Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 403 - Chapter 403: Chapter 387: Thriving!

Chapter 403: Chapter 387: Thriving!

Translator: 549690339

Everyone thought that the Casino Heist would end here.

But the development of events once again exceeded everyone’s expectations—

Gunshots echoed once again from outside the casino’s entrance!

And not just the “bang bang bang” of single shots but the “ratatatatatata” of frantic fully automatic rifle fire.

The intensity of the gunfire had visibly escalated a notch!

Players inside the casino murmured among themselves:

“What the hell’s going on?”

“Another wave?”

“I should have seen it coming! I’m going to get my gun and call my crew! I also want to blockade the entrance! Damn it!”

“Good idea! Let’s team up! No time to switch maps!”

This time, even Camille Victoria was tempted.

Call up a bunch of brothers, then go out fully armed with the most powerful firepower to blockade the entrance and make a fortune!

Super Tomato got close to the entrance, took a few looks, and came back to report the situation: “Everyone blockading the entrance is an NPC, it should be because a random event was triggered.”

“But aren’t they all using pistols? I didn’t see any rifles.” Shuihua expressed her confusion.

“The impact of player actions isn’t just determined by whether they’re using a pistol or a rifle. It also takes into account factors like the number of actors, the range of impact, the effects caused, and so on. I haven’t completely figured it out yet,” Super Tomato explained to Shuihua.

“So what do we do next?” Shuihua, having been stupefied by the continuous surprises, was completely at a loss for what to do next.

“What kind of question is that?” Camille Victoria said excitedly, “Recruit people!”

The reunited team members were also filled with passion: “Yeah, recruit people! Damn it!”

To ensure they wouldn’t divert to a mirrored map, the team split up and started recruiting people in the casino, pulling all the teammates into this mirrored map.

Super Tomato checked his live stream room and saw numerous recruitment requests in the comments. These were viewers hoping for Super Tomato to give them a hand, even if they were kicked out of the team after being invited, as long as they were pulled into this world to participate in battle.

Many viewers, in order to secure a chance to participate in battle, kept sending gifts in the live broadcast room.

He scanned the casino again and saw that many players were rapidly operating their personal panels. Most of them were probably also recruiting people.

“Wow.” Super Tomato exclaimed, “This feels like it’s going to turn into a giant brawl…

“Is this really necessary? It’s the first day since Cloud Dream was opened for multiplayer…”

But despite his lament, Super Tomato didn’t slow down his actions.

Recruit people! Let’s get on with it!

We are people who came from the Metropolis after all. We shouldn’t let go of our excellent tradition!

The audience in the live stream room cheered—



Just how active are players when it comes to stirring things up?

In merely a matter of minutes, the teams of players in the casino had all been filled, and one after another, players were pulled from their own world into the mirrored map of the Casino Heist.

Then, regardless of whatever they were originally doing, they dropped everything and began to rush full-speed to [Paradise Casino]!

If you were to look down from above, it would appear like countless ants returning to their nest.

In the bathing pool of Huayin Bubble Bath shop, Lincoln suddenly sat straight up: “Mavis, change clothes!”

“Alrighty!” Mavis didn’t even need to ask why. She climbed out of the bath efficiently and shook her wet pink head vigorously, splashing water droplets all over.

Lincoln, who had just come out of the bath, was immediately sprinkled with water droplets from Mavis.

He instinctively took a towel to wipe his face, but then realized it was unnecessary. So, he opened the towel to cover Mavis’s head, blocking her vision and rubbing her hair with malice as a revenge.

He then opened his panel, cleared the water off his body and started to change clothes.

Mavis, on the other hand, held her head with both hands and rubbed the towel a few times. Then she not only changed back into her normal clothes, but also suitably put on a small bulletproof vest for herself.

Then, reaching out to grab Lincoln’s hand, she said cheerfully, “Let’s go!”

“Alright, let’s move.” Lincoln was equally excited.

The world blurred for a moment, and then Lincoln and Mavis arrived on the rooftop of a building.

The building wasn’t very tall, and [Paradise Casino] was just a short distance away on a diagonal angle. The crowd of people in a chaotic battle on the street below was clearly visible.

Not far away, vehicles and players were constantly arriving at the scene, joining the great battle.

Even beneath this building, players were continually passing by.

