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[T/N: So I’m pretty sure I used the pronoun he/him for Diollus I a couple of chapters ago. Only in this chapters they tell us that Diollus I, is, in fact, a woman.]

Spirit of Wishes, Wishit.

The ‘Sealing Stone’ of the altar was initially created to seal the Wishit contractor. Nowadays, several spirits causing turmoil in the empire are classified as dangerous and sealed, but…

[The destructive power of Wishit, the spirit of wishes, will ultimately bring about the destruction of this empire, whether the contractor of Wishit is evil or good. Descendants of Descarde, for the sake of the well-being of this great empire created by your ancestors and me, do not hesitate to make small sacrifices.]

A secret known only to the head of the altar and the successive heirs of the imperial family was the existence of the Sealing Stone and the testimony of Diollus I, the first contractor of Wishit who created the Sealing Stone.

Diollus I, who caused numerous tragedies due to Wishit, hoped that Wishit would never be summoned into this empire again.

Diollus I, who was still regarded as the most virtuous human who never turned a blind eye to unfortunate sacrifices…

‘To seal the contractor of Wishit.’

Paradoxically, it was a task directly spoken by her own mouth. Just the fact itself made the danger of Wishit evident.

“However, I am a helpful person from your point of view as an individual, but from the point of view of the crown prince, the empire’s successor, I am a little problematic.”

“So you want me to decide whether to act for my personal gain or for a cause as a crown prince?”

Recalling the conversation he had with Rubette at some point, Lark pondered. Perhaps at some point, Rubette would have to ask this question again.

“Hey, aren’t you coming? Why are you just standing there again?”


In response to Ren’s urging voice, Lark absentmindedly took a step forward. And then he immediately stopped.

“Damn it…” Muttering under his breath, he looked up at the clear morning sky, mockingly serene.

Unaware of his own confusion and turmoil.


Diollus was the name of the first contractor of Wishit. Along with the great warrior Descarde, she plunged the world into chaos and saved the spirits.

“I am Wishit, the spirit of wishes, who the Spirit King called to become your companion.”

That was their first lie.

For the Spirit King was none other than themself.

“Why did a spirit with such remarkable abilities like you become my companion instead of Descarde?”

“Descarde possesses the qualities befitting a ruler. Unlike you, he has ambitions and knows when to be rational. In other words, he is profoundly human.”

“And I am not?”

“Let’s say you’re someone who won’t be swayed by personal ambitions. Now that you have become my companion, I will follow whatever choice you make. But it would be best if you refrain from abusing my power as much as possible.”

Wishit’s choice was not wrong. Diollus guarded herself against her own ambitions at every moment.

They founded the country together, but Diollus relinquished the authority of a ruler to the warrior Descarde and only used Wishit’s abilities for the greater good. She also established laws and taboos in the world of spirits, setting limits to their powers and building order.

“Look at this beautiful country we created with your help. You said your heart was full, too, didn’t you?”


“That’s the emotion called ‘happiness’.”

The spirits were unfamiliar with emotions until they interacted with humans and became their protectors. The same was true for Wishit.

“I’m truly happy now too. Happy to have met you and to be able to share these emotions with you.”


“Let’s stay together for a long, long time.”

Wishit was happy. Being by her side and being with her for a long time brought them joy.

“I will eventually die too, won’t I?”

“Because you’re human.”


“Why? Are you afraid of death?”

“No, I’m not afraid of death. I’m just sad to part with you.”

Wishit smiled and painted many worlds on the night sky they looked up at together every day.

“What are those?”

“There are numerous worlds. And those are fragments of your soul, living in those worlds.”

“Fragments of my soul?”

“Right now, your soul fragments seem foolishly kind and naive, don’t they?”

“…? That’s a bit harsh, isn’t it?”

“Hehe. But look over there. That soul fragment is quite selfish and knows how to look out for its own interests. It’s clever.”

“That’s also me?”

“Yes. The soul doesn’t disappear. When the physical body vanishes, the soul fragments move on to other worlds, merge with other bodies, and live again.”

“Wow, that’s fascinating.”

“By moving like that, there will come a time when all the bodies in every world will perish.”

“Is that the true death?”

“No. That’s when we can meet again. It’s the moment when new bodies are created in all the worlds, and the soul fragments that were once united separate and attach themselves to their respective bodies.”

“Wow. In that case…”

“Yes.” Wishit gently stroked her head as she seemed to contemplate and reflect. “I’ll wait. Until the moment you’re born again in this world.”


With their chin resting on their hand, Wishit was lost in deep memories.

And reaching out her hand toward themself with a bright smile was…

“Look at this, Wishit!”

Their very first contractor whom they had waited for a long time.

“Look at this, Wishit!”

And suddenly, they snapped out of their reverie.

Rubette, meticulously groomed from head to toe, was prancing before them, boasting. “Isn’t my figure amazing?”

