Chapter 26: Chapter 26 : surrounded by melons

As Das reached the reception… he saw John who is already waiting for his arrival. Several girls are still roaming around the premises.

"Das, you are too late… it's already ten". John said with aggravate tone.

"Sorry… I accidentally slept in my room." Das said while covering his boom-shaka-laka (sex) with Savi.

"The girls are in the first floor… select the best ones for the foreigners." John replied with a plain face. Daily, the girls will be rotated between several happy houses in the city… it is customary to select best ones among new batch before start of the business.

'With a quick nod…' Das left for the first-floor hall. Das thought it will be an awkward situation like last time where the girls will be changing clothes publicly inside the hall.

Thinking about picture of several nude girls Das slowly opened the door for the first-floor hall. As expected, he saw several pairs of boobs in different shapes when he opened the door.

Just as he entered inside the hall… several girls started hugging him brazenly while saying thank you repeatedly. They are laughing, cheering and shouting loudly the name of Das. Das did not understand what is going… but he did not resist their love.

The commotion last for full five minutes and Das came across with several boobs… rubbing against his body and also at one point of time… his face directly went right in-between a large pair of round boobs.

"Hey, that's enough… stop teasing his virgin soul with your lust." The seventh lady, Ria controlled the girls from flocking Das.

With his red cheeks… Das slowly walked on to the podium at the top. On his face several lipstick marks appeared. Ria started laughing loudly after seeing his comedic face with red lipstick marks all around his face.

"Miss, Ria… you should control your girls… they can't attack me like this." He said while cleaning his face with a kerchief.

"Stop complaining… you are the one who took the free service from them… Don't act like innocent school boy." Ria said as she stood beside him on the podium.

"Are you forgetting that I'm the victim here?..." Das asked with a poker face.

"Hey…chill… they are just showing their gratitude." Ria commented.

"What gratitude…?" I didn't do anything for them. Das asked with a questioning face.

"Before yesterday… you helped them to gain a large amount of tip by recommending them as special girls. That day everyone got more than thirty thousand rupees in the form tips. You really have great talent in this business." Ria explained the reasons for the girl's lustful behaviour towards Das.

After listening to her explanation… Das forgot about the incident and started observing girl's for selecting the best ones. He pointed around twenty girls with good looks, curved body and big boobs. Ria separated the girls who were pointed out by Das.

Ria explained him... how the seven sisters joined to control the market supply and how much they struggle to maintain the monopoly over the market. She also revealed some secrets links between officials and happy house owners.

Das got shocked after finding about the thousand crores yearly business in the brothel market. If one city has a thousand crore market… then what about the entire country.

"Miss, how did you even maintain these many girls… isn't it troublesome to manage thousands of girls at one place?" Das asked while sipping tea.

"Nah… what you have seen at Dharavi… is just a sample. My first sister own separate ladies' collage to maintain these girls. Like that we maintain several institutes and our own streets and apartments to provide a shelter for all these girls. Think about it… if thousand families live as an isolated village who will question them." Ria asked with a cheeky laugh.

While Das was deeply thinking about the brothel market chain in the entire city… John called him to reception.

"Miss Ria, thank you for sharing this information. I will definitely remember this favour…" Das replied sincerely.

"You don't need to repay me anything. I liked talking to you… you are the only man who talked to me without any prejudice and you don't have any motive against me. That's why I revealed this information." She replied in a heartfelt tone.

After nodding her a good bye… Das left for the reception.

"Where did you go?... I ordered a pizza for you." John said after seeing the Das who was leisurely walking towards the reception.

"I went to chat with Ria… She is super nice to me." Das replied while taking a slice from the pizza box.

"I see… So, my guess is correct. She is coaxing you." John said with a sly smile.

"Hey, don't talk like that. I'm the one who went to chat with her." Das retaliated.

"Haha… I'm just teasing you… don't get angry on me." John laughed wildly.

"By the way I decided to bring a laptop and printer for the reception work. Leela is struggling with the accounting books." Das said as he picked another slice.

"Oh… boy… You just came few days back and you already fell for her. What a tragedy…" John said in a comical tone.

"Stop talking nonsense. How could I fall for Leela…? I didn't even see her face as she always covered in a face mask." Das complained.

"But I can't accept to the systems… what if someone hacked our revenue information." John said as he took the last pizza slice.

"You should not worry about. We won't connect the laptop to internet. She will work in offline MS-office… and will delete every file after printing the document." Das suggested.

Whatever!... we will discuss this later… Leela, what about today's revenue?... John turned his focus money matters.

While Leela was patiently explaining the income details… Das went to his room to take a nap. After that John also did not wake him up. Early in the morning, Das phone started buzzing.

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