58 The Hundred

On the outskirts of Herrera Village, an abandoned old villa loomed beneath the shadows of the long mountain ranges, peacefully resisting time and the extreme weather conditions of the North. Time and the never-ending snow piled on top of its ceiling, trying its best to kill and destroy the remaining of its architectural splendor. Those battered towering spires and peaked rooftops were an undeniable proof of its past magnificence, but also a forlornly yearn for life and a daily struggle against the heavens.

Once, this grand mansion served as the abode of a prominent noble family, descendants of the Royal Bloodline of Stahl and responsible for managing the trade of all Cold Iron of Herrera. However, as the iron mines dried up, so did their fortune and their extravagant lifestyle, leading to their gradual decline and their disappearance from the village, running away towards the capital.

Within the damaged mansion's walls, Henry stood before a large fireplace, holding a long iron poker as he carefully tended to the dancing flames, their crackling whispers filling the air. Each prod and stir provided the fire with enough strength to spread a comforting warmth throughout the abandoned Grand Entrance Hall, infusing it with new life. The flickering glow gently illuminated Henry's face, making his eyes shine in a crimson hue, like a precious and rare ruby.

After a few minutes, Henry paused and slowly placed the iron stick next to the fireplace, shifting his gaze towards the soldiers behind him. A hundred soldiers were assembled next to a grand stairway, standing in absolute silence, and maintaining a firm posture as they respectfully looked at him. Clad in white furred uniforms bearing the emblem of Stahl, they looked like a huge pack of wolves, even the energy emanating from them felt heavy.

"General Olaro has certainly learned a thing or two about modern training methods and leadership." – Henry praised in his mind – "They won't even move a finger until they are commanded. Impressive progress. They will be at least useful."

Henry had established the Commanders Training Center with the intention of imparting his knowledge to the captains and generals under him. He taught them modern knowledge on training routines to improve stamina, strategy, discipline, and leadership skills. It was an efficient way to rapidly cultivate a cohesive and effective army, with a decentralized bias. Henry needed soldiers who moved and acted in unison, while maintaining an unshattered obedience, even when faced with insane orders.

While looking at them, Henry found himself reflecting on the principles laid down by Sun Tzu in the renowned book "The Art of War," where he emphasized the significance of unity and discipline within an army. One particular passage resonated deeply within his mind: "When one treats others with respect, they respond in kind. When one leads with strict discipline, they follow orders. When one advances united, they are unstoppable." Sun Tzu's teachings echoed the essential truth that unity, discipline, and obedience were crucial for achieving victory on any battlefield. Even in modern times, all armies followed this crucial principle.

"You may rest now. You must be weary." - Henry said, gesturing with his hand.

These soldiers had pushed themselves relentlessly, marching for three consecutive days while surviving on only three hours of sleep, trying their best to evade the invaders' sight and walking through perilous terrains. In their ears, Henry's words carried a note of mercy, akin to that of a benevolent deity and caring guardian.

"I assume you have already met Leier."- The King added, pointing to his side. Like a shadow emerging from behind him, Leier silently stepped forwards and stood protectively behind Henry - "In my absence, she will be the one leading you."

Henry took a moment to gaze at his soldiers, ensuring that they grasped the order. The soldiers had no doubts about his decision. Leier had proven her strength and skills throughout their journey from Mirante to this point. Her instincts and leadership had saved them countless times from being spotted by the enemies and protected them from dangerous creatures. It was because of her that they had remained safe and unharmed.

"I know Olaro has trained all of you," Henry addressed the soldiers. "But I need to see a demonstration to see what you're capable of and how we can best utilize your skills."

Henry understood that assessing his army's strength before entering a battlefield was essential and important. Charging blindly would be a foolish move that could risk the lives of his soldiers and jeopardize the success of his missions. He needed a clear understanding of their capabilities to act.


Outside the house, Henry observed a hundred soldiers braving the harsh cold and running barefoot around the decaying mansion. He had ordered them to run until exhaustion, pushing their limits until only two would remain standing. Those two would be rewarded with a promotion, becoming a sergeant in a single leap. It was an enticing offer that made their fighting spirit to rise.

"He's likely to be the first one." - Henry remarked, his gaze fixed upon a towering man with brown hair and a tribal tattoo that stretched from his left arm to his leg. The blood was from a Winter Orc, which granted him an exceptional stamina and strength - "Being a barbarian already grants him remarkable endurance, but with the added benefits of the Winter Orc's tattoo, his stamina and strength surpass the others. It's like a cheat."

The integration of the Barbarians into his army was happening sooner than Henry had anticipated. He had expected it to take at least a decade before they began enlisting, but he was proven wrong. In less than three years, their numbers had already reached 200, a significant achievement considering the prejudice of Stahl's people. Changing this ingrained prejudice in just a few years was an impossible task, but Henry hoped that their numbers would continue to grow. Their fierce and savage prowess on the battlefield made them an invaluable force, worthy to invest his time and money. Unfortunately, he still couldn't mass produce these tattoos, or else, he would have no problem with these enemies.

Henry's gaze shifted towards a woman positioned at the back of the group, occupying the last position. With her lustrous black hair and well-toned physique, she exuded a captivating presence. Her golden eyes were focused on the back of the person running in front of her.

"She will end up in second. She is maintaining a consistent pace" – Henry thought, observing her controlled breathing and smooth movements. Her posture displayed discipline and poise, with minimal wasted energy. – "She has potential to become a great soldier. She is also in the Third Stage Warrior, quite an accomplishment for her age."

The result was as Henry expected. The Barbarian ranked first with the woman ending in second. Their skin was red, and their feet were bluish, a consequence of the cold weather. Fortunately, the Mana in their bodies and their training maintained them in safe conditions.

"Your first mission is to select fifty soldiers each to your respective teams. They will be under your leadership until we finish this mission. We are going to do a mock battle."

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