Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2094 Ambition, Fear, Worship

Chapter 2094 Ambition, Fear, Worship

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 19:49

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Orphanage

Leaving Diana in charge of kids from the Southern Capital, Wyatt returned to the orphanage in his regular form. The reason he left Diana in charge was that with him being unapproachable and unforgiving, the kids from the Southern Capital would have no choice but to cozy up with Diana and the rest even though they looked down on them for being ignorant savages from a small third rate city. To ensure their next hundred years of unpaid employment would be comfortable they would be willing to compromise their bloated pride and try to please those they considered beneath them. Having seen the attitude of the Field Marshal and the Royal Instructor toward's their situation the kids from the Southen capital had already realized they had screwed up big time and nobody could help them avoid the consequences. Especially, with the Field Marshal going as far as to label them as terrorists for conspiring to kill the Southern Hope caused them to lose all faith and accept their new fate.

With all their usual doors shut they had no choice but to do whatever it takes for them to avoid a miserable future. So as Wyatt expected, they all planned to make friends with Diana and rest to gain Wyatt's trust through them. Having gotten Wyatt's permission, Diana and the rest would take these kids from the Southern Captial for everything they got. Not everyone among the kids from the Southern Capital felt this way. That was because they had become Wyatt's fans. It would not be wrong to call them Wyatt's die-hard fans. The power, authority, and ruthlessness Wyatt displayed when he effortlessly defeated all of them and killed about a fifth or fourth of them had made him their idol and turned them from his enemies into his fanatic fans. Therefore, unlike most of their friends who were not optimistic about their situation and planned on doing everything to salvage it, they planned to gain Wyatt's trust no matter the cost and get close to their idol. As for his plans, they planned to support his every decision wholeheartedly with a single devoted mind. Among the haters and the lovers, there were the smart ones. They saw this as an opportunity. Everyone knew that Wyatt's VR universe was the next best thing. These guys believed it too. This was why they saw this as a once in a lifetime opportunity and planned to make good use of it, unlike their friends who failed to see the bigger picture here.

Though there were talks that the top ten universities and other big organizations planned to release their version of the VR universe, they believed by the time that happened and they made the method to access their creation available to all Wyatt, and VR universe would have become so big that they would have taken over the entire Card World's market. This was especially possible because Wyatt's VR-Slime card wasn't just a key to entering the VR universe but granted its equipper the ability to digits soul energy. Not to mention the fact that it was all for free. From the perspective of these kids, as long as Wyatt was alive nobody can hinder his growth, not the top ten universities or the founding demigods. They planned to use this opportunity to ride Wyatt's tailcoats to the top of the world and become bigger than the elite families backing them. Fear, Ambition, Worship, and other emotions ran high in the heads and hearts of the kids from the Southern Capital and these emotions became the driving force behind their actions. They all had their plans to secure the future they wanted even if it meant they would be Wyatt's unpaid employees for the next hundred years. However, among these one remained adamant about resisting Wyatt. It was none other than Jane Jr Austin aka JJ. After having witnessed Wyatt's unparalleled achievements in academics and his combat prowess, JJ was smart enough to see the big picture and understood that this was an opportunity for him to grow along with Wyatt. However, unlike the other kids, he did not feel he needed Wyatt's help to grow as he would do fine just by himself. After all, he was the inheritor of the Southern Royal Family's prodigal royal descendant. The one who made the difficult choice to leave his family behind and dared to venture into the mysterious Myriad Realms in pursuit of higher knowledge and strength. As his heir, JJ did not believe he needed Wyatt's help to grow. Especially, with the gift his prodigal predecessor left for him. Though he still did not understand the proper use of the Record Vault that his predecessor had created using the true relic Ruby Vault he had not lost hope about it being something special as his predecessor promised. His brain told him that his predecessor failed in his attempts to upgrade the true relic Ruby Vault and downgrade it to Record Vault turning it into an item that can only record memories. However, his heart told him that his prodigal predecessor though shameless would not leave behind a failed product for his juniors as that would diminish his prestige. After all, for the first time in his life, he was revealing that he was not a prodigal but had different plans for the Southern Royal family and the Card World compared to the plans of their ancestors. Even if the Record Vault was nothing special, JJ believed that the memories of his predecessor's record in the Record Vault were enough to get him recognition and growth in the card apprentice community he needed without having to depend on Wyatt. It was because of this confidence he chose to resist submitting to Wyatt. He only signed the 'Agents of the Southern Hope' contract because he believed that the royal bloodline flowing through his veins would help him avoid the consequences of his actions like always. However, it turned out he was way in over his head this time around as no one was coming to help him. Even his own grandma ignored his pleas. It was despairing but JJ did not let the despair stop him. When all the roads JJ thought he could depend upon turned out to be a dead end, he thought maybe his origin card 'Record Vault' might help him get out of his predicament. His mind ran trying to make lemonade out of the lemons he had. Then, it hit him, he decided he was going to challenge Wyatt once again. Wyatt might have defeated him in terms of combat prowess but this time he planned to challenge him intellectually. With the aid of his Record Vault and the knowledge within it, he believed he could force Wyatt into defeat and regain his freedom. But, there was a problem. How would he get Wyatt to accept his challenge? Especially, considering he was Wyatt's property for the next hundred years.

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