Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2174: Primordial Energy

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 08:44

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Seed World

Rectifying the flaws of his spiritual and physical bodies to the best of what his realm allowed him, Wyatt felt his awareness in both planes suddenly grow stronger causing him to feel like the most powerful being in the myriad realms. However, before he could lose his sanity to his newfound abilities he controlled his heart and mind in time and patiently endured the rampant waves of his turbulent emotions as the hype of the sudden power he gained slowly wore off. Regaining control of his mind and heart, Wyatt was astonished to find how he was able to monitor both planes simultaneously. When in the physical plane he could feel the surroundings of the spiritual plane without even trying, the best part about it was both his body's senses did not get tangled up but they could easily differentiate between the two planes. Earlier he would not have dreamed of achieving the same, he could have had to switch his awareness between the two bodies to monitor the planes but now he could do it naturally.

Handling the immediate problem, Wyatt then realized what it meant to be one with the source. He felt the presence of the source where it all began. Though with his connection to it, he could not sense the center of it he could feel the primordial energy, branching out into various energies, forming the rule source, etc. Sensing all this Wyatt felt like the secret to the universe was by the edge of his fingertips but he could not grasp it. The frustration that Wyatt felt was unexplainable. He felt like the answers to all his questions were right in front of him but he forgot how to read. It brought him both joy and misery. In the end, feeling powerless he could only give up trying to read these answers and be satisfied with the possibility that one day he might be able to learn how to read them. What Wyatt did not know was that he was extremely lucky to have his soul pupils advance into primordial soul pupils, this allowed him to stare into the source without going insane like the blood rule slaves in the blood rule source. Some truths were too profound for mortals this was the reason why the Card world's will did not give a proper description of Wyatt's new abilities. Wyatt was ignorant of his luck. He still had to understand the significance of his primordial soul pupils rather than complaining about being unable to read the mysteries of the source. He wasn't aware that he was only able to keep his sanity despite having stared into the profound mysteries of the source because his soup pupils had advanced thanks to an abundant supply of primordial energy. It was his good fortune that he was resourceful and did not easily give up. Had he given up advancing them because of a lack of primordial energy and glanced into the source then his fate would have been sealed. He would have been enslaved by the source like all the ignorant fools that thought just because they found the source they could take a peek into its mysteries and learn from it. Wyatt had no idea how his luck and fortune saved him from his ignorance. Even if he was known to be a genius among the card apprentices in front of the mysteries of the universe he was just another fool deluding himself into thinking that he could learn from it. Well, sometimes where talent and hard work failed a little luck would do the trick. Wyatt was truly fortunate that his luck had supported him where his talent and hard work were destined to fail. Unaware of the disaster that he just dodged Wyatt decided to use his primordial soul pupils to understand the primordial energy. By using primordial energy Wyatt found that despite the destructive power it held it could blend with other energies effortlessly and enhance their strength. Similarly, it would swallow all the energies directed at him and grow stronger. Any power when against the primordial energy failed to do any harm. However, this discovery did not enthuse Wyatt as he found that he could not control the primordial energy. At most, he could gather it from the source in his body or ego gem and release it. Similar to the case of low-level card apprentice and soul energy. They could only gather the soul energy in them and tempered their soul with it to practice active soul control however using soul energy for anything else was impossible unless they made use of cards. Wyatt who enjoyed the perks of having the soul energy manipulation ability was now a layman in terms of primordial energy. What pained him even more was that there weren't any cards that used primordial energy except for his origin card. Otherwise, he would not even be able to actively use the primordial energy with soul energy manipulation to enhance his soul energy.

He had access to the strongest source of energy in the myriad realms but he lacked the methods to make use of it. Now his only hope was to increase his realm such that soon he would be strong enough to manipulate the primordial energy like how the high realm card apprentices were able to manipulate the soul energy. As for creating cards that used primordial energy, Wyatt had no such dreams as he did not believe he would be able to find any other being that could access primordial energy in the myriad realms even if he searched every corner of it with a magnifying glass. Wyatt thought so because if their beings not only had access to primordial energy but also knew how to use it, its existence would be legendary among the myriad races and dark races of all beings would be aware of its existence or at least have famous lores of such being.

But seeing how he hadn't heard of any mentions of such a being, Wyatt leaned toward the possibility that these beings might have achieved transcendence and were no longer among them. He wanted this to be true because if the beings that could access and use primordial energy weren't able to achieve transcendence then none of them would have any hope for transcendence. Putting aside his worries, Wyatt summoned a handful of primordial energy around his fist, and he immediately found the primordial energy dispersed into his surroundings. The moment the primordial energy was out of Wyatt's body it would immediately disperse into the surroundings. Regardless of what Wyatt tried once the primordial energy was out of his body it was as if they were strangers. He could only summon more primordial energy from the source and keep experimenting to figure out to what extent he could use it. So far he was only able to use the primordial energy with the soul energy manipulation ability of his primordial calamity soul gem to enhance his soul energy or rule power but other than that he found that he seriously lacked command over the primordial energy he painstakingly summoned from the source. This was concerning as Wyatt could not directly use the primordial energies' destructive power to attack his enemies or defend himself. Seeing the energy that created the myriad realms was reduced to mere supportive power in his hands Wyatt smiled in self-mockery. However, this increased his conviction to increase his control over the primordial energy or create cards that could help him use primordial energy. "Sighed," Wyatt sighed thinking that if only he could read the mysteries of the source then he would not have to struggle to try to manipulate the primordial energy or create cards that could use primordial energy. So, he wondered if he should give trying to read the mysteries of the source a second try. Proving ignorance is one's brave. If he knew the dangers of peeking into the source let alone directly staring into it, Wyatt would slap himself silly for being so ignorant. However, with a serious gap of knowledge in the myriad realms Wyatt might never have figured out that if not for his soul pupils upgrading into primordial soul pupils he would have lost his sanity to the mysteries of the source and be enslaved by them the moment he gazed into the source. Soon, Wyatt shook his head hard deciding to stop focusing on what he was missing and focus on what he had gained. After all, right now he had a lot to be thankful for. He understood that any being of the myriad realms would be willing to sacrifice anything just to gain a part of what he had gained today. Besides, moping around would do him no good. Therefore, no longer dwelling on the negative, Wyatt then decided to connect with the blood rule source. Prior to this, he did not have any connection to it, it was the Card World's blood rule stream that allowed him to enter the blood rule source and his tricks allowed him to maintain contact with the blood rule source. Back then he did not dare to try and comprehend blood rule in the blood rule source for the fear of turning into one of the mindless blood rule slaves that roamed the blood rule source. But now things were different, he was one with the source, and he had the qualification to comprehend the blood rule directly from the blood rule source.

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