Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 377 Raw INSANITY! (3)

As the dark snow flew around, yet to settle from the clash three seconds ago, Bek twirled his rapiers, preparing to use this chance to launch another attack.

‘He’s durable and it seems my speed won’t remain an advantage for long. He must have done something to his sight given the look of his eyes. All his reactions start before he even sees me…’ Bek analysed.

His rapiers flashed with their glow, the man’s eyes turning softer.

“I won’t make you do this for long. Just endure a few more seconds, Sera,” Bek whispered to his rapiers.

Suddenly, a billow of force traced the flying snow and dirt with ridiculous speed, Bek raising his guard as he twirled his rapier to defend.


When the object that was hurtling towards him was revealed, he knew he had to switch tactics!

Evasion was better!

A long and large spear was flying towards him!

Its form was partially hidden as with its movement through the wisps of obstruction, a layer of all the flying matter was created around it!

‘Its slow… I can dodge. But he knows that…’ Bek thought as the spear approached with its shocking speed!

His eyes darted behind the spear where he expected a dangerous follow up.

‘I won’t fall for it,’ Bek thought, his mind set on this second wind and his hands ready to dish out a lethal blow.

He moved to the side, getting out of the way of the attack when…


The former Knight’s senses flared with caution against fatality, Bek raising his head where to find Sila grinning in mid-air with Demion’s Dance raised above him, promptly slashing the curved green sword down with elegance and cruelty!


Bek frowned intensely as he brought his rapiers together in a cross guard, the refined Aura from his Genuine Incarnation being pumped into defence from the incoming attack!

Sila grinned!


The cataclysmic slash pounded against Bek’s defence, another calamitous eruption digging out the ground and mutilating the space!

Bek gritted his teeth while handling the crushing power but then…


His senses once again warned him of a fatal attack, his head turning behind him where he found Sila now on the ground with his sickening grin on full display again as looked released another swing of Demion’s Dance!

How was he moving so fast?!

This speed! Even Bek with his advanced speed wasn’t able to keep up!

Be it movement or attack speed!

He was being bested!


That wasn’t it!


The arm of the cosmetic body rippled as the flesh couldn’t handle this swing which was laced with even more power than the last!


The result was terrifying!

The obscurity that the two were fighting in was parted with the raw power that came with the incomplete [Swindling Death Dance], a slick trail of the power flashing through a great distance!

A bright golden orange hue flickered intensely in the way of the seemingly insurmountable force that was packed into the strike!

It was Bek who was buried within his neon light of Genuine Incarnation, maxing out his output of Aura to barely managed to defend and dodge the full brunt of it so as to ensure his survival!

Unlike the previous times when he managed to come out unscathed, several gruesomely deep gashes could been seen all over his torso, face and legs!

Sila backed away as he yanked the chain which was made of darkness, the weapon he had just flung for a two pronged attack returning to his hand.

It was a spear almost twice his height which rested in hand, its thickness about the same size as his arm. It had a maroon shaft littered with thorn like protrusions, a thick, sharp-edged silvery blue blade that had two shorter, curved blades at its side at the head.

Over its rather… terrifying appearance, there was something that would catch others’ attention when looking at it.

A veil of blue energy could be seen at the spear’s head, rustling over the three blades’ edges as it gave the impression that it was constantly sharpening the weapon!


[Hedoness Easper’s Lord-Slayer]


A grand spear forged for Hedoness Easper, the second Foregeneral under the Null Devil, a masochist who thrived on feeling pain and instilling it while in battle.





-Special Effects-

•50% piercing damage

•35% chance to ignore defences

•+20% to Strength

[One Sight]

The spear accrues speed with each successive throw at the target. Subsequent increase ranges from 5-40% depending on the result of each throw. Usable five times a day.

[Eversharp (Passive)]

The edges of the three blades constantly undergo refinement, such that they remain extremely sharp and capable of a constant flow of damage.


Sila held the spear in one hand, its thorns digging through his hands.

The chain which connected to Demion’s Dance was in his other hand and he twirled the blade around casually while keeping his senses focused on the surroundings.

‘Let’s see how you will deal with this. If I can get rid of you, I will be free to do as I wish,’ Sila thought.

Within him, his meagre soul had grown quite a bit from feeding on Skullius’ own, slowly repairing the damage he had accrued from the earlier hit.

Sila took a step forward, intent on attacking Bek who was well prepared for it when…



From the [Evil Darkness] chain he was twirling, tens of long spikes viciously protruded, rapidly impaling his hands, then into his body and coming out the other side!

Several were aimed at his head but Sila quickly ducked it to the side!

‘Damn you, tomato flinger!’ Sila thought in distress.

Skullius who had taken the opportunity to deal damage to Sila wore a determined face.


The moment he had seen [Evil Darkness] appear, he had gone straight for the kill, after all, his Projected form was more proficient in manipulating [Evil Darkness] than his Discount Human body!

In this contest, he was going to be the winner!

Furthermore, the aged soul had just provided him the means to fight with as all this time, without [Evil Darkness], he couldn’t do anything!

While Sila was busy wrestling his own chain that was obstructing him, a horrendous vibration bashed into his body, catching him off-guard and sending him flying!

