Chapter 228 I am dying

Regius eyes narrowed when he saw large clouds of dust rising at a distance.

He felt a small tremor on the tree he was sitting and a frown appeared on his face.

"What's happening? Izil can you see anything?"

Izil cleaned the green blood on his spear and looked above at Regius. He climbed a nearby tree and eyed the clouds of dust.

"I am low on mana that's why can't see so far."

Regius thought for a second and gazed at his group members.

"Should we go check out what's happening?"

Everyone agreed and they started moving toward the large clouds of dust. However, after walking for twenty minutes, they encountered a panicked human figure running away from the clouds of dust.

The tremor in the ground increased. Also, Regius's frown deepened when he saw two more elves running away from the dust clouds.

He opened his mouth to say something but then Izil's horrid voice sounded in his ears.

"I ... think we need to run!"

Izil turned around and started running backward. Regius looked at his back with a dumbfounded expression. Not just him, Yue, Lumi, and the other two elves following behind him were also stunned for a second.

Regius grumbled under his breath and shouted.

"Follow him!"

He used an agility skill and caught up with Izil in no time.

"What the heck? Why are we running?"

Izil gazed back with a sweating forehead and groaned.

"Monsters! I saw hundreds of high-rank monsters coming our way!"


Regius was stunned. He could sense the tremor in the ground was increasing with each passing second.

"Damn it! Why did so many monsters appear together? Don't tell me some idiots provoked them."

Izil shook his head.

"It's not a normal group of monsters! There are too many! We can't fight them!"

Yue, Lumi, Niamh, and Faith heard their conversation and increased their speed.

They ran with all their might but the tremor only increased and after half an hour they heard loud howls, screeches, and shrieks coming from behind.

Just like them hundreds of participants were running away from the tremor.

Lumi's breath was heavy when she jumped and crossed a large area in a second. She was weakest among the group that's why she was in the last.

"Guys... I am tired."

She stopped for a few seconds and saw many participants running past her.

He rubbed his eyes thinking maybe he was imagining but no matter what the flock of flying monsters didn't disappear. Instead, they were coming near with each passing second.


Kyle took in a large breath. So many monsters! He just slept for a few hours and the green forest changed into a monster forest?

He stopped in his tracks. Something was definitely wrong here. Maybe he missed something important while he was busy sleeping.

His gaze lingered at the forest below the mountain and under his astonished gaze many participants jumped out from the forest and started climbing the mountain.

The participants were sweating with their breathing ragged as they did their best to climb as high as possible.

Kyle spotted two familiar figures among the small crowd and disappeared from his location.

He appeared beside a boy who was almost on the verge of collapsing.


Regius who just barely arrived at the mountain almost freaked out when a sudden voice sounded in his ears.

"The fuck!"

He turned around to look at the figure running beside him and almost tripped.


Kyle blinked his eyes innocently and waved his hand.

"Hi, Regius. How have you been?"

Regius didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Seeing Kyle was indeed surprising but right now the situation wasn't good enough for them to exchange greetings.

"I am dying!"

He shouted and increased his speed.

Kyle gazed back at the running honey-hair elf who was staring at his figure with wide eyes but when Kyle's eyes landed on her she looked away immediately.

He turned around and increased his speed to catch Regius again.

"By the way what's happening?"

Kyle's question was quite innocent but the only thing Regius wanted was to punch him once!

Regius blurted out in an irritated voice.

"How would I know? I was standing peacefully but hundreds of monsters appeared out of nowhere! Almost half of the participants running around me got eliminated!"

Kyle replied with an 'Oh' and slowed down so he could properly look at the monsters following behind the participants.

Regius looked back at his figure and shouted with frustration.

"Why the hell are you slowing down? Run it's dangerous!"

Kyle waved his hand and started jogging downward.

"It's alright. I am just gonna check for a while."

Regius almost choked on his breath and cursed out loud.

"I told you to run why the hell are you going downward!"

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