quickly.

The two quickly took a taxi and went directly to Joey's hometown. In the car, Joey explained the basic things to Lu Jingyun.

It turned out that she was awakened by the phone just now. It was Joe's father who called. It turned out that Qiao Xiaojun, who was fighting with his classmates at school, had a simple quarrel with his classmates, but he didn't want to push them. Qiao Xiaojun exerted too much force, which was regarded as the bad luck of the pushed classmate. Unfortunately, he bumped into the stool intersection, and his worst misfortune was that the foot of the stool accidentally hit the part between the child's vulnerable legs.

As soon as the school looked at this situation, it immediately took the child to the hospital and informed the parents at the same time. However, Qiao's father didn't give a detailed explanation. He said that they seemed to have a lot of trouble there. The parents of the injured child were very respectable. Now the Qiao family can't help but face huge compensation, which is more likely to make a lot of trouble.

Joey listened to Joe's father's voice on the phone. He had no way out. He asked Joey to collect money and see if Joey had any way.

Although Joey's feelings for the Qiao family are slowly fading away when they ignore themselves, the Qiao family is also her mother's family after all. In particular, Joe's father was ok with her. She couldn't sit back in cold blood.

"Yi, don't worry, it will be settled."

Lu Jingyun comforts some uneasy joy, holding her to give support and comfort.

"Husband, if you need a lot of compensation, the money we have saved..."

"It's up to you. I'm all yours. Anyway, the money can be earned again. " Lu Jingyun knew what she meant and did not hesitate to support all her decisions.

"Thank you, husband."

"Silly Yi, what do we say thank you?" Lu Jingyun kisses Joey on the forehead. They hold hands and look at the dark road outside. The Qiao family, who is waiting for them, is now blocked in the hospital, and both sides are stuck in glue.

Joy and Lu Jingyun have just arrived at the county hospital. Before they go in, they see Qiao's father and mother and Qiao Xiaojun, accompanied by other people and a hospital bed, pushed out, and Joey immediately stepped forward.

"Dad, mom..."

"Little Yi."

As soon as Qiao Jianjian saw Joey, she was excited to hold Joey's hand. However, Qiao's mother only looked at Joey. She was surprised, but she still didn't have much reaction. She was still worried about protecting Qiao Xiaojun. In her eyes, only her son.

"Dad, you are..."

"After all, the medical level here is limited. The hospital suggested that we should transfer to the large hospital in Jiangcheng."

"Let's go together. Don't worry about you and mom

"Yes. I know. I'm sorry to ask you to come here so late Joe's father said with some embarrassment.

"Dad, what did you say? Get in the car

Later, accompanied by the victims' families, all of them rushed to Jiangcheng first people's hospital overnight.

After a night of tossing, the hospital felt that although the injury to the vulnerable place, now is after the rehabilitation will not have a big problem. However, the hospital does not guarantee that it will affect the function in the future. After all, it's still young, and they don't have a way to give an accurate diagnosis of the future.

Now, it's not just about compensation and medical expenses, but about the uncertainty of the future.

Joe's father and mother apologized with the other side for a long time, but the victim's side did not give up. In addition to money compensation, they are also full of discontent. Yes, everyone is such a delicate child now. Money can compensate for some things. However, for the child's physical injury and future injury, no one will give up easily.

But now, even if you have been arguing and angry, you can't get an accurate result at once.

Both sides of the quarrel, the hospital several times to stop, but can not suppress anger.

Finally, Joey tries to persuade him, but he is stopped by Lu Jingyun. He came forward in person, took the victim's father and went to the corner to talk in a low voice. Later, I didn't know what Lu Jingyun said. Instead of the ferocious anger just now, the father of the child was a little reluctant. He took his wife's and family back to the ward to look at the child, while Qiao's father and his mother sighed.

"Dad, mom, it's too late. Take Jun to a hotel first. I made it clear to the Liu family that this matter would be solved slowly. When the child is discharged from the hospital, both sides will find a time to sit down and have a good negotiation. "

Lu Jingyun came forward to persuade Qiao's father and mother and explained what had just happened. Joe's father was very grateful, while his mother's face seemed a little embarrassed. At last, she only held out one Thank you"Xiao Yi, Jingyun, you are tired. You should go home quickly. I'll get back to you when you have something to do tomorrow. "

"Dad, let's stay in the hotel with you. It's very far away from our home. It's close to where we live. It's easy to do something. "

In the end, the five stayed together in a hotel near the hospital.

Qiao Xiaojun was obviously frightened by the incident and did not open his mouth all night. After Lu Jingyun bought dinner for them, he went back to his room to accompany Joey.

"Husband, it's hard for you."

Joy said with love for Lu Jingyun.

"I'm fine, but you've been tired all day. Take a rest early. Don't worry. I'll take care of everything. "

At this moment, listening to Lu Jingyun's pacification, Joey felt unprecedented security and steadiness. Those who are worried and afraid are calm because of Lu Jingyun's existence.

"Good." Joy believed Lu Jingyun unconditionally and believed that he would handle the matter well.

Even though she knew he was an ordinary man, she just thought he would solve it very well.

At the moment, it was early in the morning, and Joey had fallen asleep in Lu Jingyun's arms. After a while, Lu Jingyun got out of bed and went out of the room to make a phone call.

"I need professional and authoritative doctors. In addition, check the details of the Liu family. All the information will be sent to me before 9:00 in the morning."

The next day, Lu Jingyun bought breakfast, asked for leave for himself and Joey, and sent the breakfast to the Qiao family.

Qiao's father was very grateful for the considerate help of his son-in-law. If it were not for him, they would not have known when it would have been delayed.

"Jingyun, in fact, you and Xiao Yi both work. You don't have to accompany us all the time. Now that child's condition is stable, don't delay your work

"Dad, it's OK. I'll talk to the Liu family again today and try to solve the problem as soon as possible."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"This is what we should do." Lu Jingyun smiles modestly and looks at Qiao's mother, whose expression is somewhat indifferent. She doesn't say anything. Then he turned to Qiao Xiaojun, who seemed to be much better, and asked, "Xiao Jun, tell me something about yesterday."

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