Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Chapter 2153: The Eel and the Snake Island

Chapter 2153: The Eel and the Snake Island

Just like Long Xiang said, the group didn’t encounter any problem. They didn’t even meet a small fish. Zhao Hai also received some of the river water to be analyzed by the Space. He expects that the river water was toxic, thus it couldn’t be inhabited by beasts. But to Zhao Hai’s surprise, the water wasn’t toxic. The water was even quite nutritious. This confused Zhao Hai.

At this time, Zhao Hai felt something fast approaching in front of him. This incident wasn’t discovered by his normal spiritual force but instead by the golden spiritual force. Zhao Hai immediately stopped and then said, “Everyone, be careful. Something is coming.”

As soon as Zhao Hai said this, he found that Long Xiang had already waved his hand to stop everyone. Then Long Xiang turned his head and gave a nod towards Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai nodded back to Long Xiang. He discovered that Long Xiang also found out that something was approaching. This showed that Long Xiang’s spiritual force was very formidable. At the very least, Long Xiang’s spiritual force was much stronger compared to others.

Before long, the others also felt that something was approaching. They couldn’t help but be alert. On the other hand, Zhao Hai kept his calm. He discovered that Deng Wen and the other people who had experience with the underground world weren’t nervous. This meant that what was approaching wasn’t dangerous.

Before long, Zhao Hai saw what was approaching. It was a beast in the shape of an eel. But compared to ordinary eels, this beast was ten meters thick. It had large canine teeth that made it look far from friendly.

When the huge eel saw Long Xiang, it immediately swam over with its mouth open. Besides Deng Wen and the others who had been here before, only Zhao Hai remained calm. Zhao Hai dealt with all kinds of beasts. He found that the eel wasn’t trying to hurt Long Xiang. On the contrary, the eel looked happy.

Sure enough, when the eel swam next to Long Xiang, it rubbed its huge body on Long Xiang. Long Xiang also patted the eel’s body before he looked at everyone and ordered, “Let’s go and follow this big fellow.”

Everyone nodded and followed behind the huge eel. Although they weren’t afraid of running out of breath after several hours of traveling, traveling in water is more difficult than traveling on land. They were beginning to feel tired.

The huge eel turned its body and formed a huge water tunnel. Long Xiang immediately followed the huge eel with everyone closely behind. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Before long, Zhao Hai and the others discovered a very long underwater tunnel. The walls of the tunnel were very smooth. The eel looked comfortable inside the tunnel; it was as if it was its home.

Moreover, people discovered that the tunnel was heading upward. After a while, there was light. It didn’t take long before everyone realized that they arrived in an underground lake. They were moving towards the lake surface.

When the group reached the island, Long Xiang suddenly said, “Halt!” Everyone was stunned for a moment before stopping. Then they saw Long Xiang wave his hand. Several droplets of water appeared in his hand which were divided into a thousand drops. Each person had a drop of water on their body. Only then did Long Xiang say, “Don’t go recklessly onto the island. If you go like this, who knows if you’ll survive or not.”

People immediately understood Long Xiang’s words. They couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. The temptation on land was too great, so they wanted to go on land as soon as possible. But as soon as they stepped foot on the island, they felt their body becoming immobilized. Even if they used their techniques, they remained static.

At this time, Long Xiang and the others arrived on the island. Zhao Hai was following closely behind them. When he saw the situation on the island, Zhao Hai couldn’t help but be surprised. He quickly understood Long Xiang’s point. There really were a lot of poisonous snakes on the island.

There were trees growing on the island, but there were even more rocks. Whether it be the trees or the rocks, there were snakes everywhere. The snakes were large or small, thick, thin, bright, or dark colored. The number of snakes was so big that nobody could count them in one glance. Anyone who saw this scene would feel their scalp numb.

Long Xiang looked at those who stepped on the island first and smiled faintly. Then he turned to Deng Wen and said, “Old Wen, don’t you think that the kids are getting more and more impatient? Do you remember the last time we came here?”

Deng Wen looked at the scared cultivators and said, “A bit more patient than them.”

Long Xiang laughed, then he turned his head and said, “There’s no need to be afraid. You have been smeared with snake liquid. The snakes will treat you as their own. Even if you lie down and sleep, they won’t bite you.”

As soon as they heard this, everyone began to calm down. Then they looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Anyone could see the strength of the snakes; it wasn’t wrong for them to be afraid. Not only were the snakes numerous, but some of the snakes have also reached the Teleportation Stage.

Although they knew that the snakes wouldn’t do anything to them, the newcomers were still wary of the snakes. Everyone found a place to sit down close to the shore.

Long Xiang looked at the newcomers and couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Among the newcomers, only those from the Imperial Beast Sect dared to approach the snakes. The people from the other sects didn’t dare get close to the snakes. Long Xiang discovered that the cultivators were becoming more and more timid.

At this time, Long Xiang discovered a person getting near to the snakes. The person wasn’t walking quickly, but they didn’t have any wariness in their approach. Conversely, they looked like they were walking around their backyard. This person was Zhao Hai.

Long Xiang saw Zhao Hai’s appearance and couldn’t help but stare. Then he smiled faintly. His impression of Zhao Hai was already very good. And now, Zhao Hai didn’t disappoint him. Out of everyone, only Zhao Hai dared to get so close to the poisonous snakes.

Zhao Hai didn’t pay attention to the gazes of the others. He approached a rock with a huge colorful snake beneath it. The snake was curled into a bowl as though it was sleeping.

But when Zhao Hai approached, the snake raised its body and hissed. Seeing this, Long Xiang’s expression couldn’t help but change. He immediately shouted, “Little Hai, be careful. You have entered its territory. It might attack.” The others also looked at Zhao Hai. Some were secretly worried while some were happy.

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