Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2115 Ungrateful Nutjob Revolutionary

Chapter 2115 Ungrateful Nutjob Revolutionary

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 22:25

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Orphanage

"Why do the Masters even want to raid the seal unranked dungeon they should know better than that?" while Wyatt was contemplating it, the Field Marshal asked Henricks.

"Beats me, I still don't understand why they would seal the unranked dungeons in the first place," Henricks knew what the masters were up to but he had no idea why they were doing it. "What is that supposed to mean? If they had not sealed the unranked dungeons it would have been impossible for them to establish the Five Regions in the first place. Back then they had to deal with the ranked & unranked monsters, Supreme Beings, Dark Race invasion, and other problems we know little of. It would be easier for them if they could eliminate one of these variables permanently so they can focus on other variables. So, I can understand their decision to seal the unranked dungeons," The Field Marshal gave the textbook answer her the Royal Family taught her when she was little. Therefore, listening to her, both Henricks and Wyatt shook their heads. Then, Henricks pointed out, "Many see the ranked dungeons and the monsters in them as problems to be solved but that is untrue. Without them, not only our whole economy will crumble we will lose meaning. We are card apprentice, we raid dungeons, hunt monsters, and use their ingredients to create stronger cards. The same goes for unranked dungeons, though because of the world's realm limit, we are not able to grow strong enough to clear these unranked dungeons but the same world is helping us by suppressing the escaped unranked monsters. What I am trying to say is, that though escaped unranked monsters were hard to deal with, the unranked ingredients we gained from killing them were not something we could find anywhere, they would allow us to create stronger cards. Eventually, we would have cards strong enough to help us clear unranked dungeons. Though our realm was limited our overall power would have grown significantly. Heatsend, individuals such as yourself would be able to solo these unranked dungeons equipped with the unranked cards created using the unranked ingredients from the unranked monsters. Think about it, what all our ancestors could have achieved if they had unranked cards helping them, yet for some reason only known to them, they chose to seal the unranked dungeons. These unranked cards would have easily allowed them to deal with monsters, supreme beings, dark races, and other problems of their era simultaneously with ease. Not only that the current card society would have developed to unseen heights maybe even to the point where we would not have to worry about facing Dark Races in our home world. Yet, they went ahead and sealed the unranked dungeons and we have been following their arrangements without asking any questions like a bunch of sheep. What's important to notice here is that we lost much important knowledge like the creation of the celestial rule domain yet we somehow continue to remember the seal array formation that will help us seal an unranked dungeon which doesn't actually help us if you ask me," Henricks paused after speaking his mind about the unranked dungeon and how he found sealing them a little suspicious. "If we ask you the whole world is a big conspiracy. You are just overthinking," Field Marshal Heatsend dismissed Henricks remarks as questionable conspiracy theories. She stuck to what she was taught as the original founders were her heroes she could not doubt them meanwhile Wyatt thought Henricks brought up great points. "Heatsend, you are beyond help," Henricks said, giving up trying to explain it to the Field Marshal as he saw Wyatt had understood what he was getting at. Unlike the Field Marshal and Wyatt, Henricks had spent many nights trying to figure out the Master's plan, hence he began to see how fishy the move of sealing the unranked dungeons was. Why seal dungeons that would make you stronger allowing you to deal with stronger enemies? He did not understand what the original founders were thinking when they decided to seal the unranked dungeons unless these dungeons held dangers unknown to them and known only to the original founders who survived it or was there something shady afoot here? Even after many sleepless nights, Henricks felt that he was nowhere close to the answer as to why the original founders sealed the unranked dungeons and why the Masters planned to unseal and raid these dungeons now of all times. "I am beyond help, you are beyond help. Do you think card creation is simple? Do you even know how much research goes into various ingredients to create a single-card recipe? Do you know how hard it is to study an SSS-rank ingredient and create a card based on it? Now you tell me the amount of time and manpower that would be required to study an unranked ingredient and create unranked cards? Yes, unranked cards would make us stronger and develop our society to new heights but unranked cards are not easy to create. How were the ancestors supposed to make time to create unranked cards when they were facing various existential threats? Wake up and stop living in dreams you ungrateful nutjob revolutionary. Not everything is conspiracy, our ancestors did their best to build this society we live in, you better learn to respect it if not them," Heatsend did not hold back and went full-on berserker on Henricks, giving him an earful. 'I guess this how she is among friends,' Wyatt thought having gotten to see a new side to Field Marshal Heatsend. Corey looked at the Field Marshal in a new light and subtly gave her a thumbs up, she preferred this Field Marshal more. She was happy that the Field Marshal did not let the criminal walk all over her and showed him who's who and what's what. If not for her having decided to be more diligent toward her duties like her parents in all three of her lifetimes, Corey would have whistled and cheered for the Field Marshal.

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