Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 449 - Chapter 449: Chapter 432: The Moment of Battle!

Chapter 449: Chapter 432: The Moment of Battle!

Translator: 549690339

“Countdown one and a half hours, start!”

With the countdown, the sense of urgency immediately became intense.

In just an instant, the players who had been standing on the coast disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving the game and returning to their own login space.

Ren Jian, who hadn’t had time to say goodbye to everyone, opened his mouth and looked at the empty beach that had suddenly become quiet, waving at the empty air, “Goodbye, everyone! Keep fighting!”

Leaving the beach, the players hurriedly departed the login space, logging into Metropolis or Night City, searching for the work clothes and “accessory” weapons they needed.

Yi tried to enter the amusement park wearing a bulletproof suit with a gun.

As expected, the gun disappeared.

Being unyielding, he enlisted a group of people to cooperate, robbing a gun shop and ambushing Metropolis police, obtaining several NPC police outfits.

Then he hurriedly entered the amusement park wearing the police uniform and carrying weapons.

Unfortunately, the gun disappeared once again the moment he stepped past the amusement park gate.

Only handcuffs and a riot baton remained on his body.

Yi carefully pondered: would it be very entertaining if he handcuffed himself to the pterosaur’s claw?

If it weren’t so outrageous, he would really like to try it…

But now time is pressing, and he has to give up hot weapons first.

“Let’s go, switch to firefighter’s equipment.”

On Yelang’s side, they didn’t bother with such fancy tactics; they just tried hard to get all the group friends in the bathroom group to come over.

Then they went crazy in the Metropolis buying sunglasses and searching for reliable noise-cancelling earplugs.

They tried to counteract the negative effects of the Bathing Girl Lamp with the help of external forces.

When ten or more Bathing Girl Lamps emit dazzling light and terrifying screams at the same time, the damage is undoubtedly horrifying!

The group friends who experienced it firsthand had no doubt about it.

They believed that as long as they could withstand this negative effect, pterosaurs and marine beasts might not want to get close to them.

In that case, the lucky ones who finally landed might be them!

Of course, the premise is that they can withstand it themselves…

Especially while resisting this horrifying effect, they must maintain rowing in the correct direction…

Fortunately, Cloud Dream weakened the light and noise effects of the Bathing Girl Lamp today, which reduced the difficulty a lot.

Everyone was angry at the time, but suddenly realized that it had become a good thing.

They could only sigh: things indeed have two sides, sometimes losing one thing means gaining another.

On William’s side, he also didn’t stand still; he gathered some familiar fans in the live broadcast room and organized players who were willing to join the Air Force Dare To Die Squad.

However, in less than 5 minutes, more than 3,000 people had flooded into the temporary “Air Force Channel”.

This was far beyond William’s expectation since joining the Air Force Dare To Die Squad meant directly giving up the hope of landing on the island and completely sacrificing oneself for others.

William had to rely on the help of his wife Miaomiao and some fans to organize the players into four squads.

Otherwise, if they took off in a swarm, the “air disaster” caused by players colliding in the sky would be enough for everyone to handle.

Afterwards, he switched teams in turn, using the team channel to take off together with the players in each squad, guiding everyone to correctly control their flying posture, adjusting altitude and speed in order to appear in the correct position at the correct time.

This is not easy.

Many people have already become familiar with simple gliding and entering water, and the success rate has gradually increased.

However, at what altitude to close arms, contract wing suits to accelerate dives, at what position to fully open wing suits to decelerate, and achieve the longest possible hang time at the correct altitude to fully exert interference, all require a lot of experience.

This is not something that can be accomplished purely by “feeling” and “luck”.

So William had to make the most of the time, leading all the players in each squad to fly a few more times.

Let everyone remember that during the flight, pay attention to the flight speed in the lower right corner of the glasses and the altimeter on the wrist, change habits, and make correct decisions based on altitude and speed.

This would undoubtedly make things a bit more complicated, but it is a necessary step towards professionalism and precision.

Of course, it’s not realistic to expect players to master all of this within an hour.

William’s approach is to be the lead pilot and repeatedly review key altitude and speed numbers with everyone, so as many people as possible can remember them.

That way, when it’s time to attack, no one will remember the wrong numbers.

— Making a mistake by oneself is one thing; bumping into a teammate is a huge problem!

Super Tomato, who had been hiding and out of sight for almost the entire day, finally arrived late and started live streaming.

After spending 10 minutes catching up on what he had missed, he decisively private messaged Ren Jian and joined the main event group.

Then quickly organizing his fans, he began to join the action.

He didn’t have any complicated ideas; he only had one goal: to make spears!

And not the usual ones that are two or three meters long, but starting from four meters.

If it weren’t for the limited time and difficulty in selecting materials, he would even want to make all of them into seven or eight meters long super spears!

As a matter of fact, with a human’s physique, using cold weapons against “giant targets,” this kind of ultra-long spear is the only choice!

Almost all other cold weapons would be ineffective.

Of course, these spears also have certain material requirements, and it’s best for them to be used in groups to maximize their power.

As long as they seize the opportunity, they can completely kill large marine beasts!

However, it’s still not very realistic to deal with ultra-large monsters like Canglong… after all, it’s not on land.

So, everyone is racing against time.

Even the audience watching the live broadcast and the netizens who don’t play the game are gradually immersed in the tense atmosphere.


The one-and-a-half-hour countdown ended.

The moment of battle has arrived!

On the small platform of the cliff, William led thirty players in wing suits, ready to go.

On different mirror platforms, thousands of players are also prepared.

Many of them are still reciting a few key numbers in their heads, afraid to make a mistake.

After jumping off the platform and flying from the cliff, they will meet up in the air as the mirrors merge. A mistake in remembering might really cause an “air disaster.”

On the coast under the cliff, countless rafts are being pushed into the sea by players.

Similarly, in different mirrors, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of rafts are being pushed into the ocean by players.

But the landing battle has not started yet; everyone is standing in the water, waiting for a critical signal.

And that signal is coming soon—

On the coast, fireworks are lit up, flaring into the sky, and then—


It explodes into a huge fire dragon!

Even during the day, one can clearly see the giant fire dragon opening its huge mouth and spewing fierce dragon flames at Dinosaur Island!

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!” …

One after another, the fireworks explode, and huge fire dragons roar and spew fire in the sky, occupying the entire sky.

Under this sky-covering fireworks display, countless players jump onto their rafts and begin to paddle frantically, racing towards Dinosaur Island!

The time for battle has arrived!

The “First Dinosaur Island Large-Scale Landing Battle” officially begins!

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