“Oh, you’ve never seen a watch like this before, have you? There won’t be much demand for it compared to the product, so it’s not for sale…”

“T-T-This… Did you make it?”

“Mm.” Jeremy, who was shyly avoiding my gaze and wiping the tip of his nose, added, “I’m sorry I glared at you at first and acted so badly. I kept trying to apologize… I’m a little too shy just to say it.”


“It was not your fault, but I was angry…”

I closed my mouth and shook my head slowly.

“You helped me with the workshop and kicked the baron out… Honestly, I never thought I’d get this much help from you. There must have been a prejudice against nobles. I’m really sorry about that too…”

“No. You don’t need to apologize. I-I fully understand.”

“Rubette?” Jeremy, tilting his head at my reaction, looked down at the ‘gift’ in his hand and quickly hid it behind his back. “D-Do you not like it? As expected, it’s a bit of an odd watch… I’ll ask my father to make you a big and pretty watch that you can put in your villa.”


I glanced behind Jeremy in contemplation.

“G-Give it to me… I really want that.”


With his eyes widened, Jeremy took out the gift again, and I stuck out my left wrist in wait.

“Put it on.”

“… Rubette?”

“You put in on the wrist, right?”

“H-How did you know? Hold your hand for a while. I’ll put it on you.”

Instantly blushing and delighted, Jeremy began wrapping the present around my wrist.

‘This is crazy.’

A ‘watch’ made using a mechanical device was an object that required quite an elaborate production. Because the work was difficult, every watch made was inaccurate except for modest artisans. That was the reason Lubon watches were so popular. Because the Artisan Works family produced the most accurate watches in existence.

Since it was such a difficult thing to make, of course, the smaller the size, the more sophisticated work was required and the more time was spent. Therefore, with current technology, it was best to produce a pocket-sized pocket watch.

But this one…


This ‘wristwatch’ that Jeremy gave me as a ‘gift’ was a great invention that did not yet exist at this point.

‘There won’t be much demand? Jeremy, you idiot! You’re saying this without knowing anything!’

Having lived in the 21st century, I knew better than anyone else.


It was not an exaggeration to say that it was a pronoun that was almost always mentioned for the first time when it comes to ‘expensive items’!


As I looked at the watch that fit my wrist perfectly, I squeezed Jeremy’s hand in excitement. “Thank you, Jeremy. Thank you so much. I like it.”

“… Really?”

Genius. You are a genius. This is a great invention that will make a mark in the watch business, no, in history. It should not be buried in Lubon.”

“Huh? W-What are you saying?” Jeremy’s lips twitched as if he liked my reaction but was embarrassed to hear it.

I barely lowered the corners of my mouth that had gone up too much and said, “I will let you make a lot of money with this.”



“Yes, my lady. In the name of Jeremy Works, we have submitted a patent application for a ‘wristwatch’ to the Imperial Family.”

“Mmm. That’s great. That’s great…”

I smirked at Jeremy’s present on my left wrist.

A wristwatch with a pretty leather strap dyed light pink. It was made with the taste of a noble lady in mind.

“This is so great!”

When I first talked about the commercialization of wristwatches, everyone in the studio, including Charlie, reacted with disdain.

Other than the concern that production took an enormous amount of time and labor, people had not yet used it, so they were worried about whether demand would be good compared to the price.

But I…

“It’s never going to fail. Even if you don’t believe it, I won’t let you lose money, so let’s pretend that you’re deceived and give it a go. I will support all of the labor costs, parts costs, and compensation for providing technology.”

I convinced them with confidence, and I succeeded.

Of course, I didn’t encourage the commercialization of wristwatches without any benefit.

“The contract?”

“Here it is. This is an exclusive production rights contract with <Blanc de Ruby>.”


Just as soon… I won a collaboration contract to exclusively produce and sell the watches for <Blanc de Ruby>.

“But the studio said it would be better to revise the contract. It’s something they’re not sure if it will sell well, so it doesn’t make sense that the lady supports all the production costs and only takes 10% of the income. I think so, too…”

“Oh, Sienna.” I wiggled my index finger and added, “My ultimate goal is to build trust with the workshop and renew it whenever the contract expires. It was easy to get exclusive production rights at first, but not later. Wristwatches will sell like hotcakes, and soon there will be no choice but to keep an eye on them here and there.”

“Aha… Do you want to be so nice to them that they don’t feel like working elsewhere?”

“That’s right. Besides, even if I only take 10%, the profit will be enormous.”

“How sure are you?”

I shrugged and said, “I have a strong hunch.”


“Hey, trust me. Have you contacted the craftsman? It’s going to be a very difficult task, do you think it’s possible?”

