Tap, tap, tap—

After an exhausting day.

After washing my face before going to sleep, I applied lotion in front of the dressing table and enjoyed my leisure time.

“Uh… This expensive and luxurious scent…”

It felt good using good materials that were absorbed into the skin without being poisonous. The rosemary scent was also quite nice.

‘We will also sell cosmetics and perfume, so it is essential to do market research in advance.’

Laughing greedily at the thought of a business, I naturally thought of Lark.

In fact, this lotion was his gift.

On the way home, I had seen a beauty supply store, so we stopped by to do some market research and looked around…

“Would you like me to buy you one?”

Lark, who was impatient to do something for me, had looked cute, so I relented and got it as a gift.


“That scares me!”


I was surprised to see Wishit’s, who was standing behind me, handsome face reflected in the mirror. He had Lark’s look as always.

Lark’s face just appeared when I was recalling Lark.

I turned around and said.

“Hey! Stop using the crown prince’s face because it will make me confused. Just thinking about how my heart almost dropped yesterday—”

“Aha, yes. Now that you’ll see the crown prince often, you might be confused.”

“Yes. So use another face, please. Another face.”

“Who do you like? Kedrick Reiger?”

Wishit asked with a friendly face as if he would do anything.

He had been nagging with anxiety and worry until I went out to meet the crown prince, but after hearing about the successful meeting today, he had become very generous.

I said with a laugh.

“I told you he’s not my cup of tea. Do you only know the crown prince and Kedrick?”


“Do you really need to change to the face of real people? It can confuse me for no reason.”

I clapped one more time and added.

“Since I already have two older brothers, you should try customizing yourself as a cute little brother. I wish there’s a younger one in my house.”

Wishit nodded obediently to my order, and soon after he exclaimed Ah!, he gave me a playful flick of his finger.

“… Oh, my god.

The moment he changed, I was surprised.

Before I knew it, there was a beautiful woman standing in front of me.

Alluring red hair fluttering about the waist. Pure white skin that contrasted with it.

Pompous eyes and red and sexy lips caught my attention.


Golden eyes that were the mystery itself. And I was thrilled to find a small teardrop under the left eye.

“It’s me!”

“What do you think?”


Standing up and covering my mouth, I circled around Wishit to appreciate her beautiful appearance.

To be precise, it was the version of ‘me’ who had grown up a little more and became slimmer.

“It doesn’t make sense. What’s the three sizes? Is this 36-24-38?


“I am amazing!”

In addition, Wishit was dressed in a black evening dress with a familiar design.

‘Fufu. When did you steal this design?’

It was a dress I had designed in advance, imagining my splendid debut stage in the social world after becoming slim.

“It is very rare to see a beauty like this. There weren’t many in Hollywood either.”

“… Aren’t you ashamed to say things like this to your own face?”

“Is there a problem? I was just stating the truth.”

I, who replied deftly, suddenly felt bitter at my beautiful appearance.

“What is it? What’s with that face?”

Wishit tilted her head and asked.

“Mm, just. I suddenly feel bad.”


“These are things that the real Rubette would’ve enjoyed.”

I sighed and sat down on the chair.

I still looked chubby through the mirror, but I didn’t look hateful because the swelling had been moderately reduced. Maybe it was because I was young, I actually looked cuter.

“A nice family with a lot of money, a pretty face, and a nice body. Her personality was gentle and kind, needless to say…”


“If it weren’t for that garbage, she could’ve lived happily ever after.”

I was determined to live Rubette’s life beautifully and happily, but there was an emptiness that could not be filled even with that determination.

Rubette, who should have enjoyed this wonderful life, doesn’t exist anymore.

“You don’t have to be depressed.”

Wishit put her hand on my shoulder and said.

Behind the mirror, my beautiful figure was looking into my eyes.

“Everything you will enjoy is the same as that of Rubette. Because you are Rubette.”


I paused.

Her words…

It might have been just to soothe me who was depressed, but somehow it felt strange to hear.

“What does that mean?”


When I turned around, Wishit blinked blankly and then panicked.

“Well, I mean if you’re happy, then Rubette will be satisfied.”


