Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 98 Clash Of Flash (3)


[ Name : Skullius ]

[ Tier :  1 ]

[ Class : Vehement Bone Nullmancer ]

[ Level : 1 ]

[ Core : White ]

[ Race  : Fulgurant Bone Penetrator ]

[ Inv. Status  : Doomed (Adverse) x2, Cursed ]


[ Stats ]

[ Strength : 310 ]

[Agility : 205 ]

[ Intelligence : 125 ]

[ Endurance : Infinite ]

[ Luck : Atrocious? ]


[ Health : 670/670 ]


[ Mana : 3120/3320 ].


[ Null Life Essence : 1000/6000 ]


[ Skills ]

[ Basic Mana Manipulation | Lv. 14 ]

[ Flesh It Like You Mean It | Lv. 2]

[ Static Limbo ]

[ Null Extraction ]

[ Unbound | Lv. 2 ]

[ Null Life Aura | Lv. 2 ]

[ Greater Communication | Lv. 2 ]

[ Artless Dodger | Lv.1 ]

[ Bitter-Sweet Hell’s Inferno | Lv. 3 ]

[ Mana Bolt | Lv. 4 ]

[ Luminous Healing | Lv.1 ]


[ Apostle Summon | Lv.2 ]

[ Apostle Armament | Lv.2 ]

[ Depths of Core | Lv. 2 ]

[ Bringer of All | Lv.1  ] NEW


[ Fulgurant Virulence | Lv. 1 ]

[ Fulgurous Space Virulence | Lv. 1]

[ Iridescent Levin Tempest | Lv. 1]

[ Ful Discharge  | Lv. 1 ]

[ Silent Revelation of the Bright King | Lv. 1 ]


Skullius streaked across the room, dodging incoming bolts of lightning while feeling like he was going to be trampled by Benzard’s Aura which stretched further than when he had used it before!

Benzard narrowed his eyes and drew back, mindful of being dragged back into that strange world by Skullius.

He chose to attack from a distance as the red, lightning filled Aura of his supported his attacks.

He swiped through the air with his sword, a visible slash with lightning that vibrated like static firing towards Skullius with immense speed!

Skullius couldn’t react to such a profound speed as the only thing he saw was a bright red light zipping towards him!

However, something else could react in time!

The long chain around him sensed his distress and whipped itself against the incoming lightning!


The class between the thick chain and the lightning rocked the ground, shattering a huge crater under, at the moment of impact!

However, Benzard didn’t stop to gawk, launching several more attacks of the same level that blitzed their way to Skullius ferociously with earth shaking noises!

Skullius focused his mana into the chain, his passive generation of Silentburn Levin causing for the thick chain to become laced in the thick bolts of it as it went on to turn into a blur that shattered the lightning attacks thrown its master’s way!


The Chain of Damnation could move on its own  reacting to situations by sensing its master’s thoughts and intentions. It could also move decisively of its own accord.

It was roughly seven meters long and its ability to tank high powered attacks was just as powerful as the armour.

Skullius didn’t back away, becoming covered in Levin as he dashed forward, his vision becoming like tunnelled as he hurtled towards the constantly retreating Benzard!

Benzard, lowered his stance as red lightning built around his body too!

He then thrusted his sword forward, a terrifying blast of lightning as thick as a full grown man barrelling towards Skullius with a horrendous noise!

The bolt illuminated the entire space with a blinding bloody hue that signalled an end!

Skullius couldn’t dodge such a quick attack.

It was only natural.

He refused to have the chains clash against the thick bolt either as he feared they would sustain damage and thus he decided to meet the attack head on with his own!

He thrusted the Baleful Gale Reaper directly towards the attack the massive bolt, the Levin he produced covering the sword in a magnificent light!

When the two clashed, sparks flew along with a ridiculous noise as if a mad screech erupting!



Benzard couldn’t help but be shocked when he saw what was before him!

The Baleful Gale Reaper tore through the bolt of lightning that he had sent Skullius way even though one could see it being broken down!

100% penetration damage!

Whenever an action of Skullius was sent with the intent to break through, to penetrate, 100% penetration damage would be added!

The red bolt was seamlessly cut through, Skullius laughing at how he had finally seen the correct way to do it!

To penetrate!

He zipped forward, arriving in front of Benzard for a head on clash!

As he approached, Benzard noticed that he wasn’t dragged into that hellscape again!

‘Does it only work when I approach it instead?’ he thought, bringing his sword in a quick motion to parry Skullius’ which stabbed forward with all his might packed behind it!


Skullius’ sword was blown back, the Penetrator staggering as he felt the immense strength coming from Benzard’s hand.

‘Damn! He’s stronger than me!’ Skullius complained.

Benzard gracefully whipped his sword tens of times against Skullius, the speed with which he made the movements not being discernible to Skullius at all!

The Chains of Damnation responded, but could only block so many of the slashes before a whole bunch of the high powered attacks reached Skullius!


Skullius barely felt anything as the armour protected him, merely having shallow gashes from the onslaught!

‘That’s one strong armour. That thing itself is terrible at using its weapon, though. What if I switch to this…’ Benzard remarked internally before he switched his sword to his left hand and launched a straight punch towards Skullius!

Once again, Skullius couldn’t even see the attack coming, but he felt the danger!

He drew mana from his core to incite his body to produce more Levin which gathered into his eyes without him commanding it!

Skullius’ sockets brightened up just as they had when he had evolved, lightning threatening to spill out and this time… it did!


A gradient of light and dark blue poured out of Skullius sockets in the form of two lightning beams stormed towards Benzard!


Having already been in the middle of flinging his fist, Benzard could only do so much in the way of dodging the frightful beams as he recalled what one bolt had done to him before!

He withdrew his punch and opted to dodge, but the tangling burst of Levin grazed his shoulder, roasting his flesh and causing him serious pain that made him emit a low grunt!

Yet… Benzard didn’t let this impede his goal.

He swiped with his sword towards Skullius’ unguarded head with his left hand, the blade reaching the Penetrator in an instant as eager and red hot gale sought to obliterate it in one blow!

The faithful Chains of Damnation came to the rescue again, wrapping themselves around Benzard’s sword and pulling it in the opposite direction to reduce its momentum!

Benzard was a little surprised by how fast these chains were but he didn’t relent, flinging his right hand in the form of fist into Skullius’ armoured chest while rings of lightning powered his attack!


A red shockwave emerged on impact along with the sound of collision akin to two hunks of metal knocking against each other!

The Penetrator flew and smashed the wall on the other side!

His large figure had been flung by the much shorter Benzard which looked comical from the side!

As soon as Skullius was planted against the wall, the figure of Benzard appeared in the air, 3 meters away, wary of being affected by [The Forge]!

He flung his sword which was tinged with a bloody red, the weapon piercing through the air like a genuine bolt of lightning from the thick hand of Benzard who was airborne!

Skullius felt the crushing pressure from the approaching sword and his four sockets blazed with fierce flame!

‘It doesn’t seem like I can win this by using my fighting skills. I’m a sockethole when it comes to combat after all. So…’ Skullius thought to himself, before he inserted mana into the armour, its storage function spewing something he had salvaged from the first chest…

A shadow loomed in front of him with a grand image, its appearance causing everyone to gawk in shock…

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