Apparently, this was the VIP viewing position.

But Lincoln still felt it wasn’t grand enough. He observed the surroundings, pulled Mavis for another teleportation, and they arrived directly opposite the casino at an apartment building. The two stood on a fairly spacious open balcony on the third floor.

From here, the chaos was happening right below them.

“This works, let’s stay here.” Lincoln nodded with satisfaction.

This could be considered the VVIP viewing position now.

“Mavis, help me get some tables, chairs, and drinks.”

“Sure.” Mavis agreed swiftly.

Only then did Lincoln notice: Mavis had changed her clothes, but her hair was still wet. The towel he had put on her head was still there, draped over her head.

“Huh.” Lincoln temporarily pulled his eyes away from the spectacle, pulling Mavis’s chair in front of him.

He first removes her unnecessary bulletproof vest, then takes a towel and begins to dry Mavis’s hair while occasionally glancing at the battle below.

“Hehe.” Mavis obediently sat on the chair, content in her heart.

At the casino entrance, the complexity of the NPCs coming together triggered a random event. Using their superior firepower, they almost wiped out the ‘Mahjong Bandit Gang’.

A massive amount of chips and cash were once again changing hands!

Yes, NPCs also rob money!

Especially since these players had just stolen money, obviously couldn’t be more than 20 minutes, the money was still physical currency, whoever got it kept it.

But the players in the casino had also retrieved their weapons by now.

Although generally, everyone comes to the casino unarmed.

But in Night City, being ‘unarmed’ most of the time means ‘not carrying too many weapons’, or ‘not carrying too deadly weapons’.

When entering the casino, according to rules, everyone needs to temporarily deposit their weapons and collect them upon departure.

Just now, the robbers took care of the casino security, and after they left, everyone retrieved their weapons themselves.

Now using the terrain as an advantage and continuously firing “Bang bang bang”, not letting the violent NPCs outside come in.

At the same time, players in the outskirt continuously gather to flank the NPCs, forming a pincer attack!

The key is that although the players are temporarily rushing here and many of them do not have firepower advantage, the respawn point is not far away!

If they die, they quickly respawn and continue fighting within the encirclement.

Until the chips and cash are definitively assigned, this chaotic battle won’t easily end.

After the NPCs are defeated, it’s destined that there must be a big fight amongst the players!

Even now the NPCs are not defeated yet, many people have begun planning for the next big fight, calling for more people while starting to seize better positions.

Lincoln finally managed to dry Mavis’ pink hair, he massaged Mavis’s head, then looked into the distance, asking, “Is the second wave coming?”

“Um um.” Mavis also got excited, “It’s almost here!”

“And according to Mavis’s observation, there is more than double the players who have been pulled in. It is estimated that they will enter the battlefield 5 to 10 minutes after the NPC of the second wave random event arrives.”

“Good boy! Is it that exciting?” Lincoln was very excited, wondering how much this situation could escalate.

He likes grand scenes too much!

“But if there are too many people, those chips and money might not be enough to divide, right?” Mavis was a bit worried.

“That’s not important.” Lincoln shook his head,”If the scale of the chaos continues to expand, the purpose of players’ battle will change.”

“Change?” Mavis was puzzled.

“Yes! At that time, whether they get money or not would not be important, even if there are no benefits, there will still be countless players who will rush over to join the fun.”

“Does Mavis need to prepare for anything?”

“No need, let’s just sit and enjoy the show.” said Lincoln, but then he remembered something: “Pay attention to the server dynamic expansion, the magnitude might be a bit big.”

“Um um, no problem, Mavis has been watching!” Mavis was as reliable as always.

“Then it’s OK!” Lincoln picked up his drink, leaning over the balcony edge, began to watch the exciting scene intently.

Not far away, more NPCs and Mad Clan have arrived! The battle situation was on the verge of escalating!

[Abandoned Factory Area].

Yi opened the door of the modified workshop, drove out his pickup truck, and rushed to the battlefield!

Because he couldn’t get a machine gun, he could only drive a barebones modified car into battle.

—Just finding two players to sit in the car bed, each equipped with two automatic rifles, and then pretending they are a machine gun…

Behind them, all kinds of weirdly shaped but sturdy and durable modified cars were also hitting the road!

Special vehicles, about to enter the field!

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