“What were you saying? Oh, right, you want to have a younger brother, right?”

Soon, Wishit changed the subject and flicked her fingers.

He quickly changed into a familiar yet unfamiliar figure. He was a young boy who resembled me, with short, red hair and mysterious golden eyes.

“Whoa, I really have to admit our family’s genes.”

As I lightly admired him, Wishit’s nose went higher.

“Why are you so talented?”

“But of course. I’m the highest level spirit. All the humans who enter the Fountain of Spirits are eager to find me, the Spirit of Wish.”

“Of course. You have a great body.”

I laughed nonchalantly as I played along with his words.

‘Yes, Wishit is a really great spirit. It’s strange that I haven’t suspected anything strange so far.’

Wishit could do this and that with a flick of their finger. They could summon things from another place and make you recall the scenes they wanted to show in your head like a movie when they touched your head.

As I recall each of the abilities that the ‘talented’ Wishit had shown me so far, I…

‘Definitely, suspicious.’

I hid the doubts that had bloomed inside me so that my expression did not show it.

‘Wishit is a spirit, and it is an alien-like being who uses a higher-order power that humans cannot understand.’

… It was none other than Lark who had caused a ripple in my beliefs that I had never thought of before.

I secretly glanced at Wishit in the mirror, recalling the conversation I had had with Lark today.

“That’s interesting. I didn’t think spirits could use any other ability aside from their unique ability.”

“What do you mean any other ability?”

“Didn’t your spirit, Vista, hide the mark that should appear on the back of your hand?”

“Yes. So what?”

“Of course spirits are great beings, but they have clear limitations. In general, it is not possible to perform unrealistic feats other than one’s own unique abilities. For example, Landian, the Spirit of Land I made a contract with.”

Lark kindly added, blooming a flower from the ground and handing it to me.

“As long as there is soil, I can make flowers can bloom, and even steep cliffs can be made flat in an instant. But that’s it.”


“It is natural that I cannot use the abilities of spirits with different attributes, and I cannot cast magic that is not related to the earth.”

The gist of that was that the spirits were not omnipotent. There was a clear limitation that only the unique ability assigned to each spirit could be used.

If so, Wishit, the ‘Spirit of Wish’…

‘Other than being able to grant three wishes, it must not have the ability to perform magic tricks on its own.’

But the fact was not so.

As Lark had said, starting from removing the spirit’s mark from the back of my hand…

‘There’s nothing Wishit can’t do.’

If you think about it carefully, there were many strange things.

The range of wishes that Wishit could grant was also extremely free by its standards.

‘For example, when it gave Rubette a glimpse into the life of Juliet Karenina.’

And it wasn’t a one-shot that ended with a peek. Rubette had even been able to leave a comment on my SNS.

If you think about it, all of those unrealistic abilities should be counted as wishes…

‘The standard of a ‘wish’ is up to Wishit. As long as Wishit wants it, I think it can do anything. Does this make sense?’

The protection of spirits had been with humans since the founding of the empire, but humans had not yet fully grasped the existence and limitations of spirits.

Lark had wondered about my spirit’s powers, but in the end, he only said, “It could be.” Just looking at what I had overlooked…

‘Suspicious. This is truly suspicious.’

But Lark’s question left me with strong suspicion.



As I finished tidying up the dressing table and heading to my bed, Wishit followed me.

I could feel his gaze next to me, who was lying on the bed quietly with the blanket under my chin.

“Have you ever lied to me?”


Wishit stopped and narrowed his brows.

“What are you talking about?”


I asked, carefully examining the strange expression on his face at the moment.

“Well, it’s not necessarily a lie. Have you said something you didn’t want to say or do you have something to hide from me?”

“What are you talking about out of the blue?”


Wishit’s face crumpled and he shrugged, then he suddenly lifted the blanket and covered it to the end of my head.

“Ah, what the—?!”

“You must be tired, so hurry up and sleep.”

I quickly removed the blanket and Wishit was nowhere to be found. He seemed to have fled to the fountain of the spirits.

I was convinced as I stared at the air where Wishit had been until just now.

‘Well, he can’t act. So there’s definitely something.’

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