Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 398 - 151: A-Level Plot

Chapter 398: Chapter 151: A-Level Plot

Translator: 549690339

Leonard Churchill’s squad of ten people marched towards the gloomy depths of the research institute.

The current difficulty level is C-tier.

The intelligence stated that the strongest monster that had appeared was only a first-tier A-rank Catastrophe. It shouldn’t be too problematic.

However, because there was no Second Order Card Master in the team, it was as if they lacked proper direction, causing a bit of resentment among the other eight team members.

No one would think that a first-tier Mechanic could guarantee their safe passage through this challenge.

But, because this was a team mode, others couldn’t really object.

Seven Brown felt strange gazes occasionally sweeping over her, which made her uncomfortable.

She had intended to offer some explanation.

After all, only she knew that the strongest member of the team was not herself. It was Leonard Churchill.

If we speak about combat power, he is far more formidable than an average Second Order Card Master.

But after glancing at his indifferent expression, Seven Brown didn’t say anything and just followed him.

As Leonard Churchill walked, he observed the surroundings.

Although the intelligence had already detailed most of the spatial layout of this underground research institute, he wasn’t negligent in anyway.

All the clues they had gained could potentially be the key to solving their predicament.

After traveling a certain distance, he noticed that the Titan Mechanical Research Institute was a standard underground laboratory.

All around were thick concrete walls, a part of the Rule-based unbreakable space.

There were also some mechanical doors, which were the same.

This was the first layer of the research institute, the overall underground structure formed a “Y” shape.

Three teams were located in different corridors, equipped with numerous laboratories along the way.

In the end, they would gather in the central control room.

There was a passage leading to the lower levels.

The passage lights flickered on and off, and from within the darkness came strange noises produced by some unknown monsters.

Along the passageway, there were some traces of blood, and some remnants of half-eaten bodies.

It didn’t take long for the team to arrive at a large oval space.

It seemed like an office for the staff of the research institute.

Various documents and damaged instruments were scattered all over the floor. The surrounding walls were lined with thick explosion-proof glass, which looked like viewing rooms in a zoo, used to observe some sort of monster specimens.

But now, the glass had cracks all over from powerful impacts, and the walls were stained with dark blood splatters.

Leonard Churchill’s ears twitched slightly, his eyes watched the darkness, faintly glowing.

His sharp hearing made him aware of the monsters being drawn over.

However, he didn’t show any reaction, instead, he seemed to be interested in the scattered documents on the ground.

As he walked, he picked them up.

Upon inspection, they were all written in the ancient Taren’s language.

The will of the Space didn’t translate them, which meant these weren’t key items to solve the situation.

These were merely decorative items and couldn’t be taken out.

Plus, these documents couldn’t be understood by anyone other than experts in ancient languages, and thus nothing was mentioned about them in the information that was previously received.

But Leonard Churchill could roughly understand them.

“Experiment No. #102-6, this experiment tried to form a connection between a red-haired ape’s brain synapses and mechanical parts, there was a noticeable rejection by the subject…”

“Experiment No. #115, the research on Artificial Muscle Fiber’ has initially been successful, replaced the gastrocnemius of the 8th subject’s leg, achieved superior jumping power…Three days later, the subject died of mutation.”

Experiment No. #11911, experimental subject attempts to integrate a Mechanical Heart…”

Even though Leonard Churchill couldn’t understand some of the professional terminologies, it didn’t stop him from roughly understanding what this laboratory was researching.

“Mechanical prosthetic technology?”

Leonard looked thoughtful.

It made sense now why there were so many living monsters in this 1981

Research Institute that devoted to the study of machinery.

He was deep in thought and didn’t pay attention to his teammates.

However, to the other team members, this behavior looked a bit pretentious.

These documents were written in ancient Taren’s language, which went extinct thousands of years ago. Even the most learned scholars of the Federation might not be able to understand it.

To the hunters, such behavior was purely a waste of time.

However, before they could think more, the other team members noticed something.

The hawk-nosed man, the only regular first-tier card master in the team, noticed the anomaly and cried out: “Look out, the monster is coming!” At his words, even Seven Brown became tense.

She wasn’t wearing her unique Gungnir Gold Armor, but another average Mechanical Exoskeleton designed by herself.

As soon as she heard that the monster appeared, she quickly reached into her Storage Ring and pulled out an ammunition box as tall as a person and hung it on her leg. Meanwhile, along with the clacking sound of mechanical gears, the Six-round Fire God Cannon on her shoulder started to rotate.

Seeing this, the rest of her team swallowed, full of envy.

This kind of complex and high-end mechanical equipment was something they had never seen before.

Without giving much thought, a group of grotesque-looking mutant monkeys suddenly sprang from the distance.

They were tall, with tentacles growing on their bodies, tongues tipped with barbs in their mouths, or various kinds of tumors… they all looked strangely mutated.

As soon as they appeared, everyone started firing their guns. The intense sound of gunfire echoed throughout the area.

The hawk-nosed man, tearing up his throat, screamed directives.

“Aim for the head! Shoot the heart! Otherwise, they won’t die!”

“Careful with the bodies on the ground, they’re not completely dead!”

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