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“Now, n-now I can buy nice bags for mom, and, e-eat delicious food together, and go to nice places too…”

“But my mom isn’t here. Sob.”

After parting ways with Rubette, the image of her crying like a child wouldn’t fade from Lark’s mind.

“Your Highness.”

Lark’s gaze, lost in thought, shifted toward the solemn middle-aged man sitting in front of him.

His name was Delman Orvieu, the head of the venerable Orvieu family of physicians. He was Lark’s and the current emperor’s personal physician. “Let me start with the conclusion,” he said somewhat angrily. “This person could’ve been saved. She was clearly killed with malicious prescriptions.”

Ren, standing next to Lark, covered his mouth in shock.

“I see,” Lark murmured calmly and closed his eyes. It felt like he was barely containing his anger.

Delman, staring at Lark for a while, flipped through several thick documents on the desk. It was someone’s medical records. “She was prescribed herbal medicine called Calib. Calib is an anesthetic used to alleviate postpartum pain, however, it’s usually prescribed to commoners because of its affordability.”


“Those who could afford more would’ve used a more expensive medicine called Arpin. Arpin has no side effects, unlike Calib.”

“You’re saying that Calib has side effects?”

“Yes. Calib puts a significant strain on the body. Prolonged use can lead to overall stiffness and reduced mobility.” Delman gestured with the medical records. “This patient who received Calib as a postpartum pain medication experienced that.”


“And even commoners who are prescribed Calib due to the cost will not take it every day like this, month after month.”

Lark stared blankly at the medical records, his face devoid of expression.

“Due to such prescriptions, the patient would appear to be weakened after childbirth. How cunning.”


“And subsequently, all the medications prescribed for treatment were manufactured with malicious intent.” Delman added firmly, “Technically, these are medicines that can be used, but if it were me, considering the patient’s condition, I would never have made such prescriptions.”

“I see.”

“Looking at the patient’s… name.” Delman raised his sharp gaze and continued. “It doesn’t seem like a family that couldn’t afford Arpin due to its price.”

“That’s correct.”

The deceased’s name was Rona Diollus, the former duchess of the Diollus Duchy who passed away 12 years ago. It was widely known that she had rapidly deteriorated in health after giving birth to her youngest daughter and succumbed to postpartum pain, leaving this world after only four years.

Delman, who had been silent for a moment, asked, “Your Highness, these medical records must be something you cannot normally access.”


In response to Delman’s question, Lark fell into a momentary reverie.

“I’d like to see the medical records of the former duke and duchess of Diollus, and your late mother.”


Young Duke Viego gave the medical records to Lark without asking any questions.

“Aren’t you going to ask why I need these?”

“…I assume you have your reasons.”

In the subdued gaze of Viago, there was clearly some ‘suspicion’ taking root.

Lark was satisfied.

“Good. It seems you’ve finally caught on.”


“Regarding my asking for the medical records-”

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep it between us.”

Recalling a conversation from a few months ago, Lark spoke with a faint smile, “These medical records were obtained with permission, so there’s no need to worry.”

“I see.”

Delman, who nodded slightly, added with great anger in his eyes. “The culprit is someone who has forsaken the pride of being a physician who saves lives. I can adequately prove that he made malicious prescriptions. Please submit it to the court immediately.”

“No.” Lark, tilting his head lightly, chuckled. “That might be too lenient of a treatment, don’t you think?”

Delman paused for a moment, then nodded in understanding. “Your Highness, you always make sound judgments, so I won’t worry. Please call on me whenever you need.”

“Thank you.”

As Delman left, a stillness settled in the office.

[Personal Physician: Benjamin Herman]

Benjamin Herman, a 56-year-old who still served as the personal physician of the Diollus noble family, was as skilled as to be called a genius in his younger years. He was the best choice for a patient from a high-ranking noble family like Diollus.

Crinkle. Lark’s hand crushed his name.

“But my mom isn’t here. Sob.”

The voice echoed again, heavy with a mournful tone.

“Hey, Lark…”

Lark’s face remained expressionless, but Ren, who had spent a long time with him, could definitely feel it. It was the first time he had seen Lark so angry. It felt as if the air around him had frozen solid…

Gulp. Swallowing dryly, Ren asked, “Should I go after that scoundrel?”


“We could make it seem like he had an unfortunate encounter with bandits on his way home. Disguise his death as robbery…”

“Exactly. Please.”

“…” Ren, who had been unnecessarily rambling on, added with effort, looking at Lark’s expression. “I could just… cut off an arm or a leg in advance!”

“No.” Lark raised his eyes fiercely. “Bring him to me unharmed, without a scratch.”

A man who had lost many years due to his wife’s death.

A daughter who had innocently endured the blame for her mother’s death.

A shattered family. Deep-seated misunderstandings…

“There are others who should wield the knife handle.”

Lark’s eyes flashed fiercely.


In mid-November, in the Imperial capital of Descarde.

It had been a week since the successful premiere of the Roland Theater’s new production, “Romeo and Juliet.” Even though the cumulative audience had already exceeded 2,000 people, there were no signs of its momentum waning. Despite the somewhat chilly weather, a multitude of spectators crowded outside the theater.

As they waited to enter, two men chatted.

“Is it true that the emperor himself is coming today? Is ‘Romeo and Juliet’ really that entertaining?”