“Ah, yes. I got a call right away from our collaborator, Hamilton Galacchio. The diamond of the size requested by you is quite small, so it is a bit difficult to work with…”

“Ah. Really?”

“… Naturally, but he said he wasn’t famous for nothing and was confident it was possible.”

“Whoa, that got me for a second.”

I stroked my chest and Sienna suppressed her laughter and bowed her head.

Oh, Sienna… I thought she was a rigid woman, but she knew how to play pranks like this.

As I rolled my eyes at Sienna without hatred, I raised my wrist again and looked at my watch joyfully.

We would produce a top-notch wristwatch studded with diamonds and present it as the first high-end accessory for <Blanc de Ruby>.

“Fufu… Ah! Sienna, come to think of it, there’s a national holiday next month, right?”

“Yes, lady. It is November 16th, the birthday of His Highness the Crown Prince. The second week of November is the festival period.”

“Mmm, good.” I nodded, thinking of Lark and giggling.


The first month of Rubetria Diollus’s isolation in Lubon.

Lark van Rashmagh Descarde, the head of the investigation and the crown prince, who visited Lubon after a month, tilted his head at Rubette’s face he hadn’t seen in a long time.

“Wow, Your Highness! You’ve become more handsome while I haven’t seen you!”

“… Mm, I don’t know if I’ve become handsome, but I do know that you’ve become more beautiful.”

“It’s nice to hear even if it’s simply a greeting.”

“I’m serious.”

He felt the bottom of the pit of his stomach tingling.

It wasn’t a bad feeling. Perhaps he was glad to see Rubette’s face for the first time in a month.

“I really like Lubon. Let me guide you. Do you have time?”

“Oh, thank you for the suggestion, but I don’t have time. I have something to tell you, so I have to deliver it in a hurry and go back.”

“Uh, I knew you’re busy 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.”

Looking at Rubette who pouted with regret, Lark pondered for a moment.

Should he attend the nobility meeting in the afternoon or… Oh.

‘What was I thinking? It’s an important meeting.’

Lark shook his head and said, “I have an urgent agenda regarding the banking business, and I must present it to the aristocratic meeting today. I’m sorry. I’ll make time for you again next week instead.”

“Ooh, the banking business seems to be fine these days?”

For some reason, Rubette covered her mouth and smirked.

“Mm. The deposit situation has improved quite a bit, so I can try out some of the plans I had in mind. To encourage institutional residents to save by applying a decent interest rate…”


While talking, Lark tilted his head, puzzled by Rubette’s smiling face.

“If the deposit situation is improving, it seems that there are big investors in the bank, right?”

“Right. According to the bank manager…” Lark, who had been talking nonchalantly, paused and thought, then smiled. “… I heard that a very wealthy businessman patronizes the bank. Is that you by any chance?”

“Ahem, yes. That’s right,” added Rubette, her nose all the way up. “I don’t know who came up with it, but there is no other institution as convenient as a bank. It makes managing money easier.”


As Rubette poked his shoulder playfully, Lark touched his forehead and smiled.

“Thank you for everything.”

“Fufu, if you’re grateful…”

“What, is there anything I can do?”

Seeing Lark immediately ask, overflowing with enthusiasm, Rubette rubbed her palms with a sinister expression.

“It’s not hard…”

“Yes, just say it.”

“Aah! Right, right! Look at me! I should have given you a gift first!” Rubette, who was about to get to the point, said with a smile.

“First of all, happy birthday!”


Lark’s eyes widened at the sudden celebration. Soon, his mouth slowly opened. “… How did you know?”

Rubette tilted her head at Lark’s surprised expression.

“How could I not know when it’s a national holiday?”

“Aah! Uh, yes. You’re right, you’re right. Look at me. Hahaha!”

The birthdays of the emperor and his wife and the crown prince were designated as national holidays in the empire.

Embarrassed, Lark coughed, but Rubette took out something she had hidden with an excited expression. It was a small box.

“What? A gift?”


When he opened the box, he saw…

“Is this… a watch?”

It was the first time he had seen it, but it was definitely a watch.

It was much smaller than a pocket watch, and unlike an object made for practicality, the diamonds embedded in it were splendid and beautiful.

“Doesn’t it look a little odd? It is a pocket watch worn on the wrist. I’ll put it on you myself. Give me your hand.”


Lark held out his left hand in bewilderment. Rubette lowered her head and put the watch on his wrist with great enthusiasm.


A brilliantly shining watch fit perfectly on Lark’s wrist.

The diamonds densely embedded in the rim of the clock face were crafted with great care.

The cold-touch silver-colored steel that fit snugly around the wrist…

“Fufu… I designed this myself with you in mind.” While Lark stared blankly at the watch, Rubette added with a bright smile, “This is the one and only birthday present in the world.”

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