Her curvaceous form was accentuated with a swaying hip. It was the black evening dress she had been preparing for a long time, planning to wear at the debutante ball after slimming down.

“Yeah, but you can’t attend the ball.”

“Ah, darn it.” Rubette’s shoulders slumped at Wishit’s cool response.

The debutante ball, where noble youths aged 13 to 15 made their names known in society, was usually held in September or October each year. Last year, around this time, Rubette couldn’t attend as she was imprisoned in the Tower of Silence.

And this time too.

“You’re someone in a dire situation who’s supposedly kidnapped, what’s the point of a ball?”

Unfortunately, it was unlikely that she’d be able to go. Although Lark and Ren were doing their best to chase down many illegal guild members, time was running out to eliminate them all.

“I want to go. I really want to go. I want to show everyone my beautiful and confident self. I’m already 16, so it’s already late, and this debutante ball might be my last…” Rubette, sitting weakly in the chair, murmured with a pout.

“If you want to go that badly, make a wish.”

“What? You think I’d use my one remaining wish for something like that?”

“…? You have two wishes left, though?”

“Oh, right. Forget it, forget it. I have one left. I’ll never have a need to use the last wish, even if I die.”


Wishit, quietly watching Rubette slump over the table, asked, “Why won’t you use it?”

“Why do you keep asking such obvious questions? If I use all three, it’s goodbye to you forever.”

“But if you don’t make a wish, I’ll be of no help to you even if I’m by your side, right?”

“…? Hey, you’re not really helpful either way.”

Wishit sighed and rubbed their forehead at the blunt response.

“Pfft. Just kidding.”


“Why do you always talk about yourself as if you’re a tool? Whether you’re helpful to me or not doesn’t matter to me. I just want you to stay by my side.”

Silent gazes intertwined in the air.

Rubette, who had been staring at Wishit’s eyes for a while, burst into laughter. “So, you’re enjoying this sentimental atmosphere, huh? Did you aim for this kind of response?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Well, if you want to hear it that badly, I can say it over and over again.” Rubette shrugged and added, “I really, really like you. Stay by my side for my whole life.”


It was 2 AM.

I was walking around the neighborhood with Lark now. He intentionally accompanied me because he knew how frustrated I felt about not being able to go out alone. Even though he had just finished work and must be tired…

“Princess, how about we spend some time getting closer?”

“What? Why all of a sudden?” Instinctively, I took a few steps back, crossing my arms over my chest.

Lark paused momentarily and then smirked, lightly tapping my forehead so it wouldn’t hurt. “You jump to the wrong conclusions when I say anything, don’t you?”

“Oh, was it a misunderstanding? Your Highness, you tend to speak ambiguously.”

“Alright, I understand. I won’t be ambiguous.”

“But how much closer do we need to get here? I think we’re already close enough.”

“No, no. If we want to be truly close, we shouldn’t have anything to hide from each other.”

Lark’s meaningful words made me internally flinch.

“I trust you, Princess. Even if you were aware of my fatal weakness, I’m confident that you wouldn’t reveal it or exploit it in any way.”

…Why is he saying this all of a sudden? My heart raced with tension.

“How about you, Princess? Am I someone you can trust?”



“Yes. Actions speak louder than words.”

“Then there’s nothing you’re hiding from me, right?”

“…” My slow steps came to a halt.

Lark, standing tall, looked at me with his usual expression. That’s why I couldn’t discern his true intentions. Whether he knew something and deliberately said it, or if it was just empty words…

But one thing was sure.

‘Now is the time.’

I couldn’t continue hiding the fact that I was Wishit’s contractor.

Lark believed that I was the contracted spirit of Vista, and to maintain that belief, I would have to continue reading the future for him…

‘But I can’t show him the changing future since I’m not truly the contractor of Vista.’

Lark would eventually start doubting me since I couldn’t read the constantly changing future in real-time. It would be better for both me and him to reveal the truth before that.

“Your Highness…”


“There’s something I’ve been hiding.”


“To be precise, there was one lie I told.”

“Oh, really? Are you going to tell me?”

“Yes.” As soon as I decided, I looked up at Lark.

“…I’m going crazy.” He pressed his thumb firmly against my lips as they were about to open. “You’re really going to tell me.”


Lark’s expression was complex as he lightly bit his lip. It seemed like he was both angry and in pain.

“Rubette.” As he called my name, he slowly lowered his head. Our gazes met from such a close distance. “Don’t say it.”


“I don’t want to know your secret.”


“I want to remain forever unaware.”

Oh no. His expression seemed to suggest that he already knew my secret too well.

Trembling, Lark held onto my shoulders with his shaking hands. Then, with his lips against my ear, in a dangerously low voice, he whispered, “So, don’t tell me. Not to me or anyone else.”

Quietly, he murmured, “You mustn’t say it.”

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