While he was still air born, the radiance of Bek’s rapier as it sped through the air emanating from the floral ring of a Genuine Incarnation around it illuminated Sila’s body!

The rapier had already reached and penetrated his chest by the time he thought to use [Jump] again and as such, he appeared a distance away with the sword stuck within him!


An intense vibration coupled with a loud noise stormed through Sila’s body, once again bringing an unwanted dose of fragmenting damage to his soul!

‘This bastard! I see… His technique involves disrupting the soul through sound and vibration! Urgh…!’ Sila thought before he grabbed the hilt to the rapier to pull it out!

[Revered] was starting to fail him as to use it, he had to be capable of reacting to his enemy! Furthermore, its secondary effect was not guaranteed to work on Bek who was much stronger!

As if the current predicament wasn’t enough, the chains he had fashioned darted towards him and bound him firmly!

Skullius who was in the air made sure that his hold wouldn’t slip in case Sila had other surprises and while the old soul was held down, Bek’s second rapier jammed into the Discount Human body, a shriek of noise making Sila growl in pain!

Right after stabbing Sila, Bek’s hand flooded with mana as he prepared to purge the old soul!

“HEY! YOU’LL KILL ME TOO!” Skullius bellowed but Bek ignored.

His sense of duty, his senses and his instincts told him that it was better to erase these two right here, right now otherwise…

“NYOT YHET!” Sila roared through his mouth that still had the staff in it.

Mana stormed from the cosmetic body, [Revered] being released but much too late as Bek was much faster in his chop which blazed with flaring mana, the Spirit within his rapiers rushing out to cover his hand and grant him the full ability to erase the soul that inhabited the Discount Human!

Bek’s hand slammed into Skullius’ head, the skull rupturing with bloody chunks as the soul within it started to disintegrate!

At the same time, a flood of [Evil Darkness] tore madly out of Sila, rapidly covering him and Bek, with the latter finding that his hand grew terribly slow in this mass of darkness!

The Discount Human body’s head had been crushed halfway, but the persistent soul within it was still alive!

[Jump] was used once again as Sila appeared outside the rippling cloud of darkness that he had created to save his life.

His head rapidly healed through [Great Saint’s Invigoration] but his soul did not.

Both he and Skullius who was furious looked at the notification in front of them, displaying that Doom Factor 2 had reached…52%!

“YOU SOCKETHOLE!!!” Skullius bellowed from the sky, Sila looking at him with a mocking glare.

The Projected form of Skullius rapidly wove the darkness that was trapping Bek within but he wasn’t fast enough as a golden orange figure darted out but with slower than normal speed!

Bek took in deep breaths as the Spirit around him screeched!

He had immediately used his speed to escape the darkness that had tried to erase all his physical capacity.

He settled his heart which had been made to panic a little at seeing the vast darkness and then faced Sila.

“How long do you want to do this? You’ll lose sooner or later. I’m only going to keep piling on damage to your soul,” the former Knight said as the Spirit behind him split up once again and inhabited his two rapiers. “Give. Up.”

Nothing happened.

As he thought, his last words which were meant a a command didn’t do anything to Sila.

‘It doesn’t work on an Incandescent Stage soul, it seems. Even if they are very weak.’

The brilliant light around Bek grew brighter as he fully expended his Aura, the rings of Genuine Incarnation around his rapiers’ guards expanding to show it.

Skullius couldn’t understand what Bek was saying but he had already caught on to the man’s intentions.

He was madly furious at both these individuals but there was nothing for it. He had to fight.

“It looks like its every man for himself now,” he said, moulding the [Evil Darkness] into tens of orbs that surrounded him.

All three men stood in the different directions, the tension of what was about to occur thickening.

A one v. one v. one!

“FAILURE IS NOT SOMETHING THAT WILL BURN OUT MY WILL TO FIGHT, BOY,” Sila said to Bek as he spread his hands apart, a chain of [Evil Darkness] rapidly forming to connect between Demion’s Dance and the Lord-Slayer which were a distance away from him and each other.

Before Skullius could take advantage of this, a stream of [Just Light] covered the chain, immediately cutting off the Projected individual’s control!


“You can’t weave this light proficiently now can you, TOMATO FLINGER?!” Sila bellowed, the chain reducing in size to bring the two weapons to his hands.

“DAMN IT!” Skullius cursed while Bek got ready to attack in the next moment.

Sila grinned once again as he played his final card!

A stream of SERENE energy flowed from him and expanded in a two meter radius around him, with a blue glow.

It softly whirled with beautiful visuals, like a cloud taking a vortex shape.


” [Null Life Aura]?!” Skullius exclaimed in surprise.

However, this was not the thick of it.

What came next both enlightened and gobsmacked the hell out of his mind!

A red flame burst with a bright light that tinted everything in a bloody hue, layering over the blue aura that surrounded Sila with grand ferocity!

The heat!

The flame!

The power!

It caused a cascade of steam to rise with crackles, the heated ground rumbling madly underneath it!

The flames burned in a vortice around Sila whose figure became distorted by a mirage!

What was this?!

Skullius was shocked!

Bek’s forehead wrinkled!

“WATCH CLOSELY, FOOLS!” Sila said before a RADIANCE overtook his already illuminated image, giving a white luminance that spelled the start of a thrilling climax…!

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