“Face me, Vile Filth.”

A voice that sounded much too pure to be saying such a provocative statement leaked from the once stone body that now faced Skullius.

The Discount Human gulped unconsciously as changes appeared on his body, but he hadn’t been able to sense the build his opponent yet, thus he lacked much of an appreciation of her.

From being the intricate carvings of white marble, this being that identified as Bassbion had changed to attain more lively features.

Lively feminine features.

On her rather tall figure, approximately 1.97 meters, a helmet that looked more like a white cap covering up to the bridge of her nose could be seen.

Where it covered her eyes, a hollow oval shaped socket could be seen, holding nothing but darkness as it awaited something specific to fulfill it.

The rest of the helmet overhead and beyond was shiny as if scrubbed and polished, with the part that covered up to the back of Bassbion’s head having several tassels that rose and fell behind her along with her flowing dark hair.

These tassels had golden leaf-like protrusions on both their sides, making the back of the helmet look more like a strange set of beautiful vines. An erect shark fin-like protrusion rose from the direct centre of the helmet, also with a golden hue that gave an intimidating feel.

As for her armour, there was nothing much to say. It could barely be seen.

What was more visible when looking at Bassbion was the dozens of small, glowing and pristine white chains that wrapped all around the white-coloured armour, as if restricting the guardian immensely. They hid much of the detail of what exactly the entirety of her armour’s appearance was supposed to be, which was a little disappointing.

At her side, a sheath grasping a rather long sword, approximately 1.85 meters, was attached to it, unbound by these little chains.

‘There’s something off with this…’ Skullius thought.

Yes, he could feel the atrocious waves of mana and the layered powers that came with the armour Bassbion wore but… something still felt off. Perhaps it was so because he had a reference that he was failing to recall.

Ferex also noted that there was something peculiar.

Below the helmet that Bassbion wore, the lower half of her face showed light red thin lips and eerily pale skin that bordered on transparent.

‘Tomato flinger! Stop with your stubbornness and let me take care of this! She is leagues stronger than the other guardians I have fought in the past! She’s likely the most powerful of them all!’ Sila growled from within Skullius.

Skullius didn’t respond as instead, while appraising Bassbion, he felt the changes from his body post activation of his trump card.

[Jaggered Merger]!

A skill from the Elimparidis Stone Staff that allowed one to merge with the staff and gain 4000 stat points to Strength, Agility and Endurance individually with absolute conversion applied!

Skullius was feeling the brimming energy from having these stats more than doubled, red cracks appearing on his body which was under his new armour.

His figure bulked up quite a bit, his muscles bulging with refined mass to contain the power he had gained.

Two lengthy cracks rose from his cheeks and ran through sockets, crossing over to his forehead as they visually depicted the effects of the skill.

‘Yeah… it’s heavy. I won’t last long,’ Skullius thought.

This wasn’t the first time he had attempted to use this skill and during his earlier tries, Skullius had discovered that the skill forcefully pushed the body to attain more strength while restructuring bodily components to allow for better reception of the power.

As a result, it wasn’t a surprise that his body wouldn’t be able to handle it for lengthy periods, as the effect was caused by the means to attaining the strength rather than the strength itself.

“Instead of yammering why don’t you tell me what she is saying instead? I might just die for no reason, you know?” Skullius responded to Sila with a half taunt.

Words could not express how frustrated Sila was, but he had no choice but to acquiesce, as it didn’t seem like Bassbion was done talking.

“Many a challenger has reached this place through being graced with the undeserved mercy of my masters, women and vile filth alike, though much of you vile filth we have had to cull so that you never see the ends of the chambers where a sacred power is born,” the white armour clad guardian said with a dull tone.

“Rejoice, vile filth, for after tens of thousands of years, the Diverse Oculus has finally found a host and you by your lonesome, should you defeat me, will be the first of the vile filth to enter into the long hidden chambers as a challenger and not an escort.”


Sila who understood what was said, spoken in the same dialect as the one used by the lips on the parchment at the entrance of the temple, was shocked.

A host was already found?!

So… why was the temple still here along with Fuwin’s Majestic Territory?

Heck, anyone could still enter

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