A will that had been written in advance and carried everywhere, intending to die at any time once she made up her mind…

She remembered Evelyn from a previous life, who had suddenly disappeared around this time.

‘Did she commit suicide in her last life?’

It was very likely.

She left a suicide note with ‘Nora Pelkan’ written on it, hoping that Nora’s misdeeds would be known somehow after her suicide…

‘But what kind of place is Pelkan County? They must have worked hard to make sure nothing leaked out.’

I had also seen Nora Pelkan’s face often since then, and like it or not, she hadn’t even looked like she cared whether Evelyn had gone to the ground or risen to heaven.

‘Perhaps that was the reason Evelyn’s entire family suddenly went into hiding.’

I didn’t know the details, but one thing was certain. Evelyn obviously wasn’t acting like Nora Pelkan’s maid because she liked it.

She was so pessimistic at a young age that she even carried a will with her…

“Oh, this is making me crazy. I shouldn’t have sent her away.’

I had thought of doing a background check on Evelyn secretly, but now I made a mistake by letting go of a time-bomb-like child who wandered around with death in mind.

“What’s the matter?”

“Your Highness, it’s urgent. I need to see Evelyn again.”

Lark frowned at me as I jumped up.

“You just fainted and barely woke up. Tell me what’s going on. I’ll find out for you.”

“I think she’s going to die.”


I fluttered Evelyn’s will in front of Lark.


“I heard something strange before I was locked in the closet. Evelyn said that if she didn’t listen to Nora Pelkan, her whole family would starve to death.” I hurriedly found my coat and put it on and continued, “Is Torso Barony in such a bad situation?”

“I’m sorry I can’t help. There are a few families in the capital, and I don’t know the details of them. I also saw that girl named Evelyn for the first time today.”

“Ah, I see.”

“I can find out right away instead.”

“Thank you for that. But I think we need to find Evelyn first. You never know when she’s going to have a bad thought. She must have struggled today—Oops!”

When I tried to leave the room in a hurry, I tripped, Lark came close to me and caught me.

“Thank you.”

“It won’t be difficult to find her. It hasn’t been long since she left, we should be able to catch up quickly.”

“That kid rode the twins’ carriage—”

“That doesn’t matter. Landian,” Lark quietly called the name of his spirit. I couldn’t see it, but he seemed to have summoned the spirit.

“As long as their feet is on the ground, it’s not difficult to find out their location.”

“Oh, that’s a relief.”

“Let’s go.” Lark, who knew my impatience, moved first without asking further.


Rattle, rattle.

The carriage slowly moved along the gentle, snow-covered mountain road.

Evelyn stared blankly at the scene of Lubon seen through the window.

Unlike the peaceful scenery with white snow on each roof, the foot of the mountain was high enough that you could fall with just one misstep.

‘I don’t think it would be bad to die here.’

As she was thinking, she heard the twins’ chatter in her ears.

“What was the pig thinking when she moved on quietly?”

“It’s obvious she’s pretending to be nice because she can’t babble in front of the crown prince.”

“Wow. If that’s really the case, she’s become a fox.”

“That unlucky thing. When did she become so close with His Highness the Crown Prince?” Lillia huffed and bit her nails.

So one can make such a ferocious expression with the pretty face like an angel, Evelyn thought.

“What are you looking at!?” Lillia, who met her gaze, screamed at Evelyn.

“You useless girl. Do you know how anxious I was because of you?”


“You were trying to spill the dirty water on us, weren’t you? That’s why you didn’t answer the crown prince immediately. You wanted us to be caught, didn’t you?”

“… No. I was just t-too scared that I couldn’t speak right away.”

Sitting at the side, Ricky turned to Evelyn as if dumbfounded.

“Is this a joke? Scared? Didn’t you say you’d quietly cover it up if caught by the investigators?”


“This is frustrating. Are you mute? Why don’t you speak? How does Nora carry such an idiot around?”

“Leave her alone. This pair of father and daughter is the same. The father has one leg and the daughter is mute.”

Evelyn clenched her fists at Lillia’s sarcastic words.

Evelyn’s father, Baron Torso, was a retired member of the Emperor’s Order of the Knights and had lost a leg during a war ten years earlier.

