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The tournament, where the outlaw Nathan disappeared, went very smoothly.

Lark, who won by default in the first game, showed a dazzling performance by beating his opponents step by step.

‘What? Why are you so good?’

What was absurd was that he didn’t get hit even once in several matches.

If Lark’s spirit hadn’t been Landian, I would’ve wondered if he was cheating too…

“The honorable winner of the jousting match final has been decided!”

6:0. The referee who passed the scoreboard shouted loudly.

Perhaps wanting to end the game beautifully, Lark won in a single round by knocking his opponent off his horse.

I looked at the last opponent knight returning to the waiting room with his shoulders drooping.

‘Still, seeing that he came to the finals to face Lark, he must’ve been the next best player after him. Cheer up…’

There was no such thing as a twist in the end. As expected, the winner was the crown prince, Lark van Rashmagh Descarde.

“Congratulations to contestant Lark van Rashmafh Descarde on his victory!”


“His Highness the Crown Prince, hurrah!”

A thunderous roar erupted from the stands at the 3rd Princess’ victory announcement.

As is customary in tournaments, the winner, Lark, rode his horse around the arena to thank the spectators. In the meantime, the awards ceremony was prepared under the VIP seats.



Standing beside the 3rd Princess, I glanced at the reward she held to hand to the winner. The red diamond Afante, placed on a red velvet cushion, was gorgeous…

<What’s with the prince’s taste?>

<Who knows?>

… Tiara. A woman’s crown that Lark wouldn’t be able to wear even if he took it.

<Perhaps he didn’t intend to use it. It was obvious that the 2nd Prince would win by foul play, so he should’ve ordered that as a prize to fuck him up.>

<Hmm, I see.>

I smiled as I guessed Lark’s thought. I didn’t expect him to have such a cute side.

“Did you give your handkerchief to His Highness?”

“I think half of the women here gave theirs to the crown prince.”

My ears perked up at the voices of the girls gathered together.

In the awards ceremony area, not only members of the imperial family, including the emperor, but also aristocratic ladies, each beautifully decorated, gathered in groups.

‘Uhm, yes. In fact, I can say this is the highlight.’

There’s a reason why tournaments were called the epitome of romance culture. All the ladies gathered here were probably more interested in this than the match itself: which lady in the empire would be kissed by the crown prince, the tournament winner!?

… It’s all about that.


“Congratulations, Brother.”

“Congratulations, Brother.”

The emperor and the siblings from the imperial family congratulated Lark, who had arrived.

Finally, the 3rd Princess, Aristana, handed over the reward, the Afante tiara.

“Congratulations on the great victory of Lark van Rashmagh Descarde.”

“Thank you.” Lark, who smiled, muttered as he received the tiara from the jewelry box, “It’s a tiara.”

His expression of surprise as if he didn’t know it was ridiculous. Clearly, he was the one who told me to make it a tiara…

“You said it was produced by <Blanc de Ruby>?”

“Tiara is a bit unusual.”

I was a little embarrassed by the whispers of the ladies, but only for a moment.

Because Lark immediately made a bombshell statement.

“Very good. I’ll present this to someone soon.”

“Oh, my gosh.”


Each of the ladies blushed and fussed, and interest arose in the expression of the imperial family watching.

‘Saying something like that at this point?’

Although he was just twenty years old, he was unusually late in marriage by the standards of this country, and perhaps that’s why everyone was paying attention to the vacant post of crown princess.

And next, it’s Lark’s turn to kneel to one lady among the many.

‘In this case, this picture will implicitly point out the crown princess.’

It was a matter of course since all the women from the high-ranking families who were expected to sit in the seat of the crown princess were gathered.

Perhaps he ordered the tiara not to spoil the 2nd Prince but because of this big picture.

He was someone of details.

“Oh no, oh no…”

“Wh-who will he come to?”

“Do you think he’s got a lady in mind?”

When Lark turned to the ladies, the murmur intensified.

What’s this? Even I am nervous.

<Wouldn’t it be a little sad if the crown prince knelt before another woman and kissed the back of her hand?>

I hesitated at Wishit’s words.

