Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2159 For Her Disciple

Chapter 2159 For Her Disciple

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 00:14

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Seed World freēwē

"Thank you, Wyatt," Dredre kissed Wyatt on the cheek and then, hurried to the floating forest island saying, "I will inform the good news to the child." "..." seeing this, Wyatt could only shake his head in dismay. This was the first thing her child had asked of her so Wyatt could understand Dredre's enthusiasm. But he could not help but feel pity for her as for child she was nothing but an means to get what it wanted. "Oh my goodness, since when where you so generous?" the Field Marshal exclaimed, seeing Wyatt going out of his way to accommodate Dredre. She did not know what was truly happening her but this was a new side to him. Therefore, she could not help but comment, "Can't you be so generous about the problem at the Way beyond, if you cooperate it can be minimized or even solved under a few months."

"Form the way I see it the fight at the Way Beyond is you guys fighting to maintain your taxation over the goods from the Way Beyond. Fighting for your interests is not my problem. You should know better than to bring it up," Wyatt had no plans to get involved in the smuggling ring being run at the Way Beyond. Even if it meant help Corey's parents. In fact he was impressed by who ever was running the smuggling ring at the Way Beyond. Except for evading the unreasonable taxes that the royal families and central government had imposed on them, they were doing nothing wrong. They risked their lives to gather the goods from the Way beyond and they had the right to reap maximum profits from it. However, the royal families and the central government armies that were maintain the balance between the five regions and the Way beyond also deserved their cut of it. Nobody said otherwise. If they were to demand their fair share of it as tax, many that smuggled the goods would not mind giving it to them and stop smuggling altogether but since the government and the royal families were getting greedy and dared to ask more than what they deserved, the clash of interests was unavoidable. This would cause the people to do what needs to be done for their survival. They claimed smuggled goods from Way Beyond would hurt the economy of the five regions, they should have known this before getting greedy. They could still correct their ways but they did not even bother to. After all , the wealth from the Way beyond was too big for them to let go. This alone was enough reason for Wyatt to not be the part of it. Yet, the Southern Royal family gave him another reason. That was they demanded his services for free. Even though they stood to make a killing using his VR-universe(Personal Realm Netowrk) to help them police the Way Beyond they weren't willing to fork over a percentage of it to Wyatt in return for his exceptional service. To top it off, they dared to use patriotism to guilt him into doing it. The nerve of them. Wyatt could not believe that the Field Marshal would bring it up now of all times. Then feeling Corey's gaze on him, Wyatt knew what was going on. The Field Marshal did not bring this up for the Southern Royal family but for Corey. Understanding this Wyatt could not help but complain, 'Didn't she plan on taking Marcy Davis under her wing, why is so attached to Corey now? Does she plan to taking both of them under her wing?' Thinking of this Wyatt felt that this might not be bad. Corey needs a wise elder in her life. She does not lack strength or resources, what she lacks is a experienced person whom she can trust and depend on to help her guide her in her confusing life. Especially, with her wacky origin card that mess with her head everytime it undergoes baptism she really needs someone to talk to about it and guide her with it. All though it was not the cards fault but it was Corey who can't help but get too involved in her past lives and get confused, the problem was the same. Corey Park tried to take on that roll but clearly it wasn't working. After all, they were one and the same. Corey need someone whom she respects and trusts, the Field Marshal fit the bill perfectly. She was someone Corey idozlied since her childhood. She had already shown that she valued the Field Marshal's words even though acted bratty. "What are you looking at?" Wyatt asked Corey with frown. He had feeling that Corey might be aware of his talk with royal family about their problem at Way Beyond and him rejecting them. He was surprised Field Marshal would put him in this position to curry favor with her yet-to-be disciple. The Field Marshal was loyal to him but it did not mean that she did not have will of her own. "How much will it cost for them to redeem your services?" Corey did not talk bullshit cutting the chase.

"Why do you plan to pay for them?" Wyatt asked the obvious with a hint of mockery in hi tone.

"Yes, I plan to," Corey replied ignoring his sneer. All she cared about was getting to meet her parents and having a normal family for once in her three live times. All three versions of her want this. Her wish for a normal family echod through her several life times. In this life she had a shot at achieving that, Corey wanted to make it happen at any cost.

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"How? You already owe me too much as it is. Not to mention what they want is not one time thing. They plan to avail my services for a long term. Meaning it will be a monthly or even a weekly payment plan. Its not something you can afford."

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