People who don’t know say things like that, but Evelyn was always proud of her father, who lost a leg fighting for his country.

“What? Why do you look at me like that? Are you dissatisfied?”


Evelyn was angry but didn’t say anything in the end and lowered her eyes. The twins giggled at her reaction.

‘Ah, I really hate this.’

Her father was bestowed with the title of baron as an honorable imperial knight, but after his retirement, he had a long way to live.

Count Pelkan, a merchant in the trade, used his father, who desperately needed a job.

He was rude and nasty but was the only one who gave her one-legged father a job.

“Have you ever thought about how upset your parents would be if they found out you were acting like a maid while courting a bad-tempered girl like this?”

It’s not because I want to…

It was only natural that Evelyn became a playmate less than the maid of Count Pelkan’s daughter, Nora Pelkan.

‘I wish time would stop.’

Or worse, I wish the carriage has an accident on the way.

After all, when she returned to the capital, she would have to go to Nora, and when Nora heard what happened today in Lubon, she might slap Evelyn until her cheeks were swollen.

“Over here.” Looking blankly at the passing scenery outside the window, Evelyn was seized by a strong impulse and opened her mouth, “Can you drop me off here? I’m not feeling well, so I’m going to get some air.”

The twins looked displeased at the sudden request but soon stopped the carriage.

The two didn’t even look back, not to mention ask her how she would go back.

Evelyn was left like garbage on a mountain road where the sky began to dim. As she gazed at the evening scenery of Lubon covered in snow, she suddenly thought of Rubette.

“Let me know later what’s going on with you.”

She obediently went into the closet with her own feet and lied to everyone after coming to her senses…

Rubette seemed to have guessed Evelyn’s situation in her own way and felt sorry for her.

The circumstances of Rubette, who the twins were bullying, were probably not very good either…

“I’m sorry.”

Evelyn choked up as she remembered locking her in the closet.

‘Should I write that I’m sorry I locked her in the closet?’

Evelyn fumbled through the front and sleeves of her dress to find the suicide note she always carried with her.

“Oh, my God.”

But she had no idea where she had lost it. She had Nora Pelkan’s name written on it openly.


But the bewilderment was short-lived. She thought it didn’t matter.


As she took a step on the snow field, a footprint appeared.

Lubon Mountain, where the villa was located, had a steep slope, so the passage was lowered as gently as possible, and iron fences were erected on the cliff side.

The barbed wire fence was quite solid and dense, but it wouldn’t be difficult to squeeze under it and fall if you put your mind to it.

“Hehe, the scenery is nice.”

Evelyn bent down and moved over the barbed wire fence, looked down at the scenery she faced again, and murmured.


Tears welled up in her eyes as she opened her mouth and said, “Dad.”

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

If she were going to die like this, she should’ve spat at the bad guys who cursed her dad.

Yes, she should have.

With brief remorse, Evelyn opened her eyes. Her pupils, having lost their light, were empty.


“How can children be so vicious?” Lark, who heard everything in the carriage that went out to find Evelyn, said. “I was really innocent and nice at that age…”

How could a 15-year-old be so bullied that she even decided to commit suicide? Lark was angry. He couldn’t believe it.

“Kids are scary these days.”

“Yeah, I get it now. They even lock someone in the closet as a joke.”

I licked my dry lips as I smiled. Because it was snowy, the carriage’s speed was slow, so I was nervous.

“Don’t worry. Nothing will happen.”

“I hope so…”

“Ah! Stop here!”

At that moment, Lark suddenly stopped the carriage in the middle of a mountain road. It seemed that Landian had found Evelyn’s location.

‘She’s here?’

I looked out the window in amazement.

Evelyn’s back could be seen through the barbed wire fence erected along the cliff.

I covered my mouth.

“Oh, dear…”

“Princess, be careful!” Lark tried to stop me from recklessly opening the carriage door, but there was no time to delay.

I held my breath and stood upright in the snow, tense.

Evelyn’s back was precarious.

Just one step. One step forward, and her little body would plummet down the high cliff.

I managed to move my trembling legs to close the distance with Evelyn.

And I carefully called her name.


Evelyn flinched, and then she slowly looked back at me.

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