
"Husband, you don't know how happy I am that you are my husband."

Lu Jingyun is washing the dishes. I don't know how she has such a mood when she sighs with such sudden sensibility and joy.

"I know you are very satisfied with my husband."

Lu Jingyun also stinks to know his position in Joey's heart.

"Yes, you don't know. My two colleagues have been praising you. They are envious of those who go up to the hall and down to the kitchen. They say they will go to the matchmaking company to find a good husband like you."

"If I'm the only one in the world, I'll give it to you."

"Hee hee I know that! So, I'm sorry, they're looking for something a little worse than you. "

Look, these two people are self satisfied. I don't know how narcissistic they are.

After finishing the kitchen, Lu Jingyun washed some fruit and took Joey to sit on the sofa.

"Yi Yi, you said that I am such a good husband. If one day I have to do something wrong, will you forgive me?"

Lu Jingyun's appearance seems to be carelessly bringing out a problem. He still doesn't forget to put fruit in Joey's mouth.

"No choice? I'm sure I won't blame you Joey answered easily.

"What will you do if I conceal your affairs?"

Joey looked at Lu Jingyun's face strangely. Some of his deep black eyes looked at him and asked, "did you hide anything from me?"

"No, I don't think so. What if I hide my money from you

"Hee hee Husband, you can hide your private money. Don't be too much. " Joey put on a funny look that I knew you had hidden your money. He said that he was a generous wife and must have turned a blind eye.

Lu Jingyun had no choice but to smile bitterly. The little woman thought she was smart.

"If it's not private money, is it something else?"

"Something else?" Joy's lovely crooked head, thought for a while, and then said to Lu Jingyun conscientiously: "the principle problem, I will not forgive."

"For example?"

"Such as having an affair..." Joey was a little upset.

Lu Jingyun quickly hugged Joey and comforted him. "I'm just making an analogy. Why do you want to go there? I'm sure I won't do that, baby. You have to believe me. "

Joey was buried in his arms and answered. "I know, I believe in you."

"What a fool, Yi." Lu Jingyun sighs in the heart, a trial, or failed.

"So, husband, we don't have to hide each other's affairs. Just tell us what we have." Joey had been calmed down and said with a playful smile, "even if it's such a big thing as hiding your private money, I won't blame you."

After saying that, she is also very curious to stare at big eyes, blink and blink some lovely Husband, tell me, how much private money have you saved? Where are they hiding? Don't worry, tell me, I'm not going to get it. "

Lu Jingyun couldn't help laughing, holding her little face, as if to really tell Joey. Instead, it's intentional I won't tell you. "

Joey got up and looked around with big eyes Well, I don't believe I can't find it. "

So Joey began to "explore" the action, and Lu Jingyun confidently leaned on the sofa, smiling and watching Joey flip around, but nothing was depressed.

In the end, joy almost did not turn the house all over. She fell down on Lu Jingyun, tired and depressed.

"Well, I won't look. Keep hiding. But you have to put it away. Don't forget it

Lu Jingyun pinched her cheek with a smile and asked, "did you really give up?"

"What, are you going to tell me?"

"No, you look for it slowly. If you find it, it's yours. How about it?" Lu Jingyun coaxed and said, seeing Joey's twinkling eyes, he thought it was really worth it. He would hide some private money from time to time and make her happy.

"Really? You are what you say. " Joey turned his eyes and thought about the surprise when he got Lu Jingyun's private money.

"Don't you believe me? It's yours if you find it. Are you happy? "

"Hee hee Yes, yes, my husband. If I find you, don't be distressed. " The feeling of change is like pie in the sky. It's fun to think about it.

"I don't care, baby. You're happy. It's my turn to be happy..."

With that, he immediately put Joey's lips in his mouth and began his "treasure hunting" campaign.


As soon as Lu Jingyun arrived at the company, after greeting his colleagues, he received a call from Kyoto. There was no one else on the phone, or Mo Jincheng, who had returned to Kyoto.

"Lu Shao, which do you want to hear first, a good news or a bad news?"Mo Jincheng put forward multiple choice questions with great interest. It seems that there is no bad news at all.

"One by one," Lu Jingyun was not interested in matching his taste.

Mo Jincheng only helpless sigh, is really boring, he knew for a long time will be this result, but he is still so silly to ask.

"I went to Shen Siyu."

"Good news for me, but bad news for you? Shen family will let you go? I think you should be prepared for forced marriage. "

Mo Jincheng listened, his body was stiff and touched his chin awkwardly Don't worry, I'll take care of it. "

"What else?"

"That's bad news for you. Kyoto really sent someone to Jiangcheng, you It's time to get through. "

"Shut your crow's mouth." Lu Jingyun was a little unhappy and said, "they don't know I'm there?"

"I don't know, but Tong Zhaoyuan has seen you. If one is not careful, tut..."

"You call Tong Zhaoyuan away and go to Kyoto." Lu Jingyun ordered: "as long as you don't give me a leg, I won't have any problems here."

"Call away? Tong Zhaoyuan can never never know. Lu Shao, I say, I'd better confess earlier. Early death, early birth. "

With that, Mo Jincheng only heard Lu Jingyun hang up the phone. He couldn't help laughing with his mobile phone. He didn't expect Lu Jingyun to be so embarrassed.

However, before he was happy enough, Mo Jincheng's mobile phone rang. Seeing that it was Shen Siyu's, Mo Jincheng couldn't laugh at once.

He will be ready to shut down, but, hesitated, he still answered the phone.

Shen Siyu on the phone didn't know what he said. Mo Jincheng's face was a little embarrassed, but his voice was still his gentle voice used to treat women.

"Siyu, you're good. I'm very busy recently. After this period of time, let's talk about this matter again. That's it. I'm busy. I'll hang up first. Bye

Mo Jincheng hung up the phone, thought for a long time, then turned off the mobile phone, got up and quickly walked out.

He can't wait to be caught here. Let's get out of here. After that, I will deal with it when he is in a mood.

In Kyoto, Mo Jincheng evades forced marriage. Jiangcheng and Lu Jingyun are also anxious to escape the possible situation.

Or take Joey off for a honeymoon? Avoid this period first?

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