Chapter 2151 Inevitable


Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 23:24

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Residential Area

From Wyatt's words, Asong understood that she was being impatient and unreasonable. The people who were able to raise an undead army in the heart of the central region without anyone knowing were not some common thugs but people with serious power and authority. The Southern Royal family and Wyatt might be doing their best to prepare and confront these people. Asong, who has always been the underdog in all her fights, knew just how important preparation was for her to win. The more thorough one was, the more their chances of winning were. Therefore, listening to Wyatt as they were making necessary preparations and arrangements, she knew that it was not that the Southern Royal family was sitting by and watching but doing its best to deal with it. After all, even if it was one of the royal families it could just go accusing people of raising army undead without proper evidence to back up their claims. If a Royal family was this helpless then what could a rich and renowned teenager like Wyatt do? Asong began to feel that she was too quick to judge Wyatt. He might only said those things to get her to back off and stop stubbornly raising her life. Seeing things through another angle, Asong asked Wyatt, "Can I trust you to get the Southern Royal family to see through this and bring the people responsible to justice?" Wyatt looked at Asong in her eyes and agreed, "Yes, you can." Then, he asked, "Does this mean that you will stop poking around and level this matter to us?" "I plan to but will that change anything? I am sure whoever is behind this will not be able to sleep unless they know I am dead. I can't return to my normal life until these guys are stopped and brought to justice—" "If you don't stop they will keep coming after you and each time they will keep sending stronger force than the last. Not to mention, your actions might affect the royal family and my plans for these people. Which is why you need to stop," Wyatt interrupted Asong midway and emphasized that if she did not stop her enemies would keep sending assassins to kill her regardless of where she was hiding and who was protecting her. "What makes you so sure that they will stop sending people after just because I stopped looking into their matter, Wyatt?" Asong yelled ƒгeeweɓn૦

"Because they would think that they had gotten their message and they would not want to waste any more precious manpower trying to assassinate someone who is protected by one of the top ten strongest in the card world. Asong stop being stupid, and fight enemies in your weight class," Wyatt's words might seem like a big if but it was true. The purpose of assassins was to silence the leak, now that the leak had willingly silenced itself their purpose would be achieved. Wasting any more resources to back the leak in a corner would only provoke them and prove counter-productive. "I have been fighting people above my weight class my whole life. So, I am used to fighting above my weight class. It doesn't scare me," Asong showed no sign of backing down. She only shows signs of changing her mind about getting information from Wyatt. Though she did not get much from him she understood the Southern Royal family and Wyatt had their own plans for the undead army hiding in the central capital. And that they were worried her involvement might hinder their plans. Having gathered that the Southern Royal Family and Wyatt had their interest in this matter, Asong could not help but wonder if other Royal families and world leaders had their interest in this matter. That would explain why none of them raised any issue about an army of undead being raised in the central capital. Asong believed that the other Royal families too knew about this. Just like the Southern Royal family, other royal families might also choose to keep quiet and make preparations of their own to gain the most from this incident. Assuming that this was truly the case Asong could not help but wonder, what could it be that would be the truth behind the undead army to gain the royal families and world leaders' interest but also scare them from making a move? Asong could not put her figure on it but now she understood what Wyatt truly meant by there aren't many places left for her to hide in and not add the Southern region to that list. That was to say if she were to continue snooping around in this matter then she would affect the interest of all these people and make enemies everywhere leaving no place for her to hide in the card world. No, saving her skin wasn't important to Asong, what she learned and scared her from this assumption was that her screams about the undead army in the central capital would fall on deaf ears and everyone will try to silence her to protect their interests.

Meaning, that there might not be anyone in the card world left for her to turn to to help her with this matter. Since everyone knew about it and yet kept quiet to pursue their interest. Asong was overthinking it. However, her speculation was not that far off. Those who knew about the Undead Army in the Central Capital and their purpose i.e. the Southern Royal family and Wyatt were indeed keeping quiet to protect their interest in this matter and seek maximum benefits. Asong had managed to arrive at the perfect conclusion from the information she gathered from Wyatt's words however she was off the mark because she assumed that it might not be just the Southern Royal family and Wyatt that knew about the undead army in central capital but all the other royal families and world leader. Ultimately, helping her conclude that the upheaval of the central region was inevitable. "It is inevitable isn't it," Asong said having come to the grim conclusion. Her heart grew cold and her mind was numb just imagining the war in the central region and the number of innocent lives that would be affected in the process. "You knew it, didn't you? That was why you said that sometimes good things come out of bad things. Wyatt, just tell you tried everything and this is the only way," Asong no longer cared about finding who was behind the undead army because she learned that nobody but her cared. Everyone else who knew about this was busy ensuring their interest and trying to gain the most. Knowing this Asong who could see a grim future for the central capital could not help but ask Wyatt if he was sure there wasn't another way. "Asong, I am not strong enough to try everything the other way but I assure you that I have thought of everything within my power and capabilities and this is the only way," Wyatt answered with a grave expression. Seeing Asong get to a conclusion similar to his with a lot less information than he had, Wyatt could not help but be impressed by her deduction skills. Even though she ended up making some bizarre conclusion she was indeed someone not to be underestimated. "I have no choice but to trust you," Asong said, feeling helpless. If it was just a single group involved in this matter she could rally others against that group to put an end to their atrocities and bring them to justice but if the whole world was in on it she did not know whom she would go to beg for help to get justice. It was at this point that Asong truly believed that when Wyatt gave her a hypothetical that the masters were behind this he might not only be testing her or trying to get his point through but also telling the truth. Coming to this conclusion Asong lost all her motivation to try and dig into this matter. After all, the masters were the pillars of the current civilization if they were the problem then there weren't many solutions. While Asong was trapped in her mind with her thoughts, Wyatt suddenly mentally received an alert signal from the Field Marshal, 'He is here. He is slowly approaching the target. I am going to wait till the last second I have come to understand that it is only possible to catch or harm him when his attacking.' Getting the warning signal from the Field Marshal, Wyatt immediately uses his soul pupils to their maximum to find the assassin and understand his skill before he makes his move on Asong. Since he had returned knowing that the Field Marshal might be waiting for him, meant that like the Field Marshal who was confident that she would be able to capture him, he too was confident he would be able to escape the Field Marshal again. But the question that Wyatt did not want to know the answer was if the assassin was confident that he could both escape Field Marshal and kill his target. Since he had dared to return then kill Asong and escaping from the Field Marshal might be a possibility in the assassin's mind otherwise there would be no point in taking unnecessary risk of being discovered by the Field Marshal. Also, listening to the Field Marshal say that she was going to wait till the last second when the assassin was killing Asong to capture him because she believed she would only be able to catch and harm him when he was attacking made him worry for Asong's life. Wyatt could not help but feel the Field Marshal's approach was idiotic because catching the assassin when managed to kill Asong would not make any difference. After all, saving Asong's life took priority over catching the assassin. He could not help but wonder if the Field Marshal knew this. Thinking of this, Wyatt felt stupid for thinking it. However, he could not help but defend this thought wondering if failure to capture the assassin the first few times had hurt the Field Marshal's ego and if she had taken this matter personally as such she might not be making the rational judgment. For her, catching the assassin that escaped her grasp might take priority over saving Asong's life. Thinking of this Wyatt's concern for Asong's life grew.

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