<What does it matter to me?>

<It’ll probably go to the lady who will be crowned the crown princess. Are you sure you don’t care who she is?>

<Hmm? Of course not.>

<Mm, sure.>

<Hey, are you misunderstanding something? The prince is just my business partner.>

<Mm, let’s say so.>

<I’m the one who drew the line first about marriage. If I’m sad, then I don’t have a conscience.>

<You’re good at pretending to be cool.>

<What? I’m not pretending to be cool; I’m really cool.>

While accepting Wishit’s words one by one, I suddenly saw Lark standing before Lillia.

<Wow, but not Lillia!>

<…? Didn’t you say you don’t care who it is?>

<No, anyone but Lillia! He knew how much she bullied me and what a nasty bitch she was!>

<Ugh, that’s not cool.>

Oh, my god. It must’ve been Lillia.

Everyone paid attention to Lark and Lillia, who were standing directly opposite each other.

I was angry, but there was no better couple. Adding Lillia’s beauty on top of Lark’s would put even angels to shame.

“It must be Princess Lilia.”

“Well, as expected.”

The ladies felt remorseful but seemed to think Lark’s choice was natural. A beautiful girl from a good family. It could be said that everyone acknowledged their loss.


Lillia shyly blushed and held out her hand.

‘Am I really not cool?’

Looking at the two of them, I felt a bit bitter.

“Oh. I don’t think she’s here.”


At that time, Lark looked around regretfully.

Surprised by the sudden situation, all the eyes of the ladies widened.

The one who was the most surprised was Lillia.

Lillia, staring at Lark’s back as he left, hurriedly lowered her hand, which she had stretched, and hid it behind her back.

“She didn’t come?”

“Oh, who’s the lady not attending today?”

“Princess Merlin didn’t come. They said she was sick.”

“Oh my. Is it Princess Merlin?”

Lark, who left as if there was nothing more to see, paused when he saw me standing far away. Soon after, he smiled and walked towards me.

“Goddess of victory!” he said, raising his right hand slightly. The handkerchief I had wrapped around his wrist was still there.

“Thanks for the handkerchief. Lady Ruby.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to me this time.

Without a moment to panic, Lark, who got down on one knee, looked up at me and said, “Lady Ruby, would you give me the honor of kissing you?”


I was grateful that I was wearing a mask because I couldn’t guarantee my expression.

I slowly reached out my hand toward Lark while examining the surprised expressions around me.

Lark smiled and grabbed the back of my hand, and kissed it.

<I want to take off your mask.>

<I don’t think you’ll like my expression.>

<Hmm? Did I forget to tell you that I thought it would be my favorite expression?>

<You profit monger.>


I was exchanging tit for tat with the playful Wishit, but my eyes met Lark, who was still kneeling and looking up at me.

‘Umm…this is a problem…’

Watching his eyes softly bent with that youthful smile, I thought.

‘He’s such a dangerous business partner.


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Seeing him mercilessly banging his head against the wall and hurting himself made him look like a madman.

This was Nathan’s habit since childhood.

A habit that would pop up whenever he was compared to Lark, whenever he felt the obvious limits that he could never surpass him.

“Only your head hurts~”

His expression as he glared at the sarcastic Pose was fierce.

“Hey, you useless bastard.”

“Who told you to cheat?”

“That bastard Lark knew this would happen,” Nathan murmured, breathing heavily angrily.

Nathan thought that cunning Lark would either not participate in the jousting or withdraw from it at all. He knew he couldn’t beat Nathan; if that’s the case, he’d rather not fight than put himself to shame.

But despite knowing he would lose, Lark was out on the pitch. What was the reason?

“Because he knew he could bury me!”

How could Aristana have done that out of fear of foul play?

But Lark knew everything, so he must have received a tip from Rubette, the summoner who could see the future.

“When will that bitch crawl out of Lubon?” Nathan frantically flipped through the calendar.

The beginning of October was the end of the Lubon isolation of Rubetria Diollus.

“Damn it. Why would I wait for all this? I’ll have to get her out of here.”

His thought of trying to curry favor with her when the quarantine ended and an accessible environment was created changed because of today’s event.

It would be difficult to coax her with words since she’d continue to bond with Lark anyway.

“It will be worth seeing if I catch her and put her somewhere secluded. I’ll make her a slave girl who reads the future for me for the rest of her life.”

The overflowing anger flowed desperately through the clenched teeth.

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