Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2169: Mutation Completion I

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 01:16

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Seed World

Wyatt was glad that he did not rush to heal his soul and waited to develop a proper soul nourishment technique before attempting to heal his soul. Thanks to which he learned about the hidden dangers of his induced mutation into his soul. Taking examples from the nature and monsters around him Wyatt believed the bumpy mutated soul was perfect and stable, but the extinct races who had done a lot more research on soul mutation than him that spoke about a more stable version of a mutated soul informing him that his current mutated soul was incomplete and unstable. Learning this, Wyatt thanked the Card world's baptism for saving his ass. He believed the only reason his soul was able to remain stable after all the stress, wear, and tear he put it through was because of the Card world's blessing to its card apprentices. Otherwise, his soul might have collapsed long ago. There were signs of this, Wyatt should have seen the short coming of the mutated soul but he had his reason to overlook them. The obvious sign was that when the twin-head ogre, Cerberus, Chimeras, Hydra, etc breakthrough to higher level their soul mutation doesn't strength with their physique. Showing that their soul mutation was incomplete and unstable as complete and stable mutation would strength as the creature strengthens similar to how the physique and traits of creature strengths with their realm. The reason Wyatt missed such an obvious sign was because he believed the monster's power system only focused on strengthening their physical body and not their soul. Hence, their mutated soul did not further mutate with the increase in their realm. That's true but a proper mutation like any physique or trait would grow stronger with creatures realm. Only a rejected mutation would not grow stronger with one's realm. That was to say if the soul mutation of the Twin head Orge, Cerberus, Chimeras, Hydra were all accepted by their body than their these mutation would grow stronger and develop with their bodies. However, they did not showing that their mutation was incomplete and unstable as such were rejected by their bodies. The Orge clan was perfect example of this where the Twin-headed Orges were a rare mutation, only one such case was born every two or their generation of a tribe. Showing that its more of a oddity than evolution. If it were a prominent mutation their body would have passed on to their progeny helping their tribe evolve as a whole over a few generations. Its akin to humans have six fingers in a hand or six toes in a foot. It was an oddity, an unnecessary mutation, which would mostly likely not be passed to future generation. However, such oddities would appear once in a while. There were many theories to why this happens. However, understanding why it happens would not change they were useless oddities. Anyhow now that Wyatt knew his method were very risky and not worth the reward, he no longer to forcefully induce mutation in his soul by dividing it to multiple the number of his consciousness. Right now though his soul was healed it was not completely fixed. The damage done to it by curse incarnation form was healed but the damage done to it by inducing mutation by forced division was yet to be healed. The only way to heal the trauma to his soul because of mutation was to undo the mutation or find a way to complete the mutation making it stable for him to start practing the power system he develop based on soul division. Undoing the soul mutation was easier said than done not to mention Wyatt did not want to do it as he had to withstand intense pain and suffering to acheive his soul mutation, though the soul mutation was incomplete and unstable he did not want all his pain and suffering for nothing so decided to complete his soul mutation which was easier compared to undoing the soul mutation thanks to the records of the soul left by the extinct races. The extinct races had only theriosed this and never put it into practise because the resource required were astronomical for these races. Considering their primitive civilization they did not have means to gather the astronomical amount of resources. It would take them another few generations to develop to point were gathering all these resource would no longer be dream for them but before that would happen the dark races found them. However, Wyatt did not have such a problem he had gathered the required herbs and prepared enough medicine just for this moment. Circulating the soul nurishment technique, he bagan to swallow the medicines. Refining the medicines he began to use the power from them to nourish his incomplete mutated soul which was only only stable be cause of the Card world's baptism. With the Card world's baptism holding his soul together like a bandaid stopping it from collapsing, it was easier for Wyatt to just fouse on using the power from the refined medicine to nourish his soul. The way he planned to make his soul mutation complete and stable was by assisting it to stablize itself. His soul knew what's best for it. All Wyatt had to do was enable it with the Soul nourishing technique and the soul stimulant medicines. The extinct races believed that a being's soul knew grow only it lacked the necessary power and support to grow. Therefore it remain stagnate sustaining its initial form to continue its living. Hence, they theorized that supplementing one's soul with enough power and supporting with a proper care would allow the soul to grow further assuming its strengthened form. Here, Wyatt also planned to do the same, he planned to give the power and support it needed hoping that it will not only able to complete its mutation and stablize but grow into the stronger from mentioned in the extinct races's records.

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