Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2185: Waste, Waste, Waste...

Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Spiritual Location- Card World Womb, Blood Rule Stream Spirit Domain

Physical Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Hearing the spirit say that it wasn't new for the card apprentice to try and conduct rituals to gain the celestial rule spirits' help with their rule comprehension, Wyatt felt he might have underestimated the card apprentice community. In the long history of the card apprentices, it wasn't surprising that a few managed to succeed in something as this.

Though it was a surprise that this wasn't as widespread considering its benefits, maybe cause the celestial rule spirits were too demanding about what they wanted as a sacrifice.

The blood rule stream spirit demanded blood-rule-type ingredients that were not from the Card world.

Wyatt had the help of devil merchant code so he did not feel this demand was too challenging however it was challenging for the regular card apprentice who hadn't left the Card world. So, it was surprising that some still managed to fork out the ingredients to satisfy the spirits.

It may be because they used devil ingredients or ingredients from the reversal dungeon or ingredients from trading with a demon/devil.

Shaking his head Wyatt agreed to the blood rule stream spirits demands, "Alright, I can do that."

He was thrilled to learn that any blood-type ingredients from any other world would be able to satisfy the spirit and here he was planning to trade a blood rule slave cores. He felt that the spirit was easier to satisfy than he thought.

Listening to Wyatt agree to its demands in return for its help the spirit's eyes shone brightly, as each new ingredient was a gateway for it into what its competitors were up to and keep up with the changing times.

That's right the celestial rule spirit of a different realm were competitors of each other.

Since their work determined the fate of their celestial. Apart from their primary priority to deepen their celestial's comprehension into their rule their secondary priority was to act as creators on behalf of their celestial.

The resources and the material things one could see in the physical plane were actually their creation, their understanding of the rule and its interaction with another rule.

Since these celestial rule spirits were in their own realms catering to the needs of their worlds how does it make them rivals? If the celestial rule spirits were able to introduce better resources in the physical plane then the natives of their realm would be stronger than the natives of the other realm.

In case of an unexpected realm war, the realm with stronger natives would have a better chance of survival.

This was why the celestial rule spirit could not help but look forward to what blood-rule-type ingredients Wyatt would get for its help.

If it were to get something unique and valuable it would be one step ahead of most of its competition once it understood these ingredients and recreated them in the realm's physical plane.

"Good, the better the ingredients you offer the more generous I will be," the blood rule stream spirit said to motivate Wyatt about their new arrangement and he was.

With the devil merchant code at his disposal, Wyatt wasn't afraid of disappointing the celestial rule spirit. Therefore, he confidently declared before leaving the celestial rule spirit domain, "You can look forward to the ingredients I bring you, you are in for a treat."

Opening his eyes in the dungeon seal, Wyatt summoned his grimoire and opened to the demon merchant codex page. Then, immediately accessed the inter-realm network to procure a few unique blood-rule-type ingredients that were unique to their native realms.

He knew better than to reveal his ace at the start but there were just too many unique blood-rule-type ingredients fitting the celestial rule spirit's requirement in the inter-realm network. After all, here demon/devil merchants from all around the myriad realms were gathered.

Therefore, Wyatt did not have to be stingy with the unique blood-rule-type ingredients he gathered for the celestial rule spirit though he did not go for the expensive and rare ingredients right off the bat.

After all, this was their first date, and Wyatt was still trying to figure out how loose the celestial rule spirit was.

If it were to put out for cheap stuff then he would hit the jackpot but if it were too demanding and high maintenance then he would have no choice but to put a hole in his wallet to satisfy it.

Wyatt felt the blood rule stream spirit might be thinking the same.

It too would be judging Wyatt on the ingredients he gathered for its help. It might come off as innocent and honest at first but it was intuitive and knew what it wanted, making it very hard to fool it.

Therefore, he couldn't be too shabby and cheap with the ingredients he procured for it. So, he decided to keep a balance between the quality and quantity of ingredients he gathered for the blood rule stream spirit's help.

Hence, he scoured through the inter-realm network market place procuring a range of unique blood-rule-type ingredients that weren't cheap or without any uses, as such these ingredients had decent demand in the market. Wyatt believed this range of unique blood-rule-type ingredients should be enough to satisfy the blood-rule stream spirit.

Procuring the ingredients he arranged them before him on the floor of the dungeon seal knowing that the blood rule stream spirit was watching. It was an exam to test the spirit's overall enthusiasm toward the array of unique blood-rule-type ingredients he had gathered for it.

Fortunately for him, the spirit actively participated in his test by summoning him to its domain showing that it was interested in the array of unique blood-rule-type ingredients he had procured for it. However, had the spirit not reacted, Wyatt planned on adding one or two expensive ingredients to his selection.

After all, the happier the spirit the more it would be willing to help him.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the blood-rule stream spirit did not bother with small talk and directly began to go through the array of unique blood-rule-type ingredients that can only be found in their native realms.

"Waste, waste, waste, …. Waste, all of them are waste," the blood rule stream spirit yelled pointing at the ingredients Wyatt gathered.

Listening to the celestial rule spirit's verdict Wyatt was shocked. He could not believe his ears and stared at the spirit dumbfoundedly, not understanding the criteria it used to judge the ingredients he procured for it.

The spirit's verdict did not make sense to Wyatt after all, all the blood-rule-type ingredients he procured were not found on the Card world and had their own use even though their uses weren't that prominent they were needed, keeping their demand in the market average. Meaning the blood rule stream stream would not suffer by taking time and energy to introduce these ingredients into the card world.

So, Wyatt could not think of a reason for the blood rule stream spirit to give such a harsh verdict.

On second thought, Wyatt wondered if the spirit was playing hard to please.

But then looking at the spirit's genuinely disappointed look as it stared at the array of unique blood-rule-type ingredients he gathered. First, he gave it the liar impression and now the unreliable impression.

Wyatt felt that the leash the blood rule stream spirit had given him shortened with this. Now he blamed his big mouth for getting the spirit's hopes up.

What happened, happened. He needed to know what went wrong.

"May I know where I went wrong?" Wyatt asked the spirit, demanding an explanation for its harsh verdict on his selection of the unique blood-rule-type ingredients.

"You did well selecting the ingredients but I cannot use anyone of them," the celestial rule spirit revealed and sighed looking at the ingredients and continued, "If am not guessing wrong these ingredients are unique to their native realms and cannot be found on other realm and that is why you chose them to present to me?"

Seeing that the blood rule stream spirit did not blame him, Wyatt was relieved.

However, listening to it point out the uniqueness of these ingredients he selected, he vaguely guessed where the problem lay as he answered the spirit, "Yes, they can only be found in their native realms."

"These ingredients are unique to their native not by choice because of how they were created.

Just to introduce anyone one of these ingredients in our realm, I would have to vastly influence the current laws of nature in our realm.

Not considering if I have the authority to fight with other rules and influence the nature of our realm to change its laws to grow these ingredients, the uses of these ingredients do not make it worth me going through the trouble of introducing them in our world.

I am sorry but I cannot use these ingredients, you will have to bring something more practical that I can use," the spirit informed Wyatt.

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