Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2161 Best Of Two Worlds

Chapter 2161 Best Of Two Worlds

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 00:22

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Seed World

Wyatt was right, their was no need for the great Field Marshal to be so shameless in courting Corey as her disciple. However, the Field Marshal had her own ideas. Having lived and trained for centuries trying to achieve transcendence, she like many card apprentice had felt the glass ceiling of the Card world. Like them for centuries she too tried to enlighten on how to break this glass ceiling only to meet with disappointment after repeated failure. The only card apprentices she knew who broke this glass ceiling were record in history books she could not reach them for obvious reasons. However, all hope was not lost as their were beings that had broken the glass ceiling, the Dark Races. She wanted to study them to gain enlightenment but Card apprentice and Dark races followed a different power systems. At her level she could not simply switch power systems, their would be serious consequences. When the Field Marshal was in a bind the existence of Corey, a card apprentice with title demon core, came as a hope for her to find an answers she sought. Beginning the hero she was, she did not just kidnap Corey to conduct her expriments on her. Rather, she decided to take the later as her disciple such that they both can learn from each other. However, having come into contact with Corey, the Field Marshal knew that she had strong opinion about Souther Royal family and was very stubborn. Therefore, she was worried that if she were to give Corey the opportunity to become her disciple the latter might reject it out of her stubborns as such she hoped to improve her impression on Corey before proceeding with her plans. "I just wanted her to be a legal adult when I took in her as my disicple," the Field Marshal answered why she hadn't reached out to Marcy.

"Why does it matter if she is a legal adult?" Wyatt asked in confusion. Then, he remarked, "Or is it just that you know she isn't going anywhere and would agree to be your disciple in a heartbeat or even be willing to give a limb for it. Since it is a sure thing you have little concern and regard for it am I right." Wyatt paused and pointing at Corey he said, "Meanwhile, this retard gets the a full on courting. Man, the good ones always get the short end of the stick don't they. I guess thats just human nature." "Hey, who are you calling retard? You are the retard, your family is the retard's family," Corey cussed, only to hear Corey Park say, "That's not the point you should be focusing on you fool, the Field Marshal wants to take you as her disciple what do you say?" Unlike Wyatt, Corey Park was enthused by idea of becoming the disciple of the Field Marshal. In her pervious live she was strong enough to make name for herself in all four directions of the dark realm but she never could ascend as devil. Hence, the offer of becoming the disciple of one of the top ten strongest card apprentice the card world had to offer was attractive for her. Yes, the Card world was like a backwater village compared to the Dark realm. However, the card apprentice of the card world have defeated the notorious dark races of the Dark realm on numerous occasion despite their limited knowledge. This showed that the Card apprentice had a lot of untapped potential and were no weaker than Dark races granted a little ignorant about the myriad realms and its power system. Being a remnant did not stop Corey Park from gathering knowledge about the Card World and its Card Apprentices. Going through their history she knew of many demigods in history of the Card world who seemed to have show prowess close to or greater than Ruler-Class. Corey Park had reasonable doubt that the history might be exaggerated by the demigod worshipers and other beneficiaries of the demigods but she had come across mention of powers that only were available to the Ruler-Class strong demeriting her doubts.

Regardless, for Corey Park becoming the disciple of the Field Marshal a possible descendant of a Ruler Class strong wasa once in a life time opportunity. Even if the ancestors of the Southern Royal family weren't rule class strong It did not matter as Corey needed a someone to guide her through the Card apprentice power system anyway. After all, currently Corey's main advantage over Belphegor other princes of hell was that she could gain the best of two worlds. "You want to take me as your disciple?" Corey asked the Field Marshal with mix of emotions but without any of the necessary manners. It wasn't surprising that she had mixed feelings about this considering her difference with the Southern Royal family. ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom

"Now that the cats out of the bag, yes I do intend to do that. I was hoping to ask you after improving our relationship but someone had to meddle so here goes, Corey Bright, will you do me the honor of becoming my disciple?" the Field gave Wyatt a side glance before looking eyes with Corey and asking her to be her disciple.

"I appreciate your offer Your Highness, but their are things you need to know about me before, I can answer you," Corey did not directly reject the Field Marshal, which came as a relief to the latter. However, she made big revelation, "If Your Highness want to take me as a disciple you should know that I have taken a oath to serve Wyatt for the next hundred years as payment for a great opportunity he has provided me." The Field Marshal was revealed that the big revelation Corey made was nothing to bo with demon/devil worshippers however she could not help but look at Wyatt and ask, "What kind of opportunity is worth a hundred years of servitude?"

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