Chapter 2153 Instant Death

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 23:32

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Residential Area

Wyatt believed the Field Marshal was playing with Asong's life because even though she had figured out the trick to the assassin's ability all she had done was level the playing field and bring down the whole exchange to one question, who was faster? Was the Field Marshal fast enough to catch the assassin before he harmed Asong? Or Was the assassin fast enough to kill Asong and escape the Field Marshal's grasp once again? Though the Field Marshal was one of the top ten strongest card apprentice in the card world the assassin was not to be estimated. He too was a demigod and from his energy signature, he was no weaker than Ransom or Henricks. Wyatt had no idea how Karl had the authority to mobilize such a capable assassin from the masters' lineup of capable subordinates but he had and they could not underestimate the assassin. Regardless of whether the Field Marshal managed to capture the assassin, Wyatt believed the assassin would still be able to kill Asong. Wyatt felt this way because all the assassin had to do was occupy Asong's position in his intangible state and then switch off his intangible state for only a microsecond. This would be enough to kill Asong, and the assassin could return to his intangible state before the Field Marshal could react. Unless there was a cooldown period for using the intangible state after every use Wyatt could this happening which was why he believed regardless of whether the Field Marshal captured the assassin or not, the assassin would be successful in killing Asong. Having come to this conclusion Wyatt no longer believed that the Field Marshal was playing with Asong's life but actively sending Asong to her death. Wyatt did not expect a veteran like the Field Marshal to make such a mistake. So he could not help but wonder if this was the Field Marshal's wounded ego or the timeline trying to correct itself. After all, Asong was supposed to die after uncovering the undead army in the central capital. However, Wyatt did not lean toward the latter because all this was happening way ahead of time from what was shown in the Crown Mask's future vision. If the timeline was trying to correct itself, then it should start by killing him as Wyatt was not supposed to be alive to witness all this in the first place. So, he strongly believed that the mismatched priorities of the Field Marshal were because of her wounded ego which was disappointing considering her track record and experience Wyatt expected better from her.

Hence, Wyatt's sternness when ordered the Field Marshal, 'Stand down. You are not to engage the hostile. Protect Asong at all cost leave the hostile to me.' 'Wyatt, I know I failed to capture the assassin before but trust me this time it will be different. I have seen through his trick. Please, let me handle this,' the Field Marshal immediately begged. Seeing the Field Marshal did not dare to break the chain of command but begged for him to reconsider his orders, Wyatt felt a little relieved thinking that the Field Marshal hadn't forgotten the hierarchy in the heat of the moment. Now that she had sworn her undying loyalty to she had to treat his commands with utmost priority and see them through without any delay. 'Negative. We cannot allow the hostile near Asong, with his ability he is a walking disaster. We have to deal with him before he nears Asong. I have a way. I will deal with him you focus on guarding Asong,' Wyatt rejected Field Marshal Heatsend but gave her a detailed reason why he rejected her. 'Affirmative,' Field Marshal Heatsend agreed to Wyatt's orders without any argument or doubts. Just because she did not voice them did not mean she did not have any. Of all the doubts on her mind, the one to bothered her the most was how Wyatt planned to deal with an enemy who was in a state of limbo, present but absent, making it impossible for one to attack him. Instead of voicing them, she decided to wait and watch. If Wyatt failed then she could continue with her original plan. Meanwhile, Wyatt suddenly vanished from the coach and appeared 15 yards outside of the villa, and next to him, a corpse lay on the ground. Then, he mentally informed the Field Marshal, 'Threat neutralized.' 'What?' the Field Marshal blurted. Everything happened so fast that she did not even register what had transpired. "What just happened?" the Field Marshal appeared next to Wyatt as he summoned his grimoire and stored the corpse of the demigod, his divinity, and grimoire in a storage card. "I killed him just like I said," Wyatt retrieving his grimoire after storing away his loot. Soon Asong and her guards rushed out of the villa while Corey appeared with little Baem, they too were hiding along with the Field Marshal with their own plans to catch the assassin. "Holyshit, Wyatt! Details, give me more details," Corey demanded in a mix of awe and dread. She did not expect that Wyatt had grown to the point where it took less than a fraction of a second for him to kill the demigod. With Corey's demand, everyone's shifted on to Wyatt demanding a detailed answer. Especially, the Field Marshal, as he had achieved what she the top ten strongest in the Card world could not achieve. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

"Guys, I am not sure if you will understand it even if I took the time to explain how I did what I did. Besides, it involves a lot of my secrets that I am not yet prepared to share with you," Wyatt did not bother to lie as gone were the days when he had to rely on lies to hide what he was truly capable of. "Forget how, I still can't grasp what you did," Corey muttered in response.

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