“That’s what they say. It’s just a play, but when will people like us ever get a chance to see the emperor up close like this?”

“Haha, it’s great. We get to enjoy an entertaining play and pay our respects to the emperor. Thanks for getting the tickets, my friend!”

Inside the quiet theater.

The audience seats were still empty.

Lark and Rubette sat side by side, occupying the front row of the VIP seats.

“Is it really necessary to go to such lengths?” Lark asked, looking at Rubette, who was tense.

“What do you mean by that?” Rubette tilted her head slightly, running her hand through her elegantly styled hair. With her radiant makeup, luxurious shawl dress, and high heels, she appeared confidently put together today.

Lark, who was quietly studying Rubette’s blinking eyes, cleared his throat and turned his head slightly. “…You’re so beautiful.”

“Isn’t that okay?”

“More than okay.”

“That’s a relief.”

Rubette had decided to visit the imperial palace as Madame Ruby. No one yet knew that Madame Ruby and Princess Rubetria were the same person…

“I asked for your help with promoting the play, but I didn’t expect you to invite the emperor himself.”

“We need to do this much for effective promotion.” Lark shrugged, and Rubette rolled her eyes playfully.

Here’s how her schedule looked for today: after enjoying the play with the emperor and empress, Lady Endelturn, and the crown prince, she would go to the palace with them to reveal her identity and have a meal together.

“By the way, Your Highness.”


“Would YoHis ur Majesty the Emperor be somewhat displeased that a noble is involved in business?”

“Hmm? Aren’t there a few nobles involved in business?” Lark raised an eyebrow. “If it’s the Majesty I know, it shouldn’t be much of a problem. Surprisingly, he isn’t as snobby as you might think. He’s made efforts to break down the boundaries between nobility and commoners, even when regarding state affairs. He’s aggressively pursued policies focused on the welfare of the common people. My upbringing was quite similar.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes. His Majesty has been quite lenient in such matters, so I expected he’d be somewhat understanding when I decided to promote the your shop.”

“I see.”

“Anyway, don’t worry. He’ll find you remarkable instead.” With a smile, Lark lightly tapped Rubette’s nose.

Rubette, feeling somewhat relieved, nodded and then picked up the bouquet of flowers she had placed nearby. “I’ll visit the actors’ waiting room before the play starts. Since we’ll need to leave for the palace right after the play ends, I don’t think I’ll have a chance to see Sarah separately.”

“Ah, of course.”


“We should cancel it right now.”

“Yeah, we have no choice.”

The actors surrounded Sarah with troubled expressions.

Amidst this, Sarah managed to muster a weak voice, “No, we can’t!”

Her fellow actor, Heron, rubbed his forehead and spoke wearily, “How can you go on stage in this condition?”

It was just an hour before the play was set to begin. A problem had arisen. Sarah, who was playing the role of Juliet Capulet, was in terrible physical condition.

“I can do it. No, I must do it.”

Even as she said this, Sarah’s vision swayed.

“Hey!” Startled, Heron supported her and let out a sigh.

Even after the successful opening, Sarah devoted herself to practice day and night. It was only natural that her body started showing signs of strain.

“Today is the day Princess Rubette is coming to see the play for the first time…” Sarah forced herself to sit up, thinking of Rubette.

“I’m so happy. My heart is racing just knowing that Sarah will play Juliet…”

Rubetria was an unparalleled benefactor in Sarah’s life. She wanted to repay her by delivering the best performance possible. That’s why she put in much more effort than usual.

And today, finally, after a week of the opening, it was the day she would face Rubette in the audience.

“This is a big problem. Even though it’s for the princess, but…”

“Today, there are also imperial guests coming.”

As the director, who held the script with a troubled expression, spoke, Heron responded with a grimace.

Sarah tightly closed her eyes. Yes, it wasn’t just Rubette. Today, Rubette had invited none other than imperial guests.

Of all days…

“No, Director. I can go on stage. I have to.”

Sarah took a shaky step forward, gripping her swirling thoughts, and then her body collapsed.


“Are you okay?”

The sympathetic director looked down at Sarah with a helpless expression.

“It won’t work. If you collapse on stage, it will be a bigger problem. Let’s have an intermission until you’re feeling better. Inform the audience to come back.”

“Director, I…”

At that moment, the dressing room door creaked open, and someone peeked inside.


It was Rubette, elegantly dressed and holding a bouquet of vibrant flowers.

“Huh? What’s going on here?” Rubette’s eyes widened as she noticed Sarah lying on the floor. “What’s wrong, Sarah? What’s happening?” Rubette rushed to Sarah’s side and examined her condition with concern. “Sarah, what’s going on?”

“Oh, Princess,” Heron began in an awkward voice, about to explain, but then paused.

“Why is she like this?”

“Um… Well,” Heron hesitated.

Rubette narrowed her eyes for some reason. She recognized that look. Frustrated, Rubette turned to the director standing on the opposite side. “Why is Sarah like this?”

“Uh… Well…” The director’s expression was also peculiar.

Rubette, with a furrowed brow, glanced at the other actors gathered around, but they all had the same expression. As if enchanted, they were all staring intently at Rubette.

‘What’s with everyone?’

When the bewildered Rubette’s gaze returned to Sarah…


Sarah’s expression was equally peculiar, not different from the other actors. With an uneasy feeling, Rubette awkwardly chuckled. “Why, why is everyone acting so strangely…?”

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