Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2216: Let Your Cards Do The Talking

"Youngest, did you like the surprise I planned for you?" Forgetting about being humble, the Southern Ruler sought credit for the surprise naming ceremony banquet from his second granddaughter.

"Thank you, Your Majesty.

I like it very much," the Youngest politely answered her grandfather only to hear him ask, "Then, why are you still addressing me so politely? Call me Grandpa, like you did during our retreat and on our way over here!"

"That won't be appropriate for the occasion, Your Majesty, the youngest politely declined her grandfather's request.

Being rejected by his granddaughter, the Southern Ruler glared at his daughter who appeared indifferent to her father's glare and agreed with her second daughter's stance, "She is right, Your Majesty.

Please don't forget, you are the Southern ruler first and then her grandfather"

"I see you are back to your old ways, the Southern Ruler muttered under his breath trying hard to suppress his bubbling anger seeing their heated argument had become the center of the banquet. Even though the guests were mostly his most trusted subjects, he did not want to make his family's business everyone's tea time gossip.

Seeing her mother being scolded by her grandpa, Anna snickered candidly taking pleasure in her misfortune. Meanwhile, the youngest was overwhelmed with happiness because her mother not only supported her but was willing to go against her father for her.

However, she also did not want her mother to be punished by her grandfather because of her.

Soon, the youngest grew troubled not knowing what to do.

Should she follow her mother's teaching with her mother paying the price for it or just cave into her grandpa's pressure and go against her mother's teaching, disappointing her? It was a difficult choice to make. So, she turned to her twin for help but seeing the latter taking pleasure in their mother's misfortune the anger toward her twin that she had suppressed early resurfaced with twice the intensity.

Fortunately for the youngest, before she could do something she would regret later, her grandma stepped in to mediate between her mother and grandpa by announcing, "Everybody, back up. Make room, we are finally going to see how strong our Southern Princess is.

Whoever draws their opponent's blood first wins. Now, fight!

Colleen believed that if something wasn't worth fighting over then it was not worth arguing.

That was to say, the father and daughter pair either fight each other such that the winner of the two gets their way or give up and never bring it up ever again. That was how she handled her troops and now her family.

Since most of them were demigods while she was still a card emperor. It was not easy surviving and governing a family full of members with exceptional bloodline.

Listening to Colleen's announcement, everyone present was stumped. Especially, the youngest.

She completely lost her rationality when she heard Uncle cheer, "Yeah, father, come on. Don't show mercy on her just because she is your favorite."

"Go, sis. Remember to protect your face.

Especially, your nose. He likes to see his opponents cry," the Southern Prince was used to getting beaten to the brink of death by his father over every little argument ever since he chose to travel the enlightened path.

Now that his sister was on the receiving end this time, he could not help but feel an unknown pleasure in seeing his younger sibling suffer the same fate he did.

"Go, Grandpa! Spank that witch daughter of yours" Anna cried in sheer joy.

She did not expect a small argument to develop this far but she liked the development so far. She would love it if her grandpa helped her mother learn the taste of dirt.

"Anna, language!" Colleen warned her granddaughter sternly while her eyes conveyed to the latter that next time she would not be done just with a verbal warning.

Sticking her tongue out at her grandma, Anna continued to cheer her grandpa asking him to teach her mother an unforgettable and painful lesson.

It did not take long for the crowd to get along with Colleen's unconventional approach. After all, this was the Southern Region.

Midst the cheer of the enthusiastic crowd who wanted to see the strength of the Southern Princess for the very first time the father and daughter pair who were at the center of this hubbub stared into each other's eyes. Neither side showed any weakness or signs of backing down.

They slowly circled the makeshift ring without breaking eye contact. Ready to respond at any sign of aggression.

Seeing them like this, the crowd got heated with anticipation of watching the Southern Princess in action. How could they not be? After all, the rumors surrounding her strength were exaggerated and intriguing.

The most important point was she had never fought publicly and those who had the chance to fight her had died of unknown causes. Giving birth to multiple theories and rumors.

Some say her strength was on par with the top ten strongest while some say she was weaker than average card demigod. The grimoire network was filled with theories and rumors supporting both.

Creating an intriguing enigma surrounding her strength making people curious about both Southern Princess and her strength.

Meanwhile, many wondered if there was a reason why there were no records of the Southern Princess fighting ever since she awakened as a card apprentice.

Many argued it was because she was weak she never participated in any card fight. However, knowing she had the unparalleled bloodline nobody believed that she was weak let alone weaker than the average demigod.

All these speculations and assumptions kept everyone guessing and added to the mystery surrounding the Southern Princess's strength.

'Come at me whenever you ready; the Southern Ruler informed his daughter telepathically.

'Father, I thought we had a deal. I leave Anna alone and you leave the youngest to me; the Southern Princess tried to reason with her father with no intention to fight him.

Knowing that it was a losing battle.

'Enough, let your cards do the talking the Southern Ruler wasn't having it.

Recalling what he learned while investigating Anna's origin card, he wanted to spank his daughter's inner demons out of her.

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