Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 78 Bullying Is Wrong! (3)

“Uh?” Skullius uttered in confusion before he looked at his own hands. “Oh…”

Foggy grey bones appeared in his vision, a sensation he hadn’t felt in hours beginning to overtake him.

The powerful yet tranquil feeling of Null Life was slowing leak into his body!

Only his right arm was fully bonified as his left was still mostly fleshful.

His face however, had two hollow sockets with a dark blue flame that burned incessantly!

The rest of his body was still experiencing deconstruction, blobs of cosmetic flesh disappearing little by little!

[The skill ‘Flesh It Like You Mean It’ is being forcibly subdued]

[The deactivation of the skill is imminent]

“You’re an undead?!” Remos barked with a fierce expression on his wrinkly face. “How is this possible?!”

The man and woman who had been conversing before stood up as they gazed at this turn of events that they hadn’t seen coming.

“What’s this?! Was it an undead disguised as a human all along? I can’t believe I didn’t sense this!” the man in the simple shirt said.

“I couldn’t either. Has the world outside been conquered by the undead? After merely a few millenia?!” the woman said with a deep frown.

Skullius wanted to gulp so bad, swallowing a bit of his fear but he couldn’t. Such a convenience was already lost to him at this point..

‘I’m screwed! Unless I can figure out what to do with [Evil Darkness], there’s no escaping this!’

As he looked ahead of him, Skullius noticed the flames and damage within the room begin to vanish.

The tables disappeared and reappeared with their full integrity and decor intact, the food which had spilled from the violence which had pervaded moments ago, becoming piping hot meals that sat on top of these tables again.

A thin mist of darkness still floated within the room, which made the sudden phenomenon occurring even more unnerving.

Skullius didn’t have the luxury of pondering over this as in the next moment, he felt himself be pulled over by the black-haired man whom he had ‘tangled’ with.

The man gripped him by the neck, his eyes burning with a furious light as he then posed a question.

“What’s a filthy undead doing here?!” he said.

A storm of mana assaulted Skullius, attempting to burn his being as it poured from the man’s body!

‘Gah! He’s as strong as that Wing bro! I can’t be sure if it’s the same but I can hardly stand in his presence!’ Skullius thought as he trembled.

Several figures began to advance, while others chatted amongst themselves as they thought about this current situation.

“Bring it here, I’ll pry out all that it knows,” Remos said to the black-haired man who withdrew his gaze from Skullius and began walking with him over to Remos.

Skullius gaped.

If there was ever a time to act, it was now, but he didn’t know what exactly to do!

His vision roamed around the room as it sought for something to cling to!



Wasn’t there something?!

Did he find such a thing…?


Something Skullius had noticed before when he came here appeared in his view.

Dark wisps were on the bodies of every one of these people as well as halos of bright light!

Something clicked within Skullius!

Maybe he was overthinking it but there was no time to reserved with ideas!

With this idea as the basis, Skullius decided to try it out with the closest specimen he had, the black-haired man that held him by the neck!

He moved his flesh arm and placed his hand on the man’s chest!

The man frowned as he looked at Skullius and questioned in annoyance.

“What are you doing?”

Skullius didn’t respond.

What followed after made everyone in the hall look onward with shock and vigilance!

The dark mist in the hall was drawn towards Skullius’ hand, gathering at his palm which touched the black-haired man’s chest!

Skullius felt his vision running through his arm and joining the trail of darkness as it entered the black-haired man’s body through his hand!

There was brief period of there being nothing to be see but pitch darkness and then… Skullius saw it!

A literal wall of complicated embroidery appeared in his vision!

The weavings were made of darkness with borders of light that made each weave visible in this strange, dark place!

Skullius had never seen something so complex!

It was too intricate to even describe as it looked like it was made by something beyond the borders of normalcy.

[Evil Darkness] was woven into such a structure that looked to be within the black-haired man’s body.

The Boneman couldn’t help but try to touch it, connecting with it while being without hands.

The moment he did, Skullius felt to a very limited extent the purpose of this entire wall of woven darkness. He also understood just a little bit about how it was woven.

‘So it’s like that…!’

This beautiful construct was actually something like this?!

This felt like the moment when he had connected to the writing on the wall of the Labyrinth.

A revelation was revealed to him but it felt like a chip off a gigantic block!

[Your high affinity with ‘Evil Darkness’ has allowed you to comprehend a smidgen of the cluster of high applications of this element before you]

[You have learnt the skill ‘Basic Evil Weaving’]

[You have learnt the skill ‘Basic Evil Invasion’]

[You have learnt the -Special Skill-, ‘Evil Sanction’]

[Pre-existing conditions have been set for you beforehand. You have taken a leap of faith that has allowed you to reach this moment. Would you like to take advantage of these conditions?]

The barrage of notifications left Skullius a little flustered.

However, the Boneman knew he was in quite the dangerous situation and time was running out.

Whatever these conditions were couldn’t be bad right?

“Yes, I would,” Skullius gave his consent.

The wall of intricately woven darkness suddenly vanished, the pitch black energy rustling as Skullius felt it burst into him!

A strange state, as if he was suspended in air followed as without delay, Skullius found the lights coming from the chandeliers and spots of [Just Light] around him prick his vision.


Something didn’t feel right.

The entire sensation of his body felt different. He felt… powerful and… free.

As his eyes adjusted, Skullius noticed a weird abnormality to his height. His senses picked up every single thing from the surroundings with extreme detail.

There was something in his hand, tightly gripped with a powerful force that felt foreign to him.

When he saw it, his eyes almost jumped out of his sockets!

A bald skull attached to a human body was at the mercy of his powerful hand. Its sockets still blazed with a dark blue flame but it looked to be without will.

At this moment, Skullius understood. At least a tiny bit.


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