Chapter 2049 Robin's Nest

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 16:35

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Air Space

Seeing JJ look down in fear when their eyes met, Wyatt shook his head feeling that the level of the royal descendants was not high enough. Compared to Cervos's calculated response and Adriene's unyielding bravery, JJ's cowardly response was disappointing.

Wyatt turned to look at Aria who had climbed onto Diana's phantom flagship with her team without an invitation, and felt that Aria was more strong-minded and brave than JJ. Well, in JJ's defense, he was not a warrior but a card creationist.

"What, am I not welcomed aboard this ship?" Aria asked feeling Wyatt's eyes on her. She pretended to have thick skin but her rosy complexion gave her away.

"Aren't you getting too comfortable with me considering that earlier you were trying to avoid me like a plague?" Wyatt asked seeing Aria was using him to establish her and her squad's prestige in the crowd's mind.

"I don't recall anything like that. If you want me to leave then just say so, and I will leave," Aria said clenching her fist, trying hard not to turn around and run away in shame. It was not like her to be shameless, but opportunities like this did not come often. She wanted to laugh at the expense of the rotten kids from the Southern Capital.

"Do whatever you want?" Wyatt said choosing to ignore Aria. Then. turning to face the crowd momentarily pausing his gaze on Adriene who was still beside Aurelia he said aloud, "Since you all came here to kill me I guess you all were prepared to die. So, do not blame me in the afterlife. If you want to blame anyone then, blame yourself for your foolishness."



Wyatt had yet to act on his word and the crowd grew loud scared for their life, screams and cries of fear filled the domain.

"Quiet!" Wyatt commanded in annoyance, robbing the voice of the crowd, and instantly the domain once again had pin-drop silence.

However, soon a distinctive sharp and pungent smell, similar to that of ammonia began to fill the domain. Losing their voice many in the crowd had soiled themselves. Seeing this, Wyatt asked in disgust, "Are these guys really this generation's Southern Capital's high school gang? I find it hard to believe it."

"You are right, these guys aren't the real deal. The true high gangs of the Southern Capital are mostly looked behind bars and a few with no sense of loyalty have joined big organizations to avoid jail time," Aria answered Wyatt from behind. She was able to speak as only the assembled crowd was influenced by Wyatt's command. However, as soon as she spoke she she felt Adriene's glare on her.

"What did I say something wrong?" Aria scoffed at Adriene and with a grin she added, "If not for your families intervening, Robin's Nest would have killed you all that day."

"They dared to use demonic arts, so our families had no choice but to intervene," Adriene defended.

"Only one foolish member of Robin's Nest used demonic arts but your families labeled all the members of Robin's Nest as devil worshippers and locked them up for good," Aria retorted furiously.

"Well, you would say that. After all, RJ was your boyfriend," Adriene scoffed, not wanting to continue arguing with Aria over this matter.

"For the hundredth time, RJ is not my body friend. We are just friends," Aria almost pounced at Adriene if not for her squad members holding her back.

"Friends? You knelt in front of the royal court for a whole month to beg pardon for RJ and Robin's Nest. If not for your meddling the Robin's Nest would have been executed for practicing demonic arts instead of living comfortably off of the taxpayer's money in jail," Adriene was pissed seeing Aria dare deny her relationship with a devil worshiper.

"..." Aria glared at Adriene with the fury of a thousand suns, if not for her squad members holding her down with all their might she really wanted to punch Adriene's face even if she knew she wasn't Adriene's match.

The reason Aria knelt for a whole month before the royal court begged them to pardon Robin's Nest was because unlike Adriene she knew the whole truth. She did all that because she did not want innocent kids to die over false accusations just like how she did not think twice and rushed to here to stop JJ and the rest from making the biggest mistake of their life, making an enemy out of Wyatt.

"If not for your family and having royal bloodline you would not be in the Southern Watch considering all your ties with a proven devil worshiper group," Adriene did not hold back and claimed Aria's achievements were because of nepotism.

"Bitch!" In a fit of rage, Aria overpowered her squad members, and freeing herself from their grasp she rushed at Adriene wanting to knock a few teeth out.

Seeing the incoming Aria, Adriene did not panic and prepared to knock the lights out of Aria. However, just then both of them heard a command in their ears, "Pause." Soon Aria and Adriene found that their body could not move.

Adriene managed to free herself a second or two later but she did not attack defenseless Aria and turned to look at Wyatt who said, "Though, I do hate myself for stopping a girl fight but she is not your opponent."

Wyatt then turned to face Aria, lifting the restrain off her he said, "When I said do whatever pleases you I did not mean start a fight."

Regaining control over her body, the first thing Aria thought was to feel sorry for her cousin JJ and the crowd who were still under Wyatt's restraint. Having experienced the terror of becoming a prisoner in their own body, she did not wish such a fate on her enemy. Then, snorting at Adriene she asserted, "The true high school gang of the Southern Capital is the Robin's Nest. These guys are just a bunch of wannabe thugs."

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