The Pelvis Boar-Man was a race geared towards defence above all else.

As the description had said, its selling point was the fact that it actualised the characteristics of a pelvis, especially when dealing with balance.

Above the natural toughness that a Pelvis Boar-Man had, it also had the ability to absorb shocks through its body and into the ground as established by the guidance field data.

This mainly worked for physical attacks which gave the Pelvis Boar-Man a hefty advantage when dealing with enemies that dished out physical damage but this was not true for other type of attacks as well as their corresponding damage.

However, all these characteristics were brought together by a bigger advantage that the Pelvis Boar-Man had.

During confrontations, it had the natural ability to balance out attacks and opponents’ strengths with its own, this aspect better used in conjunction with the exclusive skills.

When Red Rage had first confronted the tall undead, using the [Brilliant Boar Balance Buckler], wisps of golden energy had connected the buckler and the undead’s Dadao sword!

This was the effect of balance.

The [Brilliant Boar Balance Buckler] was a skill that conjured a buckler that could absorb 25% damage from attacks whilst also applying the concept of balance to the opponent’s attack itself, limiting their power to a degree that the user could handle.

The same had happened when Red Rage had tanked the undead’s most recent Dadao sword attack, streams of golden energy connecting to the two fighters as balance was in effect.

It was unfortunate, but the full scale of balance couldn’t be applied as Red Rage was severely outmatched and he couldn’t bring down the enemies level by much. However, he had managed to take the hit by absorbing most of the attack with his body and directing it into the ground as it was a physical attack.

This alone wouldn’t have allowed Red Rage to survive as to top this all off, the skill that the Pelvis Boar-Man had been using at the time played a huge role.


[Pelvis Boar-Man Majestic Attire | Lv.1]

The heroic attire of the Pelvis Boar-Man is summoned with the activation of the skill to further bolster the image and power of the hero!


•Limited Levitation

•+250 Defence

•+50 Strength

•Hero’s Charisma: Voice of Hope

-The incomplete suit is summoned by default when no Null Life Essence is applied-

Mana Requirements: None, Null Essence required

Duration: 3 minutes

Cooldown: 24 hours


The uniqueness of the skill could not be denied as even its description display differed from others.

At this moment, Elita rushed after the Pelvis Boar-Man who seemed eager to put down the evil before them!

She was naturally faster than Red Rage as she overtook the floating Pelvis Boar-Man and charged up mana into her green-bladed arming sword!

Her dark hair fluttered as she tried to select which part she could effective deal with.

She had been given important information.

How to deal with the undead before her!

Apparently, the head and the chest needed to be hit for this undead to be put down.

That was what Red Rage insinuated by pointing at his head and chest. Elita didn’t know if it was true but she didn’t have a reason not to believe this valiant Knight who could take a beating pretty well!

Skullius who had been told this before Red Rage had headed out to play hero, knew the reason why the Pelvis Boar-Man knew of this.

It was because of one of the gifts of the [Blessing of Serenity].

[Basic Murder Arts].

With this gift, Red Rags gained knowledge on how to kill any organisms he faced as advertised!

Even special cases like this undead!

Though the scope of what this gift covered was still vague, it was useful nonetheless!

Even Skullius had face palmed when he recalled that he had literally seen this a few hours ago.

Elita now understood why after tanking that ridiculous attack from the undead, the Knight, Red Rage, had tried punching the monster, only managing to crack its armour instead with that distorted golden light which was the grand flash of [Hero’s Fist].

It was a Pelvis Boar-Man exclusive attack that was hinged on taking down an enemy’s defences rather effectively.

Elita zoomed in at incredible speeds as she once again launched a terrifying volley of thrusts with her sword that aimed at the creature’s chest!

“FIRst MeDdLeR! YoU HavE rEGaiNEd YouR MetTLe?! TasTE deSpaiR!”

The undead’s arms suddenly crackled with a dark power as four of them released a terrifying stream of magical attacks at Elita!

Red hot fire, bright blue lightning, gushing winds and purple poison!

Elita who was showered with these attacks became covered with a bright sphere of golden light as her attacks were not hindered in the slightest!

Unlike the dreadful curse from the other arm that spawned demon dogs in her flesh, defending against elements wasn’t a problem!

Her attacks broke through the creature’s chest and she visibly felt the creature stagger as if it was suddenly aware of what she was trying to do!

‘He’s right!’ Elita thought, wishing that she had actually aimed at this spot before.

It didn’t seem like she actually managed to destroy whatever it was at its chest as when her attacks shattered the creature’s armour, there was nothing but broken bones behind!

“RAAAAR!” The undead roared once more as a thick stream of darkness spewed from its body and threatened to devour Elita!

‘This again!’

Elita quickly retreated but right then, the other hand of the undead pointed in her direction, issuing the curse!

Elita felt her flesh once again begin to squirm as the curse activated!


The Undead rushed her as it knew full well that unlike that floating Knight, this woman was not immune to her attacks!

Its blade descended onto Elita who was preparing to cut away the growing red dogs on her flesh but…

A valiant Knight had already foreseen the danger that the woman was in and begun rushing to her specific location before the undead even moved!

Due to the speed of the attack, Red Rage didn’t have the time to be picky about how to receive it so he through himself in front Elita, the heavy blade smashing onto his caped back while the force pushed Elita a distance to safety!

A shockwave erupted but Red Rage was not harmed.

Instead, he quickly got up and grabbed the Dadao sword, pulling down with all his might!

“StoP MedDliNg!!” the undead roared as its other hands began unloading vicious magic attacks on Red Rage!


The lightning, fire and wind were particularly damaging as the silver armour that Red Rage donned couldn’t take the punishment, beginning to tear away even as it was protected by the hazy gold of [Pelvis Boar-Man Majestic Attire]!


“Valiant female!” Red Rage called.

Elita who had just sliced off the dogs on her shoulder again while bearing the unimaginable pain rushed forward as she weaved to and fro to try and avoid being targeted by the arm that delivered the curse!

‘I don’t know what exactly is at the chest of this monster. I can deal with that later. For now…’ Elita thought while putting all her focus on her next attack, her body lowering as she zoomed at super speed up to the undead that still focused on Red Rage who pulled on its Dadao sword. ‘… I’ll strike the head!’

Elita’s sword brightened as she activated her fastest skill.

Rising Star, Arching Glory!

Her sword literally screeched as it blitzed through space while arching upwards in a beautiful slash!

The thick darkness that was still spewing from the undead made her struggle but her sword was relentless, flashing with a bright white light as it decimated the undead’s head the moment it made contact!

The undead’s head exploded under the attack, a neck stump being left behind where only charred bone could be seen yet…

The undead still struggled!

Its arms pulled on Red Rage who wanted to keep it in place while it suddenly went berserk and bombarded the entire area around it with terrifying magic attacks!


‘Damn it!’ Elita withdrew from the darkness and the raging elements as she felt herself get weaker again.

She couldn’t push herself to use another attack immediately but… the valiant Knight who had saved her life was still holding on!

She couldn’t waste the chance he had created!

She had to push forward!

Like a true Knight!

Like a Paladin Champion!

“NNNNGH!” Elita’s growled as she tried to charge for another attack to pierce through the undead’s armour where something was buried but the weakness was real.

It was too much..

She was worn out.

What could she do?

They were so close.


The sound of lightning with a hair raising presence shook the air as a red glow came from a distance away, the solution making its way to the battlefield!

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