
Joey's heart leaped, conscious, as if she was about to be abandoned again.

"Yi, Yi, don't think about it. Don't think about it." Lu Jingyun didn't know that Joey would have such a reaction. It hasn't been said yet. She should have reacted so strongly. At the same time, I can't help but be afraid.

"What do you want to say Joey stares at Lu Jingyun's eyes. His big eyes don't blink, as if he wants to see into Lu Jingyun's heart and never let go of any of his reactions.

How can Lu Jingyun tell the truth when he stops talking?

He patted Joey on the back and stroked her slowly to ease her tension and fear.

"Yi, I just want to say that this visit is not a group purchase ticket. It's not so cheap. I didn't expect you to be so excited. I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Don't get angry, OK? "

Joey was buried in Lu Jingyun's arms for a long time without saying anything. When Lu Jingyun was worried, she finally spoke.

"Husband, I grew up in the orphanage since I was young, you know?"

As soon as Lu Jingyun's expression was Su, he immediately became more cautious. His pretext for joking didn't make Joey relax. Instead, it triggered something deep in her heart that she had never really touched.

He answered quietly, and then continued to listen to Joey speaking in his arms.

"When I was six years old, I was taken back to the Qiao family, my current adoptive parents. After five years in the orphanage, I heard that I was put at the gate of the orphanage before I was weaned. Later, my adoptive parents took them home to live a healthy family life. Until my junior high school, my adoptive mother finally got pregnant and gave birth to a younger brother. After that, all the energy of the adoptive parents was put on the younger brother, and I was basically a redundant person. I know I can't owe them anything. I worked in high school to earn money, and so did college. "

"Honey, you've suffered a lot, haven't you?" Joey said it calmly, without resentment or anger, just like commenting on the most common thing.

"I didn't feel bitter. I was able to finish college without becoming a social villain. It's already very good." Joey laughed at himself, "husband, I told myself to be peaceful and contented, so that I could have a more happy life. It's not your stuff. You can't force it. So I had a good time at Qiao's. But do you know why I wanted to marry you so early? "

Lu Jingyun's heart was severely torn and painful. "I know, you want a home of your own, a warm home, no one will..."

Said, Lu Jingyun because the voice of heartache are some low, but how can't say the words behind.

Joey laughs, "yes, a home where no one will abandon me."

This is Joey's wish, and since she met Lu Jingyun, she has already begun the life she yearns for, a completely beautiful and somewhat unreal warm home.

People who know Joey will always be moved by joy's peace and optimism. In their eyes, although Joey is a silly girl, some stubbornly stick to his spirit that can't keep up with the pace of the times, but he is also a very good person to get along with.

However, they did not know that there was a deep wound in Joey's heart, which could not be healed from the wound that was abandoned when she was born to the neglect of her foster parents. Joey can only deeply cover up the ugly scar, pretend to be optimistic, very happy to live their own life.

Lu Jingyun doesn't necessarily know these things. He just knows that his baby Yiyi has suffered a lot, but he hasn't found the deepest scar from these sufferings.

Today, Lu Jingyun really knows that he is wrong, really wrong.

This lie, from the beginning, should not exist, and now, he knows Joey's wounds that have been covered up, but still exist, how can he not say all of them now.

Unless, her wound can be healed, unless her abandoned heart knot can be completely untied.

At this time, Lu Jingyun was afraid. If he really told Joey now, then her insecurity, her abandoned wound will be opened, is she even more to doubt that she and her life are not true, so that she completely collapsed?

Lu Jingyun did not dare to imagine the consequences. If he had been lucky enough to think that Joey might only be angry, and they would soon have a good idea in the future, but after Joey's words today, Lu Jingyun is too afraid to speak casually.

This time, Lu Jingyun's heart was hurt with joy's words. He wished he could not meet her earlier, and regretted his concealment at the beginning.

"Yi, Yi, you have me. You have me. I will always be by your side, no one will let us separate

Lu Jingyun can't wait to pacify joy's heart and want her to get rid of the sad past.

"Husband, don't leave me."

Joy finally released her vulnerability in front of Lu Jingyun. The wound touched by her was so painful that she couldn't help crying in front of Lu Jingyun.Silent but has been continuous tears mixed into the water, soon disappeared, but in Lu Jingyun's heart deeply engraved with the mark.

He can only hold Joey without suppressing her crying. She has repressed the pain and fragility for so many years, and can be released in front of him.

"I, we will never part, never..."

Lu Jingyun in Joey's tears, repeated, will not separate, such as this constant commitment, can heal Joey's wounds.

After a long time, Joey's crying gradually stopped. She was soaked in warm spring water. She was crying and short of water. Lu Jingyun took her out of the hot spring pool and sat on the rest stool beside her and poured warm water for her.

"Yi, honey, drink some water."

Joey raised her red face and red eyes at Lu Jingyun's more tender and affectionate black eyes. As a result, she was stabbed by her mouth, much like the aggrieved baby after being bullied.

Joey seems to be a little embarrassed. When drinking water, he always lowers his head and dare not look at Lu Jingyun.

Lu Jingyun had to squat in front of her and look at her hiding face from below.

Both hands hold her hand holding the cup, slightly tightening.

"Honey, don't you believe me the most? I said, we won't separate, we won't. What are you still worried about? "

Joey shook his head and whispered, "I believe you. It's just that you don't scare me like that in the future

"Well, I was wrong this time." Lu Jingyun expressed a deep apology for this incident. " Originally I wanted to make you happy, but I didn't expect that the hot spring didn't soak well, but you contributed a lot to the hot spring. "

Joey was teased by him and couldn't help laughing. He flattened his mouth and glared at Jingyun.

"You made a serious mistake this time. How much is the group purchase? Have you spent all your private money

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